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A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be() Ⅰ.statically balanced Ⅱ.dynamically balanced

Ⅰ only


Ⅱ only


both Ⅰ and Ⅱ


neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be() Ⅰ.statically balanced Ⅱ.dynamically balancedA Ⅰ onlyB Ⅱ onlyC both Ⅰ and ⅡD neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ” 相关考题
考题 The righting moment can be determined by multiplying the displacement by the ______.A.vertical center of gravity(KG)B.longitudinal center of gravity(LCG)C.righting arm(GZ)D.center of gravity(CG)

考题 With no environmental forces acting on the vessel,the center of gravity of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ______.A.longitudinal centerlineB.center of flotationC.original vertical centerlineD.metacenter

考题 A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the ______.A.keelB.center of buoyancyC.tipping centerD.amidships section

考题 For a floating vessel, the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane ______.A.about which the vessel lists and trimsB.which coincides with the center of buoyancyC.which, in the absence of external forces, is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityD.which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

考题 在一个相对布局中怎样使一个控件居中()A、android:gravity="center"B、android:layout_gravity="center"C、android:layout_centerInParent="true"D、android:scaleType="cente"

考题 单选题The difference between the height of the metacenter and the height of the center of gravity is known as the().A metacentric heightB height of the righting armC fore and aft perpendicularD height of the center of buoyancy

考题 单选题At bottom dead center, the centerline of the connecting rod usually coincides with the()A angularity of the piston motionB inertia moment from the pistonC centerline of the cylinderD centerline of the king pin

考题 单选题What is the definition of transverse metacenter?()A The distance between the actual center of gravity and the maximum center of gravity that will still allow a positive stabilityB The point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive stabilityC The sum of the center of buoyancy and the center of gravityD The transverse shift of the center of buoyancy as a vessel rolls

考题 单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().A Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityB Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityC Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyD Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

考题 单选题A connecting rod in a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is subject to()A tension load twice each crankshaft revolutionB compression load during power and compression strokesC inertia load once every four crankshaft revolutionsD bending loads at bottom and top dead center

考题 单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is the point in the waterplane().A about which the vessel lists and trimsB which coincides with the center of buoyancyC which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityD which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

考题 单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is().A the center of volume of the immersed portion of the vesselB the center of gravity of the water planeC that point at which all the vertical downward forces of weight are considered to be concentratedD that point at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated

考题 单选题_____ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i.e., a word or a groups of words, which serves as a definable Center or Head.A ConstituentB EndocentricC ExocentricD Connective

考题 单选题When a vessel is inclined by an external force,the().A shape of the vessel's underwater hull remains the sameB vessel's center of gravity shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullC vessel's center of buoyancy shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullD vessel's mean draft increases

考题 单选题A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel’s stabbility by().A increasing the righting momentB decreasing the vessel's displacementC increasing the reserve buoyancyD shifting the CG(center of gravity) off center

考题 单选题The center of buoyancy is located at the().A geometric center of the waterplane areaB intersection of the vertical centerline and line of action of the buoyant forceC center of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effectsD geometric center of the displaced volume

考题 单选题A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be ().A dynamically balancedB statically balancedC counter balancedD resonantly balanced

考题 单选题The center of the underwater volume of a floating vessel is the().A center of buoyancyB center of flotationC uncorrected height of the center of gravity of the vesselD center of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effects

考题 单选题Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stabilit?().A The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclinationB The center of gravity shifts due to inclinationC The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclinedD The mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined

考题 单选题When the()is large, the ship is stiff; and when it is small, she is tender.A GMB free surfaceC longitudinal center of gravityD transverse center of gravity

考题 单选题Stability is determined principally by the location of the center of gravity and the().A aft perpendicularB center of buoyancyC keelD center of flotation

考题 单选题The distance traveled by the center of gravity perpendicular to the original course is().A transferB advanceC kickD tactical diameter

考题 单选题For a floating vessel,the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane().A about which the vessel lists and trimsB which coincides with the center of buoyancyC which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityD which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

考题 单选题The important initial stability parameter,GM,is the().A metacentric heightB height of the metacenter above the keelC height of the center of buoyancy above the keelD height of the center of gravity above the keel

考题 单选题A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the().A keelB center of buoyancyC tipping centerD amidships section

考题 单选题The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().A metacentric pointB metacenterC metacentric radiusD tipping center

考题 单选题For a floating vessel,the center of the floating is the point in the waterpiane.().A aboat which the vessel lists and trimsB which coincides with the center of buoyancyC which, in the absence of external forces, is always vertically aligned with the center of gravityD which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB