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John succeeded()what he wanted

to get  


to getting  


in getting  


and getting


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更多 “单选题John succeeded()what he wantedA to getB to gettingC in gettingD and getting” 相关考题
考题 –Uncle John has cancer and it has spread throughout his body.–(). A、What a shock.B、It’s impossible.C、He is a good man.D、He must go to the hospital.

考题 When ________, John did not reply. (A) he asking what his name was(B) was asked what his name was(C) asking what John’s name was(D) asked what his name was

考题 After seeing the film, _________ . A.the book was read to himB.the book he wanted to readC.he wanted to read the bookD.he wanted the reading of the book

考题 What did the guards do when Peter started gathering the money?A.They let him do what he wanted to.B.They called the police.C.They helped him find large bills.D.They pressed the alarm.

考题 John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work hasmade him what he is today.A. whyB. whenC. whichD. that

考题 He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics

考题 John Pentanol was appointed as risk manager at HZ Company a year ago and he decided that his first task was to examine the risks that faced the company. He concluded that the company faced three major risks, which he assessed by examining the impact that would occur if the risk were to materialise. He assessed Risk 1 as being of low potential impact as even if it materialised it would have little effect on the company’s strategy. Risk 2 was assessed as being of medium potential impact whilst a third risk, Risk 3, was assessed as being of very high potential impact.When John realised the potential impact of Risk 3 materialising, he issued urgent advice to the board to withdraw from the activity that gave rise to Risk 3 being incurred. In the advice he said that the impact of Risk 3 was potentially enormous and it would be irresponsible for HZ to continue to bear that risk.The company commercial director, Jane Xylene, said that John Pentanol and his job at HZ were unnecessary and that risk management was ‘very expensive for the benefits achieved’. She said that all risk managers do is to tell people what can’t be done and that they are pessimists by nature. She said she wanted to see entrepreneurial risk takers in HZ and not risk managers who, she believed, tended to discourage enterprise.John replied that it was his job to eliminate all of the highest risks at HZ Company. He said that all risk was bad and needed to be eliminated if possible. If it couldn’t be eliminated, he said that it should be minimised.(a) The risk manager has an important role to play in an organisation’s risk management.Required:(i) Describe the roles of a risk manager. (4 marks)(ii) Assess John Pentanol’s understanding of his role. (4 marks)(b) With reference to a risk assessment framework as appropriate, criticise John’s advice that HZ shouldwithdraw from the activity that incurs Risk 3. (6 marks)(c) Jane Xylene expressed a particular view about the value of risk management in HZ Company. She also said that she wanted to see ‘entrepreneurial risk takers’.Required:(i) Define ‘entrepreneurial risk’ and explain why it is important to accept entrepreneurial risk in businessorganisations; (4 marks)(ii) Critically evaluate Jane Xylene’s view of risk management. (7 marks)

考题 He was sure to be successful, for he had always succeeded ________ whatever he tried.A.ofB.atC.inD.for

考题 -- Hi, is John there, please?-- _____A. Hold on, I'll get him.B. No, he isn't here.C. Yes, he lives here.D. yes, what do you want.

考题 What will John provide for using Miller’s trademark() A. He is going to devote the labor force.B. He is going to pay a sum of money.C. He is going to build a new plant.

考题 What did John ask Linda to do for him () A.He asked her to meet the guests.B.He asked her to make a detailed schedule for him.C.He asked her to make a cup of tea for him.

考题 Why did David call John() A. He wanted to meet an old friend.B. He wanted to ask for compensation.C. He wanted to talk about a new contract.

考题 Why did John pay a visit to Miller() A. He wanted to buy a set of equipment.B. He planned to sign an agreement.C.He’d like to talk about the trademark transfer.

考题 John has a good sense of humor,he often tells stories ____. A.what people laugh atB.that people laugh atC.which people laughD. at what people laugh at

考题 The fact () he succeeded in the experiment pleased everybody.A、blankB、whichC、thatD、while

考题 He moved to Philadelphia because______.A.his brother didn’t like himB.he became the editor of the paperC.he wanted to be dependentD.he wanted to live on himself

考题 What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review? (  )A.He specializes in articles focusing on history B.He agrees with the ideas presented in the book C.He hopes technology will become less important to business D.He is training to work in corporate mergers

考题 John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work__________ hasmade him what he is today.A.why B.when C.which D.that

考题 Although he knew little about the largeamount of work done in the field, he succeeded _____________ other morewell-informed experimenters failed.A.which B.that C.what D.where

考题 --Why does John speak through everydiscussion but never listen to the others? --That what he ___________ do, we used tohate that, but are used to it now. A.can B.might C.ought to D.will

考题 John succeeded()what he wantedAto getBto gettingCin gettingDand getting

考题 单选题Why did she want Michael Jackson’s manager to be her manager too?A She knew he was associated with many record producers.B She was impressed by what he had done for Michael Jackson.C She wanted to be more famous than Michael Jackson.

考题 单选题Why did the man want to smoke cigarettes?A Because he was sure he was to be killed.B Because he wanted to ease his nervousness.C Because he wanted to talk to the guard.D Because he was used to smoking cigarettes.

考题 单选题-Why does John speak through every discussion but never listen to the others?-That what he____do, we used to hate that, but are used to it now.A canB mightC ought toD will

考题 单选题He tried several times to pass the exam. ______ the end, he succeeded.A OnB InC AtD By

考题 单选题The bank clerk listened carefully ______ he could discover exactly what the client wanted.A in case thatB now thatC so thatD provided that

考题 单选题A They let him do what he wanted to.B They helped him find large bills.C They pressed the alarm.D They called the police.