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1. class A {  2. public byte file Number ( ) { 3. return l;  4. }  5. }  6.  7. Class B extends A {  8. public short getNumber( ) {  9.  return 2;  10. }  11.  12. public short getNumber( ) {  13. B b = new B( );  14. System.out.printIn(b.getNumber( ));  15. }  16. }   What is the result()?

 Compilation succeeds and l is printed.


 Compilation succeeds and 2 printed.


 An error at line 8 cause compilation to fail.


 An error at line 14 cause complication to fail.


 Complication succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 14.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题1. class A {  2. public byte file Number ( ) { 3. return l;  4. }  5. }  6.  7. Class B extends A {  8. public short getNumber( ) {  9.  return 2;  10. }  11.  12. public short getNumber( ) {  13. B b = new B( );  14. System.out.printIn(b.getNumber( ));  15. }  16. }   What is the result()?A  Compilation succeeds and l is printed.B  Compilation succeeds and 2 printed.C  An error at line 8 cause compilation to fail.D  An error at line 14 cause complication to fail.E  Complication succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 14.” 相关考题
考题 【Java代码】import Java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;(1) class AbstractFile{protected String name;public void printName(){System.out.println(name);}public abstract boolean addChild(AbstractFile file);public abstract boolean removeChild(AbstractF ile file);public abstract ListAbstractFile getChildren();}class File extends AbstractFile{public File(String name){this.name=name;}public boolean addChild(AbstractFile file){return false;}public boolean removeChild(AbstractFile file){return false;}public ListAbstractFile getChildren(){return (2) ;}}class Folder extends AbstractFile{private List AbslractFile childList;public Folder(String name){this.name=name;this.childList=new ArrayListAbstractFile();}public boolean addChild(AbstractFile file) { return childList.add(file);}public boolean removeChild(AbstractFile file){return childList.remove(file);}public (3) AbstractFile getChildren(){return (4) ;}}public class Client{public static void main(String[] args){//构造一个树形的文件/目录结构AbstractFile rootFolder= new Folder("c:\\ ");AbstractFile compositeFolder=new Folder("composite");AbstractFile windowsFolder=new Folder("windows");AbstractFile file=new File("TestComposite.java");rootFolder.addChild(compositeFolder) ;rootFolder.addChild(windowsFolder);compositeFolder.addChild(file) ;//打印目录文件树printTree(rootFolder);}private static void printTree(AbslractFile ifile){ifile.printName();List AbslractFile children=ifile.getChildreno:if(children==null) return;for (AbstractFile file:children) {(5) ;}}}该程序运行后输出结果为:c:\compositeTestComposite.javaWindows

考题 写出程序运行的结果Public class BasePublic virtual string Hello() {return “Base”;}Public class Sub:BasePublic override string Hello() {return “Sub”;}1. Base b = new Base(); b.Hello;2. Sub s = new Sub(); s.Hello;3. Base b = new Sub (); b.Hello;4. Sub s = new Base(); s.Hello;

考题 编译和运行以下代码结果为:1. public class EqualsTest{2. public static void main(String args[]){3. byte A=(byte)4096;4. if(A== 4096、System.out.println("Equal");5. else System.out.println("Not Equal");6. }7. }A.在第3行出现转换丢失精度的编译错误.B.输出 "Not Equal".C.输出 "Equal".

考题 1. public class ReturnIt {  2. return Type methodA(byte x, double y) {  3. return (long)x / y * 2;  4. }  5. }  What is the narrowest valid returnType for methodA in line2?()  A、 intB、 byteC、 longD、 shortE、 floatF、 double

考题 1. class BaseClass {  2. private float x = 1.of;  3. protected float getVar() { return x; }  4. }  5. class SubClass extends BaseClass {  6. private float x = 2.Of;  7. // insert code here 8. }   Which two are valid examples of method overriding when inserted at line 7?() A、 float getVar() { return x; }B、 public float getVar() { return x; }C、 public double getVar() { return x; }D、 protected float getVar() { return x; }E、 public float getVar(float f) { return f; }

考题 1. public class Target {  2. private int i = 0;  3. public int addOne() {  4. return ++i;  5. }  6. }  And:  1. public class Client {  2. public static void main(String[] args) {  3. System.out.println(new Target().addOne());  4. }  5. }  Which change can you make to Target without affecting Client?() A、 Line 4 of class Target can be changed to return i++;B、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private int i = 1;C、 Line 3 of class Target can be changed to private int addOne() {D、 Line 2 of class Target can be changed to private Integer i = 0;

考题 1. public interface A {  2. public void doSomething(String thing);  3. }  1. public class AImpl implements A {  2. public void doSomething(String msg) { }  3. }  1. public class B {  2. public A doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public String execute() { 7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  1. public class C extends B {  2. public AImpl doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public Object execute() {  7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  Which statement is true about the classes and interfaces in the exhibit?() A、 Compilation will succeed for all classes and interfaces.B、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 2.C、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 6.D、 Compilation of class AImpl will fail because of an error in line 2.

考题 1. public class A {  2. public void doit() {  3. }  4. public String doit() {  5. return “a”;  6. }  7. public double doit(int x) {  8. return 1.0;  9. }  10.}  What is the result?() A、 An exception is thrown at runtime.B、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 7.C、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 4.D、 Compilation succeeds and no runtime errors with class A occur.

考题 Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. private static void process(byte[] b) { }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?() A、 process(bytes);B、 BitUtils.process(bytes);C、 app.BitUtils.process(bytes);D、 util.BitUtils.process(bytes);E、 import util.BitUtils. *; process(bytes);F、 SomeApp cannot use the process method in BitUtils.

考题 1. class SuperClass {  2. public a geta() {  3. return new a();  4. }  5. }  6. class SubClass extends SuperClass {  7. public b geta() {  8. return new b();  9. }  10. }  Which is true?() A、 Compilation will succeed if a extends b.B、 Compilation will succeed if b extends a.C、 Compilation will always fail because of an error in line 7.D、 Compilation will always fail because of an error in line 8.

考题 现有:   1. class Synapse {    2.    protected int gap() { return 7; }    3. }   4.     5. class Creb extends Synapse {    6.   // insert code here   7. }    分别插入到第 6 行,哪三行可以编译?()A、 int gap() { return 7; }B、 public int gap() { return 7; }C、 private int gap(int x) { return 7; }D、 protected Creb gap() { return this; }E、 public int gap() { return Integer.getInteger ("42"); }

考题 1. public class returnIt (  2. returnType methodA(byte x, double y) (  3. return (short) x/y * 2;  4. )  5. )   What is the valid returnType for methodA in line 2?()  A、 IntB、 ByteC、 LongD、 ShortE、 FloatF、 Double

考题 Given:  1.  public class ConstOver {  2.  public constOver(int x, int y, int z) {  3.  }  4.  }   Which two overload the ConstOver Constructor?()A、 ConstOver() {}B、 protected int ConstOver(){}C、 private ConstOver(int z, int y, byte x ) {}D、 public Object ConstOver(Int x, int y, int z) {}E、 pubic void ConstOver (byte x, byte y, byte z) {}

考题 1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()  A、 static class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }B、 static class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }C、 private class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }D、 protected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }E、 public abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

考题 1. class super {  2. public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}  3. }  4.    5. public class Sub extends Super { 6.   7. }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()  A、  Public float getNum()   {return 4.0f; }B、  Public void getNum ()  { }C、  Public void getNum (double d)   { }D、  Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 1. public class Blip {  2. protected int blipvert(int x) { return 0; }  3. }  4. class Vert extends Blip {  5. // insert code here  6. }  Which five methods, inserted independently at line 5, will compile?()  A、 public int blipvert(int x) { return 0; }B、 private int blipvert(int x) { return 0; }C、 private int blipvert(long x) { return 0; }D、 protected long blipvert(int x, int y) { return 0; }E、 protected int blipvert(long x) { return 0; }F、 protected long blipvert(long x) { return 0; }G、protected long blipvert(int x) { return 0; }

考题 单选题1. public class returnIt (  2. returnType methodA(byte x, double y) (  3. return (short) x/y * 2;  4. )  5. )   What is the valid returnType for methodA in line 2?()A  IntB  ByteC  LongD  ShortE  FloatF  Double

考题 单选题1. public class A {  2. public void doit() {  3. }  4. public String doit() {  5. return “a”;  6. }  7. public double doit(int x) {  8. return 1.0;  9. }  10.}  What is the result?()A  An exception is thrown at runtime.B  Compilation fails because of an error in line 7.C  Compilation fails because of an error in line 4.D  Compilation succeeds and no runtime errors with class A occur.

考题 单选题1. class A {  2. public byte getNumber ()  {  3.   return 1;  4.   }  5. }  6.    7. class B extends A {  8. public short getNumber()  {  9.  return 2;  10. }  11.    12. public static void main (String args[]) {   13.    B  b = new B ();  14.      System.out.printIn(b.getNumber())     15.   }  16. }    What is the result?()A  Compilation succeeds and 1 is printed.B  Compilation succeeds and 2 is printed.C  An error at line 8 causes compilation to fail.D  An error at line 14 causes compilation to fail.E  Compilation succeeds but an exception is thrown at line 14.

考题 单选题Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. public static void process(byte[]) { /* more code here */ }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?()A  process(bytes);B  BitUtils.process(bytes);C  util.BitUtils.process(bytes);D  SomeApp cannot use methods in BitUtils.E  import util.BitUtils.*; process(bytes);

考题 单选题Given classes defined in two different files:  1. package util;  2. public class BitUtils {  3. private static void process(byte[] b) { }  4. }  1. package app;  2. public class SomeApp {  3. public static void main(String[] args) {  4. byte[] bytes = new byte[256];  5. // insert code here  6. }  7. }  What is required at line 5 in class SomeApp to use the process method of BitUtils?()A  process(bytes);B  BitUtils.process(bytes);C  app.BitUtils.process(bytes);D  util.BitUtils.process(bytes);E  import util.BitUtils. *; process(bytes);F  SomeApp cannot use the process method in BitUtils.

考题 单选题1. class super {  2. public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}  3. }  4.    5. public class Sub extends Super { 6.   7. }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()A   Public float getNum()   {return 4.0f; }B   Public void getNum ()  { }C   Public void getNum (double d)   { }D   Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 多选题Given:  1.  public class ConstOver {  2.  public constOver(int x, int y, int z) {  3.  }  4.  }   Which two overload the ConstOver Constructor?()AConstOver() {}Bprotected int ConstOver(){}Cprivate ConstOver(int z, int y, byte x ) {}Dpublic Object ConstOver(Int x, int y, int z) {}Epubic void ConstOver (byte x, byte y, byte z) {}

考题 单选题1. class Super {  2. public float getNum() { return 3.0f; }  3. }  4.   5. public class Sub extends Super {  6.   7. }  Which method, placed at line6, causes compilation to fail?()A  public void getNum(){}B  public void getNum(double d){}C  public float getNum() { return 4.0f; }D  public double getNum(float d) { return 4.0d; }

考题 单选题1. class SuperClass {  2. public a geta() {  3. return new a();  4. }  5. }  6. class SubClass extends SuperClass {  7. public b geta() {  8. return new b();  9. }  10. }  Which is true?()A  Compilation will succeed if a extends b.B  Compilation will succeed if b extends a.C  Compilation will always fail because of an error in line 7.D  Compilation will always fail because of an error in line 8.

考题 多选题1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()Astatic class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Bstatic class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Cprivate class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Dprotected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Epublic abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

考题 单选题1. public class ReturnIt {  2. return Type methodA(byte x, double y) {  3. return (long)x / y * 2;  4. }  5. }  What is the narrowest valid returnType for methodA in line2?()A  intB  byteC  longD  shortE  floatF  double