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For which of the listed classes of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent ().

Class A and class B


Class B and class C


Class A and class C


Class C, class D, and class E


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更多 “单选题For which of the listed classes of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent ().A Class A and class BB Class B and class CC Class A and class CD Class C, class D, and class E” 相关考题
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考题 Businesses and professional services are listed in a special ( ) directory. A.ClassifiedB.ClassicalC.classD.classes

考题 Which of the listed classes of fire would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?A.Classes A and BB.Classes B and CC.Classes C and DD.Classes A and D

考题 Fires of which class would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel ________.A.Classes A and BB.Classes B and CC.Classes C and DD.Classes A and D

考题 A datacenter manager would like to ensure that all fire suppression in the datacenter is safe for the equipment in the room. Which of the following classifications should be listed on the fire suppression system?()A、AB、BC、CD、D

考题 单选题Which of the listed pressure control valves would be used to establish the maximum operating pressure of a hydraulic system?()A Pressure-reducing valveB Unloading valveC Counterbalance valveD Pressure-relief valve

考题 单选题Which of the listed burning materials would be described as a class "B" fire?()A AcetyleneB Lube oilC GreaseD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the listed fire extinguishers cannot be easily recharged aboard ship?()A Soda acidB Carbon dioxideC Dry chemicalD Cartridge-operated Foam

考题 单选题For which of the listed classes of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent ().A Class A and class BB Class B and class CC Class A and class CD Class C, class D, and class E

考题 单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?()A Commence draining that tank as quickly as possibleB Seal off all vents to that tankC Activate the CO2 system to that tankD Shut off the steam heating coils

考题 单选题Which of the listed classes of fire would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?()A Classes A and BB Classes B and CC Classes C and DD Classes A and D

考题 单选题You notice smoke coming from an open laundry room doorway.After activating the fire alarm,which of the following would you do FIRST().A Attempt to determine what is burningB Acquire the nearest self contained breathing apparatusC Break out the nearest fire hoseD Wait for the fire team to arrive and assist as directed

考题 单选题If a CO2 fire extinguisher is not readily available, which of the listed fire extinguishers would be best suited to combat a small electrical fire in a switchboard?()A Dry chemicalB HalonC Low velocity fogD Steam

考题 单选题Which of the listed classes of fire is considered as one involving electrical equipment?()A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题On a class B fire,which portable fire extinguisher would be the LEAST desirable?()A Carbon dioxideB Water (stored pressure)C Dry chemicalD Foam

考题 单选题If ignited,which material would be a class B fire?()A MagnesiumB PaperC WoodD Diesel Oil

考题 单选题Which of the listed materials would be considered as a bunting class "C" fire?()A Fuel oilB WoodC CelluloidD Electrical insulation

考题 单选题If ignited, which of the listed materials would be a class "B" fire?()A MagnesiumB PaperC WoodD Diesel Oil

考题 单选题Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?()A CO2B FoamC Water fogD Soda acid

考题 单选题Which of the listed extinguishing agents is NOT suitable for fighting a liquid paint fire?()A Dry chemicalB FoamC WaterD Carbon dioxide

考题 单选题Which of the fire extinguishers listed is to be weighed annually and sent ashore for recharging if the weight loss exceeds 10% of the weight of a full charge?()A FoamB Soda acidC Dry chemicalD Carbon dioxide

考题 单选题Which of the listed fire extinguishers is recommended for use on an electrical switchboard fire?()A CO2B ABC dry chemicalC CO2 propelled foamD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the actions listed should be taken by the engineer on watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously for 10 seconds?()A Engine room ventilation should be startedB Main engines should be securedC The fire pump should be startedD The fixed CO2 system should be activated

考题 单选题On a tank vessel, which of the following substances would be burning in a class "B" fire?()A OilB WoodC RagsD Electrical wiring

考题 单选题In which of the areas listed is a fire resulting from spontaneous combustion most likely to occur?()A Engine room bilgesB Paint lockerC Battery storage lockerD Fuel oil tank

考题 单选题Fire and lifeboat stations are required to be listed on the ().A ships articlesB muster listC bunk cardD forecastle card

考题 单选题If a crankcase explosion occurs in a diesel engine, which of the listed actions should be taken?()A Open the crankcase immediately to check for damageB Apply fire fighting water through the crankcase breatherC Allow the engine to cool before opening the crankcaseD Assume that there is no damage to the crankshaft

考题 单选题Which of the listed devices would be installed at a control system air pressure reducing station?()A Moisture separatorB Vacuum breakerC LubricatorD Non-return valve