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更多 “问答题D-Hank’s与Hank’s的主要区别是什么?” 相关考题
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考题 听力原文:The bank's foreign exchange department has to keep constant track of the positions in the various currencies.(7)A.The bank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.B.The hank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.C.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the various foreign currency liabilities.D.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the positions in the various currencies.

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考题 Boston Company, an electing S corporation, has an operating loss of $400,000 for the current year. Hank owns a 40% interest in the company and is a material participant. At the beginning of the year, Hank's adjusted basis in the stock is $30,000. During the year the company borrows $100,000 with a recourse note. How much of the loss can Hank deduct on his current-year income tax return?()A.$0B.$30,000C.$70,000D.$160,000E.$200,000

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