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Which of the following commands will display, in MB, the total, used, and free blocks of the currently mounted filesystems?()

df -m


du -m


df -vm


du -vm


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更多 “单选题Which of the following commands will display, in MB, the total, used, and free blocks of the currently mounted filesystems?()A df -mB du -mC df -vmD du -vm” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following commands will display, in MB, the total, used, and free blocks of the currently mounted filesystems?() A. df -mB. du -mC. df -vmD. du -vm

考题 Which of the following commands will display what space is used in /tmp filesystem?() A. df -Ik /tmpB. df -fk /tmpC. df -Uk /tmpD. df -Fk /tmp

考题 Which one of the following commands will display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on the interfaces of a router?() A. show interface listB. show ip routeC. show ip interfaceD. show ip interface briefE. show interface

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考题 Which of the following commands will display the active status of any configured application monitors?()A、clRGinfo -mB、clappmon -vC、clshowres -gD、lssrc -ls clappmon

考题 Which one of the following commands will display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on the interfaces of a router?()A、show interface listB、show ip routeC、show ip interfaceD、show ip interface briefE、show interface

考题 Which of the following commands would be used to display the IP address on a UNIX/Linux computer?()A、netstatB、ipconfigC、ifconfigD、dig

考题 Which of the following commands would be used to display hidden files?()A、dir /?B、dir /dC、dir /aD、dir /s

考题 Which of the following commands will display any user defined verification methods?()A、cldumpB、clautover vC、clve c .custom vD、cllscustom t verify

考题 Following a system boot,the display indicates that previously detected hardware is missing.  Which of the following commands would identify the missing hardware?()A、diagB、lscfgC、cfgmgrD、lsslot

考题 Which of the following commands will display the active heartbeat sensitivity of network interface modules(NIMs)?()A、cllsnim aB、lssrc -ls grpsvcsC、lssrc ls topsvcsD、cllstopsvcs -G -t dhb

考题 Which of the following commands is used to display detailed ethernet statistics for ent0?()A、 ifconfig ent0B、 entstat -d ent0C、 netstat -iD、 lscfg -vl ent0

考题 Which of the following commands will display the extended attributes of a resource group?()A、cllsattrB、clRGinfoC、clshowresD、cllistres

考题 After the LED display is flashing 888 and the system is rebooted, which of the following commands should be used to gather dump information?()A、snap B、errpt C、kdb D、trace

考题 Which of the following commands will display, in MB, the total, used, and free blocks of the currently mounted filesystems?()A、df -mB、du -mC、df -vmD、du -vm

考题 Which of the following commands will display the current technology level of a server()A、instfix -rB、oslevel -rC、lslpp -LD、oslevel -i grep ML

考题 Which of the following commands will display a snapshot of cluster status, including details of current networkstatus and resource group fallover/fallback policies?()A、cldumpB、cllssvcsC、clshowresD、clstat -o

考题 单选题Which one of the following commands will display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on the interfaces of a router?()A show interface listB show ip routeC show ip interfaceD show ip interface briefE show interface

考题 单选题Which of the following commands is used to display detailed ethernet statistics for ent0?()A  ifconfig ent0B  entstat -d ent0C  netstat -iD  lscfg -vl ent0

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