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更多 “单选题_____A lessB moreC leastD most” 相关考题
考题 Previous studies show that parents tend to be aware of sleep problems in older children and adolescents and that pediatric practitioners are ( ) likely to identify sleep problems in these age group.:A、less…lessB、less…moreC、more…lessD、more…more

考题 在Linux操作系统中,可使用()命令给其他在线用户发送消息。 A.lessB.helloC.writeD.echo to

考题 The construction of the new building will cost () 1,000,000 dollars, and it’s not easy to get so much money. A.at lastB.at mostC.at leastD.at large

考题 Today there are ()computers in our homes and offices than there are people who live and work in them. A.lessB.moreC.littleD.lotsof

考题 Canyougivemeeventhe___clueastowherehersonmightbe?A)simplestB)slightestC)leastD)utmost

考题 Linux操作系统中,可使用()命令给其他在线用户发消息。A.lessB.helloC.writeD.echo to

考题 _______ he gets, _______ he wants. A.The more...the moreB.More...moreC.The most...the mostD.The most...the more

考题 There are students in Class One than in Class Two.A、 manyB、 moreC、 most

考题 The more the young students worked, the ________ energetic they became.A: muchB: moreC: mostD: very

考题 Anna isn’t ______ good at English as his sisiter. A、soB、moreC、muchD、much more

考题 He was so poor that he had________than one hundred dollars. A.no lessB.not lessC.moreD.no more

考题 Linux操作系统中,可使用(64)命令给其他用户发消息。A.lessB.helloC.writeD.echo to

考题 用来显示文件内容的命令有( )。A、catB、moreC、lessD、head

考题 Linux中用于查询联机手册的命令是()。 A.helpB.moreC.manD.less

考题 4. A fat man should eat ________food and take ________ exercise.A. less,lessB. fewer,moreC. less,moreD. more, fewer

考题 15.A.muchB.moreC.lessD.fewer

考题 50_______.A. lessB.everythingC. moreD.nothing

考题 ______get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.A.You’d betterB.You would betterC.You at leastD.You at most

考题 The harder they worked,____________.A.they seemed to do less B.the less they seemed to do C.they were doing less D.they did less

考题 _________A.enough B.more C.too D.less

考题 显示指定文件的前若干行的命令是()。A、lessB、tailC、moreD、head

考题 The bigger your audience,() complicated communication channel choice becomes.A、moreB、it is moreC、the moreD、the most

考题 Because of the construction decline, () housing is available.A、fewerB、lessC、leastD、more

考题 Today there are ()computers in our homes and offices than there are people who live and work in them.A、lessB、moreC、littleD、lotsof

考题 Lower the ladder two steps() ,please !A、tooB、moreC、littleD、few

考题 在OMC上查看的事件日志的命令有:()A、CATB、MOREC、CESD、CEL

考题 Linux系统通过()命令给其他用户发消息。A、lessB、mesgC、writeD、echo to

考题 单选题Each inert gas system must be designed to supply the cargo tanks with a gas,or mixture of gasses,that has an oxygen content by volume of().A 5% or lessB 10% or lessC 15% or lessD 20% or less