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经济评估(Economic Evaluation)


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更多 “名词解释题经济评估(Economic Evaluation)” 相关考题
考题 The profitability and technical data studies are provided in report format to owners and funders for acceptance. This type of report, used to solicit funding, is referred to as a(n) _____.A . Project feasibility study.B . Economic evaluation analysis.C . Risk management manual.D . Prospectus.E . None of the above

考题 122 The profitability and technical data studies are provided in report format to owners and funders for acceptance. This type of report, used to solicit funding, is referred to as a(n) _____.A. Project feasibility study.B. Economic evaluation analysis.C. Risk management manual.D. Prospectus.E. None of the above

考题 粗放型经济增长方式 extensive economic growth mode() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 经济效率(Economic efficiency)

考题 生产的经济区域(Economic region of production)

考题 Net economic wefare(NEW)净经济福利

考题 Rent, economic(or pure economic rent) 经济租或纯经济租

考题 Drug Evaluation

考题 ( )is not the advantage of GERT(graphical evaluation and review techniques) as compared with PERT(project evaluation and review techniques)A.allowing loopingB.allowing for dummy tasksC.allowing branchingD.allowing multiple project end results

考题 To establish the evaluation index system of evaluation of students' all-round development must include__________ .A.subject learning goals B.general development goals C.subject learning goals and general development goals D.emotional goals

考题 Which one of the following methods is not formative evaluation?A.questionnaire survey B.final examination C.portfolio D.evaluation scale

考题 Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced()A、economic recessionB、economic expansionC、economic declineD、economic depression

考题 自我评价(self evaluation)

考题 评估板(evaluation board)又称()

考题 20世纪80年代后期,保罗·罗默等开创了内生经济增长模型(Endogenous Economic Growth)。

考题 经济阈值(economic threshold)

考题 简述norm-referenced evaluation的定义。

考题 ( )is not the advantage of GERT (Graphical evaluation and review techniques)as compared with PERT (project evaluation and review techniques). A、Allowing loopingB、Allowing for dummy tasksC、Allowing branchingD、Allowing multiple project end results

考题 GB/T18336《信息技术安全性评估准则》是测评标准类中的重要标准,该标准定义了保护轮廓( ProtectionProfile,PP)和安全目标( Security Target ,ST评估准则)提出了评估保证级( Evaluation Assurance Level,EAL),其评估保证级共分为()个递增的评估保证等级。A、4B、5C、6D、7

考题 FIM 中初始评估(Initial Evaluation)的目的是()A、判断该故障是否是间歇性的B、判断该故障可能的原因C、列出该任务的参考信息D、列出故障隔离的步骤

考题 问答题什么是静态评价(static evaluation)?什么是动态评价(dynamic evaluation)?它们各有哪些特点?

考题 单选题To establish the evaluation index system of evaluation of students’ all-round development must include _____.A subject learning goalsB general development goalsC subject learning goals general development goalsD emotional goals

考题 名词解释题同行评价(colleague evaluation)

考题 名词解释题经济阈值(economic threshold)

考题 填空题评估板(evaluation board)又称()

考题 单选题“3E”措施是防止事故的三根支柱,三个方面措施相辅相成,同时进行,缺一不可。其中不包含有()A 技术(Engineering)B 评估(Evaluation)C 教育(Education)D 管理(Enforcement)

考题 名词解释题经济最佳施肥量 economic optimum application rate