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The anchors on the bow are known as().

bower anchors


kedge anchors


spare anchors


stream anchors


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更多 “单选题The anchors on the bow are known as().A bower anchorsB kedge anchorsC spare anchorsD stream anchors” 相关考题
考题 ___ (首推) stop.A.Bow thrustB.Bow thrusterC.Stern thrustD.Stern thruster

考题 首推全速向右!A.Bow stern full to port!B.Bow stern half to port!C.Bow thrust full to starboard !D.Bow thrust full to port!

考题 The anchors on the bow are known as ______.A.bower anchorsB.kedge anchorsC.spare anchorsD.stream anchors


考题 You are proceeding down a channel and lose the engine(s).You must use the anchors to stop the ship.Which statement is true ________.A.Pay out all of the cable before setting up on the brake to insure the anchors dig in and holdB.For a mud,mud and clay,or sandy bottom pay out a scope of 5 to 7 times the depth before setting up on the brakeC.Use one or both anchors with a scope of twice the depth before setting the brakeD.Drop the anchor to short stay and hold that scope

考题 The rudders are amidships and both screws are going ahead.What will happen if the starboard screw is stopped ________.A.The bow will go to portB.The bow will go to starboardC.The bow will remain steadyD.The stern will go to starboard

考题 首推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Bow thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

考题 尾推半速向右!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow stern half to port!C、Stern thrust half to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

考题 The ()part of the ship on port is called the port bow.A、aftB、forwardC、headD、bow

考题 首推全速向左!()A、Bow stern full to port!B、Bow thrust half to port!C、Bow thrust full to starboard !D、Bow thrust full to port!

考题 WALK OUT ANCHORS.的意思是:走锚。

考题 单选题You are proceeding down a channel and lose the engine(s).You must use the anchors to stop the ship.Which statement is true().A Pay out all of the cable before setting up on the brake to insure the anchors dig in and holdB For a mud,mud and clay,or sandy bottom pay out a scope of 5 to 7 times the depth before setting up on the brakeC Use one or both anchors with a scope of twice the depth before setting the brakeD Drop the anchor to short stay and hold that scope

考题 单选题What is the most important difference between the bow type anchor shackle and the D-type anchor shackle? ()A The bow type shackle provides a superior connectionB The D-type shackle is weaker than the bow typeC The bow type shackle is weaker than the D-typeD The D-type shackle provides an inferior connection

考题 单选题()both anchors.A DragB DredgeC WeighD Lie

考题 单选题A towline should be fastened to().A the chocks at the bow of a towed vesselB the most forward,centermost point of a towed vessel such asa sturdy bow railC the mast of a towed sailboatD a secure fitting near the bow of the towed vessel

考题 单选题A towline should be fastened to().A the chocks at the bow of a towed vesselB the most forward,centermost point of a towed vessel such as a sturdy bow railC the mast of a towed sailboatD a secure fitting near the bow of the towed vessel

考题 单选题The effect known as bank cushion acts in which of the following ways on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel? ()A It forces the bow away from the bankB It forces the stern away from the bankC It forces the entire vessel away from the bankD It heels the vessel toward the bank

考题 单选题() are used to handle anchors and chains.A Cargo winchesB Mooring winchesC WindlassesD Cargo hatches

考题 单选题备双锚。()A Let go both anchors.B Drop both anchors.C Stand by two anchors.D Stand by both anchors.

考题 单选题To reduce the number of strakes at the bow,two strakes are tapered and joined at their ends by a single plate. This plate is known as a().A cover plateB joinerC lap strakeD stealer plate

考题 单选题How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?().A It pulls the bow toward the bankB It pushes the entire vessel away from the bankC It pulls the stern toward the bankD It heels the vessel toward the bank

考题 单选题When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A left sideB starboard sideC port sideD port bow

考题 单选题The order “Bow thrust stop” means “()”.A Bow thrust full to pertB Bow thrust full to starboardC No bow thrust revolutionsD No stern thrust revolutions

考题 单选题Mooring with two bow anchors has which major advantage over anchoring with one bow anchor? ().A The vessel will not reverse direction in a tidal currentB The radius of the vessel's swing will be shortenedC A mooring approach may be made from any directionD The vessel will not swing with a change in wind

考题 单选题They should ()care of anchors to ensure that they are in normal condition.A tookB takeC takingD taken

考题 单选题Which of the following radar contacts will present the most immediate danger?().A A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is changing and range is decreasingB A vessel on the starboard bow whose bearing is steady and range is increasingC A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is steady and range is decreasingD A vessel on the port bow whose bearing is changing to the left and range decreasing

考题 单选题从船艏贯穿至船艉的甲板叫主甲板。()A The deck from bow to stern is called the main deck.B The deck from stern to bow is called the tweendeck.C The deck from bow to stern is called the upper deck.D The deck from stern to bow is called the lower deck.