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Small crack in the crankshaft bearing surface of a diesel engine are an indication of()

corrosion fretting


insufficient lubrication


abnormal wear


fatigue failure


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更多 “单选题Small crack in the crankshaft bearing surface of a diesel engine are an indication of()A corrosion frettingB insufficient lubricationC abnormal wearD fatigue failure” 相关考题
考题 An increase in load on a diesel engine results in _____ of speed of the crankshaft.A.a reductionB.an increaseC.an outingD.a downwards

考题 In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to theA.crossheadB.crankpinC.crank journalD.gudgeon pin

考题 材料:Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between the ship’s hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the thickness of the oil film. With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is increased. his will reduce the oil film thickness, and enable the discharge to take place at a lower voltage level.Since the hydrodynamic oil film thickness varies through a rotation cycle, the discharge will take place at roughly the same instant during each rotation cycle, i.e. when the film thickness is at its minimum. The roughening will accordingly be concentrated in certain areas on the journal surface. In the early stages, the roughened areas can resemble pitting erosion. but later, as the roughness increases, the small craters will scrape off and pick up white metal-hence the silvery white appearance.Therefore, to ensure protection against spark erosion, the potential level must be kept at maximum 80 mV, which is feasible today with a high efficiency earthing device. If an earthing device is installed, its effectiveness must be checked regularly. Spark erosion is only observed in main bearings and main bearing journals.问题:According to the paragraph one, a voltage between the main bearing and journal surface is produced by______.A.propeller rotationB.leakage from M/E electric control unitC.a galvanic elementD.friction between the main bearing and journal surface______engine ratings increase, the hydrodynamic oil film between the main bearing and journal surface is______.A.The lower/thinnerB.The higher/the thickerC.The lower/thickerD.The higher/thinnerWhen will the spark erosion take place on the journal surface during each rotation cycle?A.when the film thickness is at its minimumB.when the film thickness is at its maximumC.when the engine is on its compression strokeD.when the engine is on its exhaust strokeDuring the engine room watch keeping, which equipment must be noted to ensure protection against spark erosion?A.the antifouling plantB.the earthing deviceC.the main engine electric heating coilsD.the shaft generator请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 单选题In a single acting, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the power impulse in an individual cylinder occurs ()A once every crankshaft revolutionB once every two crankshaft revolutionsC once every piston strokeD twice every piston stroke

考题 单选题Diesel engine main and connecting rod precision bearings are made in halvesEach half exceeds one-half the bearing circumference by a small amountThe small amount is termed ().A clearanceB crushC pitchD thrust

考题 单选题Because the tie bolts are so close to the crankshaft, some engines employ ()to hold the crankshaft main bearing cap in position instead of conventional studs and nuts.A through boltsB jack boltsC tap boltsD fitted bolts

考题 单选题As to the bearing, of the following, which statement is not true?()A ff overheat is found, the engine must be stopped for inspectionB Much heat of the crankcase door indicates that the bearing is overheatedC If bearing clearance is too large, knocking will be heard in the crankcaseD If bearing clearance is too large or too small, the white metal may be melted

考题 单选题A diesel engine which is rated for normal operation at a crankshaft speed of 800 RPM, is commonly classed as a ().A slow-speed dieselB medium-speed dieselC high-speed dieselD constant-speed diesel

考题 单选题A well-lubricated bearing surface always appears()A well knurledB slightly streakedC lightly glazedD highly polished

考题 单选题In the management of the shafting, because() carry heavy load and caused high temperature easily, it should be paid attention.A the bearing near to the diesel engineB the intermediate bearing near to the thrust bearingC the intermediate bearing near to the sterntubeD the bearing located at the middle of the diesel engine and the sterntube

考题 单选题In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a drilled passage in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing and then up a connection rod to the ().A crossheadB crankpinC crank journalD gudgeon pin

考题 单选题In an engine with a pot-shaped piston, some lubricating oil from the main bearing will pass along a () in the crankshaft to the bottom end bearing andthen up a connection rod to the gudgeon pin.A telescopic pipesB large boreC drilled passageD tied rod

考题 单选题The camshaft drive is designed to maintain proper camshaft speed relative to crankshaft speedIn maintaining this relationship, the camshaft drive causes the camshaft to rotate at()A one half crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineB crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineC two times crankshaft speed in a two-stroke cycle diesel engineD one-fourth times crankshaft speed in a four-stroke cycle diesel engine

考题 单选题Precision engine bearing inserts are manufactured with a small portion of the bearing ends extending beyond the bearing housing or capsThe installation process of these bearings requires sufficient ().A overlapB crushC lap or leadD protrusion

考题 单选题Small crack in the crankshaft bearing surface of a diesel engine are an indication of()A corrosion frettingB insufficient lubricationC abnormal wearD fatigue failure

考题 单选题Proper lubrication of the main bearing is more easily obtained in a single acting four-stroke/cycle diesel engine than in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ()A bearing pressure in a four-stroke/cycle acting single diesel engine is continually reversedB bearing pressure in a two-stroke/cycle single acting diesel engine is continually reversedC the maximum bearing pressure is higher in a single acting two-stroke/cycle diesel engineD two-stoke/cycle diesel engines require more complicated lubrication piping

考题 单选题Critical speeds occurring within the operating speed range of a main propulsion diesel engine may be changed, or have their damaging effects reduced by a/an ()A engine support vibration isolatorB detuner or viscous fluid damperC lightened crankshaft flywheelD spherically seated crankshaft bearing

考题 单选题The crankshaft of diesel engine is supported by ().A tension stretchB tie rodsC through boltsD main bearings

考题 单选题The bedplate must be rigid enough to support the weight of the rest of the engine, and maintain the crankshaft, which sits in the bearing housings in the (), in alignment.A longitudinal girdersB transverse girdersC fore girdersD aft girders

考题 单选题Critical speed in diesel engines occurs when engine torque pulsations become ()A opposed to the crankshaft rocking coupleB resonant with the crankshaft natural frequencyC critical fore and aft crankshaft vibrationsD horizontal whipping motions of the crankshaft

考题 单选题In a single acting, two-stroke/cycle, diesel generator engine, the power impulse in an individual cylinder occurs ()A once every crankshaft revolutionB once every two crankshaft revolutionsC once every piston strokeD twice every piston stoke

考题 单选题An increase in load on a diesel engine results in () of speed of the crankshaft.A a reductionB an increaseC an outingD a downwards

考题 单选题To determine the main bearing clearance of a propulsion diesel engine, you should measure the main bearing shell using a ball anvil outside micrometer and measure the crankshaft journal using a/an ()A telescopingB ring ‘snap’ gaugeC inside vernier caliperD outside micrometer

考题 单选题While inspecting the main bearings on a diesel engine you find impregnated dirt and scratches in the bearing surface you would, therefore, suspect that ()A the bearing had been overheatedB water was present in the oilC the lube oil was not being properly filteredD the maximum allowable bearing pressure had been exceeded

考题 单选题The design of () is similar to that of the main bearing.A the block bearingB the camshaft bearingC the connecting rod small end bearingD the connecting rod large end bearing

考题 单选题Lubricating oil used in a diesel engine serves to()A reduce the wear of bearing surfacesB cool the bearing surfacesC assist in sealing bearing surfacesD all of the above

考题 单选题In a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the camshaft rotates at ()A twice the crankshaft speedB half the crankshaft speedC the same speed as that of the crankshaftD a speed independent of that of the crankshaft