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()with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.

If you compare


Compare them


When compared


A comparison


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更多 “单选题()with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.A If you compareB Compare themC When comparedD A comparison” 相关考题
考题 Do you want to try on these shoes to see _______ they’ re the right size? A.asB.soC.thatD.if

考题 The old man said,“(),they cannot grow any higher.” A、Highly as these mountains areB、High as are these mountainsC、High as these mountains areD、Though high are the mountains

考题 —Do you like this coat , madam ?—Well, it’s a bit too large. Do you have this coat of () size? A、the smallerB、a smallerC、a smallestD、a small

考题 According to the passage, which is true about the ocean?A. The waters of the ocean came from rain water.B. The ocean was formed from the, lighter rock materials.C. The vast single ocean formed about 200 million years ago.D. The ocean covered the whole surface of the earth at very beginning.

考题 Just a couple of days ago, climbers, backed by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), returned from the Himalayas, where they gathered first-hand accounts from monks, local people and other travelers on the state of the environment of the world's most famous mountain range. They have recorded in words, in photographs, and on film, the dramatic impacts that global warming is having on glaciers, causing them to rapidly thaw, and build up melt waters in mountain lakes. As a result, these lakes could soon burst, sending millions of tons of water and rubble swirling down the valleys threatening life and limb. // The expedition has also looked at the impacts of tourism on the mountains, concluding that much of what is happening is environmentally damaging, and a burden on the people, wildlife and landscapes of these once pristine wilderness areas. //Every year World Environment Day is an occasion to pause and reflect on the state of the environment. This year especially, faced with the findings of our climbers, in the International Year of the Mountains, I urge you to "Give Earth a Chance". I ask you to look at our daily impact on the planet and its peoples, and to take action to improve our environmental behavior. //Although mountains have been revered since time began, such beliefs are no longer enough to preserve fragile mountain ecosystems, for the well-being of all. We face an immense challenge, the challenge of ensuring their stability and preservation for the generations to come. //Mountains are our water-towers. Mountains are a major source of energy. Mountains feed those living on them. Mountain ecosystems are linked to life in the lowlands, to freshwater and to the seas. Mountains are islands of rich biological and cultural diversity, home to unique plants, animals, languages and traditions. //Sustainable development is a must. We need to combine the environmental dimension with social activity and economic development. This must be our common target, especially in mountain regions. Without sustainable development we cannot solve the problems. It is not enough to simply say we have a conservation plan for nature, and natural resources. // We must give people a chance to live and survive in these regions, therefore we need jobs; we need a perspective for young people to remain there and not go to the big cities. Mountains are virtual treasure chests of untapped economic potential—vital to sustainable development. This was recognized by the Earth Summit in Rio. //Mountains attract tourists, but tourism has to be well managed to minimize impact on sensitive mountain environments. Respect should be the byword of the tourists, and tour operators, that bring people into contact with local people and landscapes, //The respect includes paying local people a decent wage, sourcing local food and materials where possible, and observing local customs, beliefs and traditions. Tourists are guests in other peoples' ecosystems and should behave as such. Mountains as a resource HAVE to be valued, and some of that value has to benefit mountain dwellers. Earnings from tourism should be shared equitably between all stakeholders. //Especially this year, the International Year of Ecotourism, every effort should be made to promote Ecotourism in mountains. For some communities and regions, sustainable tourism can be a first step towards sustainable development. Let us hope that all societies will come to revere mountains, and thus be motivated to invest in them, preserve this unique asset, and in turn reap benefit from it. //On this World Environment Day let us all begin to act for the conservation not only of the mountains, but the sea, the land, water and the air too. Let us act to give the Earth a chance. An unpolluted pristine environment is vital to our survival, a precious resource, which will only endu

考题 -Henry, what do you think of the new team? - ________ , I think the team is starting to get along quite nicely. A Yes, you're right ;B Not so good ;C Very well on the whole

考题 I wonder () (what do you want) (变成间接特殊疑问句)on earth.

考题 _____, women prefer brighter colors than men do.A: As a wholeB: To the wholeC: On the wholeD: In the whole

考题 Salesman:______Customer:Yes. What size is that green T-shirt?A、Anything I can do for you?B、Do you want to buy anything?C、Excuse me, what are you doing?D、Are you just looking around?

考题 What do we know about golf from the passage?A. It is popular in Portugal and SpainB. It causes water shortages around the worldC. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastesD. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green

考题 What do the words "Chelyabinsk' and "Irkutsk" refer to?A. Countries.B. Mountains.C. Rivers.D. Cities.

考题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一个25分钟的听力教学活动。 教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:25分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材: Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates. At San Francisco, the Pacific plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the North American plate. The Pacific plate is moving very slowly--at 5.3 centimeters a year. Sometimes these two plates stop and do not move for years. Then suddenly, they jump and an earthquake is felt. As a result of the movement of these plates, California has always had a lot of earthquakes. When the 1906 earthquake happened, the Pacific plate jumped 5-6 meters to the north. China also has an unlucky place on the earth. The Pacific plate is also pushing on China from the east as the plate moves west. Likewise, the Indian plate is pushing on China from the southwest as that plate moves northeast. The same power that produced the great Himalayan Mountains now causes earthquakes in China. We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy whole cities. First, it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines where two of the earth's plates join together. Second, if you think there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock than on sand. Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Preserve the EnvironmentThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands into farmland,and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains tobuild roads and railways.However,man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles;smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea,pollution from oil is increasing and is killing enor- mous numbers of algae(水藻),fish and birds.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed. The same problem exists in rivers.Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to sur-vive on earth.Who would most probably disagree with conservationists?A:Industrialists.B:Ecologists.C:Businessmen.D:Environmentalists.

考题 共用题干 第三篇Preserve the EnvironmentThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodlands into farmland,and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains tobuild roads and railways.However,man's changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles;smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea,pollution from oil is increasing and is killing enor- mous numbers of algae(水藻),fish and birds.The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed. The same problem exists in rivers.Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.Conservationists believe that it is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to sur-vive on earth.Man has changed his physical environment with a view to_________.A:altering the physical features of the earth B:modifying the face of the planetC:improving his surroundings'D:bettering his way of life

考题 ――I'm looking for a shirt for my father.――____Size 40.A.What size do you wear? B.What can I do for you? C.How about this one? D.What size does your father wear?

考题 共用题干 第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.There is more of rainfall________.A:over the mountains than over the riversB:over the rivers than over the mountainsC:over the land than over the oceansD:over the oceans than over the land

考题 If you don′ t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, __________.A.neither do I B.neither I do C.neither will I D.neither I will

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()Athe eastern coastal areas of QueenslandBthe Blue MountainsCthe New England TablelandDthe highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 In the IS-IS Designated Intermediate System (DIS) election process, which criteria is used for DIS selection?()A、highest router ID first, then highest priorityB、highest MAC address first, then highest priorityC、highest router ID first, then highest MAC addressD、highest priority first, then highest router IDE、highest priority first, then highest MAC address

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A、the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB、the Blue MountainsC、the New England TablelandD、the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 选出不是招呼顾客的句子。()。A、May I help you?B、Do you want to buy something here?C、How much is the large size?D、Could I be of service to you?

考题 Which two statements are correct regarding multicast implementation using a WLAN controller (v5.2) and AP?()A、Multicast traffic is sent out on Cisco APs at the highest mandatory data rate.B、Multicast traffic is sent out on Cisco APs at the highest supported data rate.C、On Cisco APs, multicast traffic and beacons are sent out at the same data rates to maintain a common cell size for normal data as well as multicast data.D、If there is more than one mandatory data rate, multicast traffic will be sent at the highest mandatory rate and beacons will be sent at the lowest mandatory rate.E、On Cisco APs, multicast traffic will be sent out at the highest data rate that a client can maintain with the AP.

考题 单选题What has the United Nations made up its mind to do from the passage?A Set an Earth Protecting DayB Protect and love the earthC Hold an international meetingD Find out what is making the pollution

考题 单选题The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB the Blue MountainsC the New England TablelandD the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 单选题If you don't go to the mountains with me tomorrow, _______.A neither do IB neither I doC neither will ID neither I will

考题 单选题______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn't seem high at all.A When comparedB CompareC While comparingD Comparing

考题 单选题()with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.A If you compareB Compare themC When comparedD A comparison

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best way to revise sentences 13 and 14 (reproduced below) in the context of the passage?There are many recreations and nature attractions in this area, like golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains. People really don't know what the place has w offer.A You might not realize that this area offer a range of natural attractions and recreations activities, including golf courses, lake, river, caverns, and mountains.B People unfamiliar with Branson might not realize that this area offers a tango of natural attractions and recreational activities, including golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains.C People might not realize that golf courses, lakes, river, caverns,, and mountains might all be found in Branson if they were to visitD People unfamiliar with Brason do not that golf courses, lakes, river, caverns. mountains-can all be found in the Branson area if they were to visit.E You might not realize, if unfamiliar with Branson, 'the range of natural and recreational resources available in the city, golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains being just a few.