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pulp cavity


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更多 “名词解释题pulp cavity” 相关考题
考题 two men batter each other to pulp in the boxing ring.___________________________________________________________

考题 Each ‘egg’ is released into the abdominal cavity near the opening of one of the oviducts or fallopian tubes. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 You are an audit manager responsible for providing hot reviews on selected audit clients within your firm of CharteredCertified Accountants. You are currently reviewing the audit working papers for Pulp Co, a long standing audit client,for the year ended 31 January 2008. The draft statement of financial position (balance sheet) of Pulp Co shows totalassets of $12 million (2007 – $11·5 million).The audit senior has made the following comment in a summary ofissues for your review:‘Pulp Co’s statement of financial position (balance sheet) shows a receivable classified as a current asset with a valueof $25,000. The only audit evidence we have requested and obtained is a management representation stating thefollowing:(1) that the amount is owed to Pulp Co from Jarvis Co,(2) that Jarvis Co is controlled by Pulp Co’s chairman, Peter Sheffield, and(3) that the balance is likely to be received six months after Pulp Co’s year end.The receivable was also outstanding at the last year end when an identical management representation was provided,and our working papers noted that because the balance was immaterial no further work was considered necessary.No disclosure has been made in the financial statements regarding the balance. Jarvis Co is not audited by our firmand we have verified that Pulp Co does not own any shares in Jarvis Co.’Required:(b) In relation to the receivable recognised on the statement of financial position (balance sheet) of Pulp Co asat 31 January 2008:(i) Comment on the matters you should consider. (5 marks)

考题 严重的闭合性气胸的治疗应为A.thoraeotomyB.thoracocentesisC.blocking woundD.pneumonectomyE.drainage ofpleural cavity

考题 共用题干 第一篇In what may be bad news for bars and pubs,a European research group has found that people drinking alcohol outside of meals have a significantly higher risk of cancer in the mouth and neck than do those taking their libations with food.Luigino Dal Maso and his colleagues studied the drinking pattems of 1 ,500 patients from four cancer studies and another 3,500 adults who had never had cancer.After the researchers accounted for the amount of alcohol consumed,they found that individuals who downed a significant share of their alcohol outside of meals faced at least a 50 to 80 percent risk of cancer in the oral cavity(腔),pharynx(咽),and esophagus(食管),when compared with people who drank only at meals.Consuming alcohol without food also increased by at least 20 percent the likelihood of laryngeal(喉)cancer."Roughly 95 percent of cancers at these four sites traced to smoking or drinking by the study volunteers,"Dal Maso says.The discouraging news,his team reports, is that drinking with meals didn't eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.For their new analysis,the European scientists divided people in the study into four groups, based on how many drinks they reported having in an average week.The lowest-intake group includ-ed people who averaged up to 20 drinks a week.The highest group reported downing at least 56 servings of alcohol weekly for an average of eight or more per day.Cancer risks for the mouth and neck sites rose steadily with consumption even for people who reported drinking only with meals.For instance,compared with people in the lowest-consumption group,participants who drank 21 to 34 alcohol servings a week at least doubled their cancer risk for all sites other than the laryngeal cancer. If people in these consumption groups took some of those drinks outside meals,those in the higher consumption group at least quadrupled their risk for oral cavity and esophageal cancers.People in the highest-consumption group who drank only with meals had 10 times the risk of oral cancer,7 times the risk of pharyngeal cancer,and 16 times the risk of esophageal cancer compared with those who averaged 20 or fewer drinks a week with meals.In contrast,laryngeal cancer risk in the high-intake,with-meals-only group was only triple that in the low-intake consumers who drank with meals."Alcohol can inflame tissues.Over time,that inflammation can trigger cancer."Dal Maso says.He suspects that food reduced cancer risk either by partially coating digestive-tract tissues or by scrubbing alcohol off those tissues.He speculates that the reason laryngeal risks were dramatically lower for all study participants traces to the tissue's lower exposure to alcohol.Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day?A:3 drinks. B:8 drinks.C:20 drinks. D:56 drinks.

考题 Much of Canada’s forestry ____goes towards making pulp and paper. A.production B.introduction C.orientation D.multiplication

考题 共用题干 第三篇AlaskaIn 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49th state,symbolizing a change of attitude from that held in 1867, when the peninsula(半岛)was purchased from Russia.Then, most Americans had little interest in 1,500,000 square kilometers"of icebergs and polar bears"-beyond Canada's western borders,far from the settled areas of the United States.In those sections of the state which lie above the Arctic Circle,Alaska still is a land of icebergs and polar bears.Ice masses lie buried in the earth.From early May until early August,the midnight sun never :ts on this flat,treeless region,but the sun cannot melt the icy soil more than two-thirds of a meter down.Alaska is America's largest state,but only about 325,000 people live there.According to estimates, 800,000 hectares of its land area are fit for plowing but only about 640,000 hectares are being cultivated?Arctic Alaska has been the home of Eskimos for countless centuries.It is believed that the Eskimos moved there from Mongolia or Siberia,probably crossing Bering Strait,named for Vitus Bering,the Danish ea captain who discovered Alaska on his voyage for Russia in 1741.The Eskimos are the state's earliest known inhabitants.Russian fur traders established settlements but,by the time Alaska was sold to the United States,most of the traders had departed.In 1896 gold was discovered near the Klondike River in Canada just across the Alaskan border.Thousands of Americans rushed to the region on their way to Klondike;some never returned.Alaska was ,ever completely cut off again,although even today transportation is a major problem.There are only two motor routes from the US mainland,and within the state,every town has its own airfield.Planes fly passengers,mail and freight to the most distant villages.The gold that changed life so suddenly for Alaska was soon ended,and although many stories about fining camps have become part of American literature,the gold from Alaskan earth contributed less to ,economic progress than the fish from Alaskan waters.The fish?caught in a single year range in value from $80 million to $90 million.Fur一bearing animals are plentiful in the forests and streams,and valuable fur seals inhabit the waters.After fishing,the state's chief industry is lumber and the production of wood pulp(纸浆).In recent years,Alaska's single most important resource has become oil.The state also has large deposits of coal,copper,gold and other minerals.Alaska is an American state that________.A:locates within the Arctic CircleB:was known by Americans before 1867C:lies to the east of CanadaD:was once owned by Russia

考题 共用题干 第一篇“Don' t Drink Alone" Gets New MeaningIn what may be bad news for bars and pubs,a European research group has found that people drinking alcohol outside of meals have a significantly higher risk of cancer in the mouth and neck than do those who drink with food.Luigino Dal Maso and his colleagues studied the drinking patterns of 1,500 patients from four cancer studies and another 3,500 adults who had never had cancer.After the researchers accounted for the amount of alcohol consumed,they found that individuals who downed a significant share of their alcohol outside of meals faced at least a 50 to 80 percent risk of cancer in the oral cavity(口腔),pharynx(咽),and esophagus(食管),when compared with people who drank only at meals.Consuming alcohol without food also increased by at least 20 percent the likelihood of laryngeal cancer(喉癌)."Roughly 95 percent of cancers at these four sites traced to smoking or drinking by the study volunteers,"Dal Maso says.The discouraging news,his team reports,is that drinking with meals didn't eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.For their new analysis,the European scientists divided people in the study into four groups,based on how many drinks they reported having in an average week.The lowest-intake group included people who averaged up to 20 drinks a week.The highest group reported downing at least 56 cups of alcohol weekly for an average of eight or more per day.Cancer risks for the mouth and neck sites rose steadily with consumption even for people who reported drinking only with meals.For instance,compared with people in the lowest group,participants who drank 21 to 34 alcohol cups a week at least doubled their cancer risk for all sites other than the larynx.If people in these consumption groups took some of those drinks outside meals,those in the higher consumption group at least quadrupled(四倍)their risk for oral cavity and esophageal cancers.People in the highest-consumption group who drank only with meals had 10 times the risk of oral cancer,7 times the risk of pharyngeal cancer,and 16 times the risk of esophageal cancer compared with those who averaged 20 or fewer drinks a week with meals.In contrast,laryngeal cancer risk in the high-in- take,with-meals-only group was only triple that in the low-intake consumers who drank with meals."Alcohol can inflame(使发炎)tissues. Over time,that inflammation can trigger cancer."Dal Maso says. He suspects that food reduced cancer risk either by partially covering digestive-tract(消化道)tissues or by taking alcohol off those tissues.He speculates that the reason laryngeal risks were dramatically lowerfor all study participants traces to the tissue's lower exposure to alcohol. Which of the following is NOT a research finding about"drinking with meals"?A:It lowers cancer risk compared with drinking without food.B:It may be a cause of cancer.C:It does not eliminate cancer risk at any of the four sites.D:It increases by 20 percent the risk of cancer in all the four sites.

考题 pulp cavity

考题 关于脾red pulp的结构特点,哪项不正确()。A、由脾索及脾血窦组成B、脾索富含血细胞,是滤血的主要场所C、内有较多巨噬细胞D、脾索内的血细胞都能进入脾血窦

考题 The upper respiratory tract 包括()A、TracheaB、BronchiC、LungsD、PharynxE、Oral cavity

考题 试述喉(*Larynx)的位置和喉腔(*Laryngeal cavity)的分部。

考题 单选题The author’s primary intention in this passage appears to be which of the following?A To shed light on the underappreciated work of the Hellenistic poet PosidippusB To compare the relative merits of papyrus and wood-pulp paper as media for recording informationC To discuss the ways in which papyrus fragments help scholars learn about Hellenistic EgyptD To answer the questions regarding the burning of the library of Alexandria, one of the great mysteries of the ancient worldE To suggest possibly fruitful paths for future archeological research into Hellenistic Egypt

考题 填空题Although free of lignin, paper made from cotton and rag waste can also cost more money than wood pulp paper because there is much less cotton and rag than trees.____

考题 名词解释题空洞(cavity)

考题 问答题In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in the spaces 76-80. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.(10 points)  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees. Unlike the minerals and oil used to make plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded. While 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre from forests and plantations. By world standards this is a good performance since the worldwide average is 33 per cent waste paper. Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and, at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre. As a result, industry’s use of recycled fibres is expected to increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming years.  Already, waste paper constitutes 70% of paper used for packaging, and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing paper. To achieve the benefits of recycling, the community must also contribute. We need to accept a change in the quality of paper products; for example stationery may be less white and of a rougher texture. There also needs to be support from the community for waste paper collection programs. Not only do we need to make the paper available to collectors but it also needs to be separated into different types and sorted from contaminants such as staples, paperclips, string and other miscellaneous items.  There are technical limitations to the amount of paper which can be recycled and some paper products cannot be collected for re-use. These include paper in the form of books and permanent records, photographic paper and paper which is badly contaminated. The four most common sources of paper for recycling are factories and retail stores which gather large amounts of packaging material in which goods are delivered, also offices which have unwanted business documents and computer output, paper converters and printers and lastly households which discard newspapers and packaging material. The paper manufacturer pays a price for the paper and may also incur the collection cost.  Once collected, the paper has to be sorted by hand by people trained to recognize various types of paper. This is necessary because some types of paper can only be made from particular kinds of recycled fibre. The sorted paper then has to be repulped or mixed with water and broken down into its individual fibres. This mixture is called stock and may contain a wide variety of contaminating materials, particularly if it is made from mixed waste paper which has had little sorting. Various machinery is used to remove other materials from the stock. After passing through the repulping process, the fibres from printed waste paper are grey in colour because the printing ink has soaked into the individual fibres. This recycled material can only be used in products where the grey colour does not matter, such as cardboard boxes but if the grey colour is not acceptable, the fibres must be de-inked. This involves adding chemicals such as caustic soda or other alkalis, soaps and detergents, water-hardening agents such as calcium chloride, frothing agents and bleaching agents. Before the recycled fibres can be made into paper they must be refined or treated in such a way that they bond together.  Most paper products must contain some virgin fibre as well as recycled fibres and unlike glass, paper cannot be recycled indefinitely. Most paper is down-cycled which means that a product made from recycled paper is of an inferior quality to the original paper. Recycling paper is beneficial in that it saves some of the energy, labour and capital that goes into producing virgin pulp. However, recycling requires the use of fossil fuel, a nonrenewable energy source, to collect the waste paper from the community and to process it to produce new paper. And the recycling process still creates emissions which require treatment before they can be disposed of safely. Nevertheless, paper recycling is an important economical and environmental practice but one which must be carried out in a rational and viable manner for it to be useful to both industry and the community.  Summary:  From the point of view of recycling, paper has two advantages over minerals and oil in that firstly it comes from a resource which is  1 and secondly it is less threatening to our environment when we throw it away because it is  2 Although Australia’s record in the re-use of waste paper is good, it is still necessary to use a combination of recycled fibre and  3 to make new paper. The paper industry has contributed positively and people have also been encouraged by the government to collect their waste on a regular basis. One major difficulty is the removal of  4 from used paper but advances are being made in this area. However, we need to learn to accept paper which is generally of a lower quality than before and to sort our waste paper by removing  5 before discarding it for collection.

考题 单选题关于脾red pulp的结构特点,哪项不正确()。A 由脾索及脾血窦组成B 脾索富含血细胞,是滤血的主要场所C 内有较多巨噬细胞D 脾索内的血细胞都能进入脾血窦

考题 名词解释题消循腔(gastrovaecular cavity)

考题 填空题During the whole manufacturing process, the final product is made from a pulp of cellulose fibres.____