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The electric shaver _____ before it can be used.

needs repairing


requires to repair


should be in repair


has to be repairable


句意:这个电剃须刀需要修理才能使用。need,want,require后要加现在分词,主动形式表示被动意义。need repairing表示“需要被修”,相当于need to be repaired。
更多 “单选题The electric shaver _____ before it can be used.A needs repairingB requires to repairC should be in repairD has to be repairable” 相关考题
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考题 The following diagram denotes dependency between two activities A and B,It says ( ) A.B can’t start before a is finished B.B can’t finish before a is finisheD. C.B can’t start before a starts D.B can’t finish before a starts

考题 根据以下材料,回答 There is little debate about the firstdevelopment of the energy system of the 22nd century--that most of the energyproduced on a large scale will be in the form of electric power. Thus, most presentconcepts for major long-term energy sources (solar, geothermal, fusion) are basedupon electric power production at central plants. The second major development is thepotential use of hydrogen as both a basic fuel to replace natural gas and aspart of a general system to convert, store and transmit electric energy overlong district by fuel cells, or it could be used directly as a fuel forcommercial, industrial or transportation purposes. Although hydrogen seems likely to play amajor role in the future as a form of energy transport and storage, other processesmay also be useful. Here we note only two possibilities. Flywheels: It appears to be workable toconstruct flywheels of almost any needed size that would be efficientconverters (93-95 percent) in first storing and then releasing electric power.In addition, the kinetic (动力的) energy ofrotation is easily converted to alternating electric power. But the engineeringis at an early stage of development, and a decade or more may pass before this potentialcan be reliably estimated. Batteries and fuel cells: some of the manybatteries being developed today look quite promising. Within a decade or two, abattery-operated electric auto might even become competitive with today′ s vehicles,at least for driving ranges up to 200 miles. An electric automobile would bepollution-free,and would probably be more energy-efficient than theinternal-combustion (内燃) engine. A fuel cell (which may be considered a hydridebattery) with about 40 percent conversion efficiency is expected to enter powerproduction on a large scale within about five years. Unlike steam-poweredgenerators, fuel cells can be made large or small and their efficiency inoperation is essentially independent of the loading. Thus they may avoid mostof the distribution costs of electric power as well as provide pollution-fleepower and offer opportunities for using the "waste heat" effectively. From the passage we can see that thefuel cell might be something ___________.A.with the electric energy stored in itwithout pollution B.in which chemicals are contained C.in which certain fuels such as hydrogenare filled D.like a small steam generator

考题 Which statement about WSA access logs that are to be processed by sawmill for cisco ironport istrue?() A、 the default log format can be usedB、 the fields"%XC%X n" must be appended to the default access log formatC、 any log format can beused , but all WSAs must use the same formatD、 any log format can be used. And different WSAs may use different formats

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考题 单选题For occasional heavy loads, two cranes can be arranged to work together. The operating () for deck crane motors may be hydraulic electric.A principleB mediumC instructionD voltage

考题 单选题Which statement about WSA access logs that are to be processed by sawmill for cisco ironport istrue?()A  the default log format can be usedB  the fields%XC%X n must be appended to the default access log formatC  any log format can beused , but all WSAs must use the same formatD  any log format can be used. And different WSAs may use different formats

考题 单选题Which of the following needs to be done before a hard drive can be formatted?()A LabeledB RebootedC InitializedD Defragmented

考题 单选题Which of the following precautions must be taken if an electric immersion heater is used to keep the coolant in a diesel engine warm during the time the engine is secured?()A The coolant temperature must be maintained at 180℃B The thermostatic bypass valves must be manually opened before the engine is startedC The pressure cap must be removed while the engine is securedD Electrical power to the heater must be secured before the cooling system is drained

考题 单选题What type of electric motor is most commonly used on board ship?()A non-synchronous electric motorB synchronous electric motorC fully enclosed electric motorD watertight electric motor