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Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.









更多 “单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.A variableB worthwhileC worthyD value” 相关考题
考题 Let me give you _______. A.an adviceB.some advicesC.such an adviceD.some advice

考题 The author intends to __________A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promisesB. show the weakness of the law on product safetyC. give advice on how to keep young and beautifulD. introduce the organization of FDA

考题 The book offers some advice about how to make a good ________ on job interviews. A.attitudeB.appearanceC.effectD.impression

考题 ----Could you take ____ for these ____? They are very beautiful .A. any ph otos, tomatoesB. some photos, tomatoesC. some photos, tomatosD. any photos, tomatoes

考题 10.—Could you buy_________ drinks for me?—Sorry,but I don't have _________ money.A. some, someB. any,anyC. any, someD. some,any

考题 I thought 'some good.______ .(advice) to help the poor.

考题 8.I don't have ________erasers. I think Ann has ________ .A. any; anyB. some ;anyC. some; someD. any; some

考题 Are you sure you don‘t have ___ advice to give me?I really need ___. A.any, anyB.some, anyC.any, someD.some, some

考题 At first I had ( )in speaking English with the native speakers. A、some difficuitiesB、any difficultyC、a difficultyD、some difficulty

考题 We don’t have ______ fruit in the house.Let me buy ______.A、any, anyB、any, someC、a little, anyD、some, any

考题 Do you have ______ shrimps? ---Here they ______ .A、any,areB、some,isC、any,beD、some,are

考题 American young people would rather()advice from strangers.A.getB. gettingC. got

考题 I don't need ()mineral water, but l' d like()tea,thanks. A.any , anyB.any , someC.some , some

考题 Here are a few apples. Would you like to have _____________?A、onesB、some onesC、one

考题 There are ______ books in your bag. But there aren’t ______ pens in it. A、some, someB、any ,someC、some, anyD、any,any

考题 I don't need ( )mineral water, but I'd like ( )_tea, thanks.A. some,anyB. any,anyC. any,some

考题 Here are some drawings () for the new apartment. A、to designB、designingC、designedD、design

考题 Here are some _______(信) for you,Jane!

考题 ( )Are you sure you don‘t have_______advice to give me I really need_______.A.any;any B.some;any C.any;some D.some;some

考题 He()lives here.Ano longerBany longerCnot longerDnot any longer

考题 He()lives here.A、no longerB、any longerC、not longerD、not any longer

考题 31. // some code here  32. try {  33. // some code here  34. } catch (SomeException se) {  35. // some code here  36. } finally {  37. // some code here  38. }  Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed?()A、 The instance gets garbage collected.B、 The code on line 33 throws an exception.C、 The code on line 35 throws an exception.D、 The code on line 31 throws an exception.E、 The code on line 33 executes successfully.

考题 单选题In March when spring is already here, we usually plant many young trees on both side of the street.A InB whenC onD side

考题 多选题31. // some code here  32. try {  33. // some code here  34. } catch (SomeException se) {  35. // some code here  36. } finally {  37. // some code here  38. }  Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed?()AThe instance gets garbage collected.BThe code on line 33 throws an exception.CThe code on line 35 throws an exception.DThe code on line 31 throws an exception.EThe code on line 33 executes successfully.

考题 单选题He()lives here.A no longerB any longerC not longerD not any longer

考题 单选题The stubborn young man didn’t follow the advice that he ______ on his bad behavior.A reflectB reflectsC would reflectD must reflect

考题 单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.A variableB worthwhileC worthyD value

考题 单选题We would greatly ______ any advice you may care to give.A estimateB appraise C appreciateD evaluate