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A well-written biography can _____ the barriers of time and bring the hero back to life.

break out


break into


break off


break down


句意:好的传记能打破时间的障碍并使主人公起死回生。break out爆发。break into闯入;破门而入。break off折断;突然停止。break down分解;发生故障。
更多 “单选题A well-written biography can _____ the barriers of time and bring the hero back to life.A break outB break intoC break offD break down” 相关考题
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考题 单选题若有定义语句int a,b;double x;则下列选项中没有错误的是(  )。A switch(x%2) {  case 0:a++;break;  case 1:b++;break;  default:a++;b++; }B switch((int)x/2.0) {  case 0:a++;break;  case 1:b++;break;  default:a++;b++; }C switch((int)x%2) {  case 0:a++;break;  case 1:b++;break;  default:a++;b++; }D switch((int)(x)%2) {  case 0.0:a++;break;  case 1.0:b++;break;  default:a++;b++; }

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