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You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to log on to a Web site. You implement the login logic using a Login control named Login1. The membership data for the application is stored in a SQL Express database in the App_Data directory. You need to configure your application so that the membership data is stored in a local Microsoft SQL Server database. You add the following code segment to the Web.config file. Which two additional actions should you perform? ()

Use Aspnet_regsql.exe to create the Microsoft SQL Server database.


Set Login1's MembershipProvider property to MySqlProviderConnection.


Add the following code segment to the Web.config file. <connectionStrings> <add name=MySqlProviderConnection connectionString=valid connection string /></connectionStrings>


Add the following code segment to the Web.config file. <appSettings><add key=MySqlProviderConnection value=valid connection string /></appSettings>


In the ASP.NET configuration settings within IIS, ensure that Role Management Enabled is selected.


Use the Web Site Administration Tool to select AspNetSqlMembershipProvider as the membership provider for your application.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to log on to a Web site. You implement the login logic using a Login control named Login1. The membership data for the application is stored in a SQL Express database in the App_Data directory. You need to configure your application so that the membership data is stored in a local Microsoft SQL Server database. You add the following code segment to the Web.config file. Which two additional actions should you perform? ()AUse Aspnet_regsql.exe to create the Microsoft SQL Server database.BSet Login1's MembershipProvider property to MySqlProviderConnection.CAdd the following code segment to the Web.config file. connectionStrings add name=MySqlProviderConnection connectionString=valid connection string //connectionStringsDAdd the following code segment to the Web.config file. appSettingsadd key=MySqlProviderConnection value=valid connection string //appSettingsEIn the ASP.NET configuration settings within IIS, ensure that Role Management Enabled is selected.FUse the Web Site Administration Tool to select AspNetSqlMembershipProvider as the membership provider for your application.” 相关考题
考题 You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form. You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、Include a data source identified as "WebPartConnection1" on the Web Form.B、Include a Web Part identified as "customerPart" on the Web Form.C、Include a Web Part identified as "ordersPart" on the Web Form.D、Ensure that you declare an interface named "IOrdersPart".E、Ensure that you declare an interface named "ICustomerPart".F、Ensure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()A、Add a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.B、Add a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.C、Embed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.D、Embed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.E、Set the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.F、Set the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.

考题 You create a Web Form. You need to add controls that use adaptive rendering to display content. The type of content rendered must depend on the device that is requesting the page. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()A、Add custom controls that emit XHTML to the Web Form.B、Add custom controls that emit WML to the Web Form.C、Add mobile controls to the Web Form.D、Add Web server controls to the Web Form.

考题 You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to recover their passwords. You add a PasswordRecovery server control by using the following code segment.You need to ensure that the server control generates a new password and sends it by e-mail to the users e?mail address. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Create a valid definition in the Web.config file.B、Set the passwordFormat attribute of the configured membership provider to Encrypted.C、Ensure that the enablePasswordRetrieval attribute of the configured membership provider is set to False.D、Ensure that the enablePasswordRetrieval attribute of the configured membership provider is set to True.

考题 You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to log on to a Web site. You implement the login logic using a Login control named Login1. The membership data for the application is stored in a SQL Express database in the App_Data directory. You need to configure your application so that the membership data is stored in a local Microsoft SQL Server database. You add the following code segment to the Web.config file. Which two additional actions should you perform?()A、Use Aspnet_regsql.exe to create the Microsoft SQL Server database.B、Set Login1's MembershipProvider property to MySqlProviderConnection.C、Add the following code segment to the Web.config file.connectionStrings add name="MySqlProviderConnection" connectionString="valid connection string" //connectionStringsD、Add the following code segment to the Web.config file.appSettingsadd key="MySqlProviderConnection" value="valid connection string" //appSettingsE、In the ASP.NET configuration settings within IIS, ensure that Role Management Enabled is selected.F、Use the Web Site Administration Tool to select AspNetSqlMembershipProvider as the membership provider for your application.

考题 单选题You are creating a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to rename or delete products in a list. You create a DataTable named dtProducts that is bound to a GridView. DataTable has the following four rows. dtProducts. Rows(0)("ProductName") = "Soap"dtProducts. Rows(1)("ProductName") = "Book"dtProducts. Rows(2)("ProductName") = "Computer"dtProducts. Rows(3)("ProductName") = "Spoon"dtProducts. AcceptChanges( ) The user utilizes a Web Form to delete the first product. You need to set the RowStateFilter property of the DataTables DefaultView so that only products that have not been deleted are shown. To which value should you set the DataTabless DefaultView.RowStateFilter?()A Data View Row State.Modified OriginalB Data View Row State.Modified CurrentC Data View Row State.Current RowsD Data View Row State.Added

考题 多选题You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()AAdd a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.BAdd a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.CEmbed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.DEmbed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.ESet the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.FSet the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that allows users to create a new account. You add a CreateUserWizard control by using the following code segment.You need to ensure that the wizard automatically sends an e-mail message to users when they finish creating their accounts. You add a valid element to the Web.config file. Which code segment should you add to the Page_Load event?()A Wizard1.RequireEmail = TrueB Wizard1.Email = user@address.comC Wizard1.MailDefinition.From = registration@mysite.comD SmtpMail.SmtpServer = mail.contoso.com

考题 多选题You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to recover their passwords. You add a PasswordRecovery server control by using the following code segment.You need to ensure that the server control generates a new password and sends it by e-mail to the users e?mail address. Which two actions should you perform? ()ACreate a valid definition in the Web.config file.BSet the passwordFormat attribute of the configured membership provider to Encrypted.CEnsure that the enablePasswordRetrieval attribute of the configured membership provider is set to False.DEnsure that the enablePasswordRetrieval attribute of the configured membership provider is set to True.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to calculate values and display the results in a label named lblResults. You need to capture all unhandled exceptions on the Web Form through the Error event. The Error event must capture each unhandled exception and display it on the Web Form. Which code segment should you use?()A protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = e.ToString(); e=null;}B protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = Server.GetLastError().ToString(); Server.ClearError();}C protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(e.ToString()); e=null;}D protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(Server.GetLastError().ToString()); Server.ClearError();}

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that contains a button named btnCancel that enables users to exit the page. When users click this button, validation must not occur. During testing you learn that clicking the Cancel button does not enable users to exit the page. You need to ensure that users can always exit the page. What should you do? ()A Set the Enabled property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.B Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to False.C Set the CausesValidation property of the btnCancel button to True.D Set the Visible property of the validation controls on the Web Form to False.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do?()A Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set the ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 单选题You are creating a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to rename or delete products in a list. You create a DataTable named dtProducts that is bound to a GridView. DataTable has the following four rows. dtProducts. Rows[0]["ProductName"] = “Soap”;dtProducts. Rows[1][“ProductName”]= “Book”;dtProducts. Rows[2][“ProductName”]= “Computer”;dtProducts. Rows[3][“ProductName”]= “Spoon”;dtProducts. AcceptChanges( ); The user utilizes a Web Form to delete the first product. You need to set the RowStateFilter property of the DataTables DefaultView so that only products that have not been deleted are shown. To which value should you set the DataTabless DefaultView.RowStateFilter? ()A Data V iewRowState.ModifiedOriginal;B Data V iewRowState.ModifiedCurrent;C Data V iewRowState.CurrentRows;D Data V iewRowState.Added;