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利率(lnterest rate)


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考题 在链路预算表中,RLC rate 与MAC rate的关系是:A.RLC rate = MAC rate×90%B.RLC rate = MAC rate×80%C.RLC rate = MAC rate×80%

考题 Real interest rate 实际利率

考题 听力原文:When the Fed wishes to encourage business activity, it may lower the discount rate to boost borrowing.(5)A.People are discouraged to do business with a lower discount rate.B.People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is lowered.C.People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is raised.D.People are discouraged to borrow less money with a lower discount rate.

考题 听力原文:M: The depositors can earn interest on demand deposits, is that right?W: Yes, but the rate of interest on demand deposits is generally well below the bank's base rate.Q: What does the woman imply?(15)A.The bank's base rate is fixed.B.The rate on demand deposits is low.C.The rate on demand deposits is high.D.The bank's base rate is floating.

考题 听力原文:M: What about the interest rate?W: Well, the discount rate is given in accordance with the terms of the bill, time of discount, the amount, the reputation of the drawee and the drawer.Q: What are they talking about?(14)A.The interest rate of savings account.B.The discounting rate for drafts.C.The rediscounting rate.D.The interest rate for loans.

考题 听力原文:The rate of interest on savings accounts is usually a little lower than that on deposit accounts.(5)A.There is a higher rate of interest on deposit account.B.There is a higher rate of interest on savings account.C.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is always much higher than that on savings accounts.D.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is usually much lower than that on savings accounts.

考题 单句理解听力原文:Interest rate risk refers to the exposure of a bank's financial condition to adverse movements in interest rates.(1)A.Bank's financial condition is the cause of interest rate risk.B.Bank's financial condition has impact on interest rate risk.C.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate moves against the bank's financial condition.D.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate favours the bank's financial condition.

考题 听力原文:Banks change their base rates fairly infrequently.(5)A.Banks often change their base rate.B.Banks seldom change their base rate.C.Banks never change their base rate.D.Banks change their base rate at regular intervals.

考题 The statements concerning nominal and real interest rate are true except that ______.A.the nominal interest rate is the growth rate of your moneyB.the real interest rate is the growth rate of your purchasing powerC.the nominal rate is the real interest rate deducted by the rate of inflationD.all of the above statements

考题 Bonds are sold at face value when the contract rate is equal to the market rate of interest.()

考题 Which three statements are correct about Rate Limiters? ()(Choose three.) A. one-rate rate limitersB. two-rate rate limitersC. two-rate rate limiters is the defaultD. one-rate rate limiters is the defaultE. there is no default it must be configured

考题 You are making a sharp turn in a channel and using a buoy four points on the bow to gauge your rate of turn.If you observe the buoy moving aft relative to you,what should you do ________.A.Increase the rate of turnB.Decrease the rate of turnC.Maintain a constant rate of turnD.Decrease speed

考题 __________advance seems to be following advance on almost a monthly basis. A.So rapid is the rate of progress that B.Rapid as the rate of progress is that C.So rapid is the rate of progress as D.Rapid as the rate of progress as

考题 Nomlnal(or money) interest rate 名义(或货币)利率

考题 贷款基础利率(LOAN Prime Rate,简称边LPR)是指()A、人民银行公布的一年期以内贷款基准利率B、人民银行公司的五年以上贷款基准利率C、商业银行对其最优质客户执行的贷款利率D、人民银行颂的一至五年贷款基准利率

考题 The BEST information to document when changing the refresh rate on the display is to include: ()A、the previous refresh rate and the new refresh rate applied.B、the method that was used to access the display properties to change the refresh rate.C、all the refresh rates that were tested.D、the color resolution the user requested as well as the refresh rate.

考题 利率(lnterest rate)

考题 在链路预算表中,RLCrate与MACrate的关系是()A、RLC rate = MAC rate×90%B、RLC rate = MAC rate×80%C、RLC rate = MAC rate×70%D、RLC rate = MAC rate×60%


考题 The BEST information to document when changing the refresh rate on the display is to include:()A、the previous refresh rate and the new refresh rate applied.B、the method that was used to access the display properties to change the refresh rate.C、all the refresh rates that were testedD、the color resolution the user requested as well as the refresh rate.

考题 多选题Which three statements are correct about Rate Limiters? ()(Choose three.)Aone-rate rate limitersBtwo-rate rate limitersCtwo-rate rate limiters is the defaultDone-rate rate limiters is the defaultEthere is no default it must be configured

考题 单选题贷款基础利率(LOAN Prime Rate,简称边LPR)是指()A 人民银行公布的一年期以内贷款基准利率B 人民银行公司的五年以上贷款基准利率C 商业银行对其最优质客户执行的贷款利率D 人民银行颂的一至五年贷款基准利率

考题 名词解释题利率顶(interest rate caps)

考题 单选题You are making a sharp turn in a channel and using a buoy four points on the bow to gauge your rate of turn.If you observe the buoy moving aft relative to you,what should you do().A Increase the rate of turnB Decrease the rate of turnC Maintain a constant rate of turnD Decrease speed

考题 单选题The BEST information to document when changing the refresh rate on the display is to include:()A the previous refresh rate and the new refresh rate applied.B the method that was used to access the display properties to change the refresh rate.C all the refresh rates that were testedD the color resolution the user requested as well as the refresh rate.

考题 单选题在链路预算表中,RLCrate与MACrate的关系是:()A RLC rate=MACrate×90%B RLC rate=MACrate×80%C RLC rate=MACrate×70%D RLC rate=MACrate×60%

考题 单选题The BEST information to document when changing the refresh rate on the display is to include: ()A the previous refresh rate and the new refresh rate applied.B the method that was used to access the display properties to change the refresh rate.C all the refresh rates that were tested.D the color resolution the user requested as well as the refresh rate.