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更多 “单选题____A requestB obligeC affectD persuade” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT a reason why health care investment fails to bring a longer life?A Drug reaction due to improper use of drugs.B Imbalanced distribution of health care money.C Soaring prices of both drugs and new therapies.D Failure of many highly-evaluated medical treatments.

考题 单选题Such problem ()air, water, and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big cities.A likeB asC ofD about

考题 单选题May I see your tickets, please?()A No, they are mine.B No, you can't.C Sure.D Yes, you can.

考题 单选题If you find a hard and green apple that is not sour, you should _____.A try more apples to see if the natural law has changedB eat the rest of the apple at onceC reject the law stating that hard and green apples are usually sourD conduct further investigations and make adjustments to the law of apples as necessary

考题 问答题请用所报考语种就所给题目写出一篇400~600字的导游解说词。要求语言规范,表达得体,内容切题,条理清楚,有一定的思想深度,符合导游语言要求,能反映京剧的历史及其在中西文化交流中的地位。  题目:京剧

考题 单选题The old lady is quarrelling with others as if she()mad.A wasB isC areD were

考题 单选题I have two children but () of them likes fruits.A noneB eitherC neitherD both

考题 单选题He was asked to lift his head up and pay more attention in the class.A raiseB riseC ariseD arouse

考题 单选题Why did MiShel and Carl decide not to have a boy?A Because they might give birth to a blind baby.B Because Carl might pass his family’s disease to his son.C Because the boy might become blind when he grows up.D Because they wanted a daughter to balance their family.

考题 单选题Silk()by Chinese for thousands of years now.A has usedB has been usedC was usedD is used

考题 单选题The owner wouldn’t _____ to our making any structural change in the flat.A consentB contendC contestD contact

考题 单选题It is implied in the passage that _____.A people should not take street level transportationB tiny iron particles will not cause health problemsC air pollution on an underground train is less poisonousD traveling on an underground train is better than taking the bus

考题 单选题Several big names are mentioned in the first paragraph mainly to show their _____.A different styles of leadershipB effective exercise of leadershipC contributions to the theory of leadershipD wisdom in applying the theory of leadership

考题 单选题Television keeps us informed about ()events and the latest developments in politics and science.A currentB pastC favorableD new

考题 单选题We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.()Just drop in whenever you feel like it.A Our great honourB Nice having you hereC Nice you are hereD With pleasure

考题 单选题It’s true that sometimes a teacher _____ his students intelligence by the points they made on the examinations.A beatsB gaugesC moderatesD prevails

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The weather was good except for an () shower.A optionalB intentionalC additionalD occasional

考题 单选题They set()to look for the lost child.A upB downC aboutD off

考题 单选题I started looking after other children()parents went out to work.A whoB whichC whoseD that

考题 单选题Five year old children are too young to go to school,()A are theyB aren’t theyC were theyD have they

考题 单选题The heavy rain stopped us()at the station on time.A to arriveB arriveC arrivedD from arriving

考题 单选题Banking panics may be prevented by means of _____.A deposit insuranceB growth strategyC long-term borrowingD warning memo

考题 单选题It seems()to change the timetable so often.A unlogicalB imlogicalC inlogicalD illogical

考题 单选题The computer system()suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A broke downB broke outC broke upD broke in

考题 单选题–What kind of TV program do you like best? --()A It’s hard to say, actuallyB I only watch them at weekendC I’m too busy to say

考题 单选题____A not any longerB no moreC no longerD not any more