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Holland transported tea to the whole Pacific area in the year 1602.____


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考题 There are mainly six types of tea in the traditional Chinese concept, namely, black tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, yellow tea and dark tea.Black tea is fully fermented, so its leaves and tea soup are red.The flavour and aroma of black tea are rich and robust with a little bitterness.Famous black tea includes Qimen black tea, Tanyang Gongfu, etc.Green tea is non-fermented and the tea soup is green.It has a more delicate and fresher flavour than black tea.Famous green tea includes West Lake Longjing Tea, Bi Luo Chun Tea, etc.White tea, originated in Fujian Province, is probably the rarest tea.It is slightly fermented, just left to dry as it is.White tea has a lighter colour than other types of tea with a subtle flavor.One of the most famous white teas is White Tip Silver Needle.Oolong tea is partially fermented and has the most difficult tea processing.The result is a distinctive flavour, which combines the freshness of green tea and the mellowness of black tea.Famous oolong tea includes Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao, etc.Yellow tea is relatively unknown.It is fermented.In the tea processing, the leaves are mounded and dried by the heat of fermentation.The flavour is close to green and white teas.Famous yellow tea includes Junshan Yinzhen, Huoshan Huangya, etc.Dark tea is post-fermented, which gives the leaves a dark black colour.The tea soup has a strong aroma with a thick and robust flavour.Famous dark tea includes Hunan dark tea, Yunnan Pu-erh tea, etc.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage B.11._____ tea is non-fermented.A.YellowB.GreenC.BlackD.White12._____ tea is slightly fermented and the rarest kind of all.A.GreenB.WhiteC.YellowD.Black13._____ tea is partially fermented and combines the freshness of green tea and the mellowness of black tea.A.WhiteB.BlackC.YellowD.Oolong14.The flavour of _____ tea is similar to green and white teas.A.whiteB.blackC.yellowD.oolong15.The soup of _____ tea has a strong aroma with a thick flavour.A.whiteB.blackC.yellowD.dark

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考题 During this season each year,the visibility in the above mentioned area is______.A.poorB.smallC.TrifleD.little

考题 Passage 1 Earlier this year, when America first sneezed, the European Central Bank (along with most private-sector economists) argued that the euro area was insulated from America's slowdown and had little to worry about. This seems to have wrong. In Germany there are fears about recession as business investment and retail sales tumble. Recent figures confirmed that Germany’s GDP stagnated in the second quarter. Italy's GDP fell in the second quarter, and although growth has held up better in France and Spain, the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter. Nobody is forecasting an actual recession in the euro area this year, but it is no longer expected to provide an engine for world growth. As for Japan, it is probably already in recession. Japan's GDP grew slightly in the first quarter. Persistent deflation continues to be a severe problem. A revised measure of Japan’s consumer-price index, to be published soon, is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought. What was the economic situation in France and Spain? A. Much better B. Somewhat better. C. Close to zero. D. Much worse.

考题 Passage 1 Earlier this year, when America first sneezed, the European Central Bank (along with most private-sector economists) argued that the euro area was insulated from America's slowdown and had little to worry about. This seems to have wrong. In Germany there are fears about recession as business investment and retail sales tumble. Recent figures confirmed that Germany’s GDP stagnated in the second quarter. Italy's GDP fell in the second quarter, and although growth has held up better in France and Spain, the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter. Nobody is forecasting an actual recession in the euro area this year, but it is no longer expected to provide an engine for world growth. As for Japan, it is probably already in recession. Japan's GDP grew slightly in the first quarter. Persistent deflation continues to be a severe problem. A revised measure of Japan’s consumer-price index, to be published soon, is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought. What does the 1st sentence mean? A. Earlier this year, America suffered from a cold. B. The European Central Bank believed it wouldn't be affected by US. C. The European Central Bank had little to worry about. D. The euro area was safe and sound.

考题 Passage 1 Earlier this year, when America first sneezed, the European Central Bank (along with most private-sector economists) argued that the euro area was insulated from America's slowdown and had little to worry about. This seems to have wrong. In Germany there are fears about recession as business investment and retail sales tumble. Recent figures confirmed that Germany’s GDP stagnated in the second quarter. Italy's GDP fell in the second quarter, and although growth has held up better in France and Spain, the growth in the euro area as a whole was close to zero in the quarter. Nobody is forecasting an actual recession in the euro area this year, but it is no longer expected to provide an engine for world growth. As for Japan, it is probably already in recession. Japan's GDP grew slightly in the first quarter. Persistent deflation continues to be a severe problem. A revised measure of Japan’s consumer-price index, to be published soon, is likely to show that deflation is worse than had been thought. The best title for the passage is ___. A. The world economic situation. B. The world economic recession. C. The worse world economic situation. D. The reason for world economic recession.

考题 This coastal area __________ a national wildlife reserve last year.A.was named B.named C.is named D.names

考题 共用题干 A Special JourneyI am often asked to describe the experience of_______(51)a child with a disability一to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it,to imagine how it would feel.It's like this…_______(52)you're going to have a baby,it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful_______(53).The Coliseum,the Michelangelo,David,the gondolas in Venice.You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.After months of eager anticipation,the day finally_______(54).You pack your bags and _______(55)you go.Several hours later,the plane lands.The_______(56)comes in and says,"Welcome to Holland.""Holland?"you say."What do you mean by Holland?I signed up for Italy!I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed_______(57)going to Italy."But there's been a change in the flight plan.They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible,disgusting,filthy place,full of pestilence,_______(58)and disease.It's just a_______(59)place._______(60)you must go out and buy new guide books.And you must learn a whole new language.And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.It's just a different place.It's slower-paced than Italy,less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath,you look around…and you begin to_______ (61)that Holland has windmills…and Holland has tulips.Holland even has Rembrandts.But everyone you know is busy coming and going_______(62)Italy…and they're all bragging about_______(63)a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life,you will say"Yes,that's where I was_______(64)to go.That's what I had planned."But if you spend your life_______(65)the fact that you didn't get to Italy,you may never be free to enjoy the very special,the very lovely things about Holland._________(53)A:trips B:toursC:plans D:preparations

考题 “绿茶”的英文是()A、Green tea,B、Black tea,C、Oolong tea,D、Yellow tea

考题 Which two statements are true about Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Areas()A、Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the shared pool.B、Shared SQL Area will be allocated when a session starts.C、Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the large pool always.D、The whole of Private SQL Area will be allocated in the Program Global Area (PGA) always.E、Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Area will be allocated in the PGA or large pool.F、The number of Private SQL Area allocations is dependent on the OPEN_CURSORS parameter.

考题 填空题Holland transported tea to the whole Pacific area in the year 1602.____

考题 单选题In the Sargasso Sea there are large quantities of seaweed and no well defined currents. This area is located in the().A Central North Atlantic OceanB Caribbean SeaC Western North Pacific OceanD area off the west coast of South America

考题 单选题Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?()A Cargoes are any type of goods transported by any type of shipsB Cargoes are goods transported in bulkC Cargoes usually include goods transported in bulk and in containersD Cargoes are usually packaged in containers

考题 单选题Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they ______ better health.A could have enjoyedB had enjoyedC have been enjoyingD are enjoying

考题 填空题Aristocratic and wealthy people provided a tea service called “Low” tea in the afternoon.____

考题 单选题During this season each year the visibility in the abovementioned area is().A poorB smallC littleD trifle

考题 单选题According to the contract, the salary of the employee _____.A is paid weeklyB is adjusted every quarterC is re-examined from year to yearD is fixed for the whole contract period

考题 单选题When the whole area was _____ by flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.A cut awayB cut downC cut upD cut off

考题 问答题Practice 3  Tea, that most quintessential of English drinks, is a relative latecomer to British shores. Although the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid-17th century that the beverage first appeared in England.  The use of tea spread slowly from its Asian homeland, reaching Europe by way of Venice around 1560, although Portuguese trading ships may have made contact with the Chinese as early as 1515.  It was the Portuguese and Dutch traders who first imported tea to Europe, with regular shipments by 1610. England was a latecomer to the tea trade, as the East India Company did not capitalize on tea’s popularity until the mid-18th century.  Coffee Houses Curiously, it was the London coffee houses that were responsible for introducing tea to England. One of the first coffee house merchants to offer tea was Thomas Garway, who owned an establishment in Exchange Alley. He sold both liquid and dry tea to the public as early as 1657. Three years later he issued a broadsheet advertising tea at £6 and £10 per pound (ouch!), touting its virtues at “making the body active and lusty”, and “preserving perfect health until extreme old age”.  Tea gained popularity quickly in the coffee houses, and by 1700 over 500 coffee houses sold it. This distressed the tavern owners, as tea cut their sales of ale and gin, and it was bad news for the government, who depended upon a steady stream of revenue from taxes on liquor sales. By1750 tea had become the favored drink of Britain’s lower classes.  Taxation on Tea Charles II did his bit to counter the growth of tea, with several acts forbidding its sale in private houses. This measure was designed to counter sedition, but it was so unpopular that it was impossible to enforce it. A 1676 act taxed tea and required coffee house operators to apply for a license.  This was just the start of government attempts to control, or at least, to profit from the popularity of tea in Britain. By the mJd-18th century the duty on tea had reached an absurd119%. This heavy taxation had the effect of creating a whole new industry-tea smuggling.  Smuggling Tea Ships from Holland and Scandinavia brought tea to the British coast, then stood offshore while smugglers met them and unloaded the precious cargo in small vessels. The smugglers, often local fishermen, snuck the tea inland through underground passages and hidden paths to special hiding places. One of the best hiding places was in the local parish church!  Even smuggled tea was expensive, however, and therefore extremely profitable, so many smugglers began to adulterate the tea with other substances, such as willow, licorice, and sloe leaves. Used tea leaves were also retried and added to fresh leaves.

考题 单选题Although it has not been confirmed such proteins in whole milk are inducing in children under 12 months milk allergies, most pediatricians advise waiting until the child is one year old before introducing whole milk into his or her diet.A such proteins in whole milk are inducing in children under 12 months milk allergiesB that under 12 months the proteins in whole milk can induce milk allergries in childrenC of proteins in whole milk inducing milk allergies in children under 12 monthsD the proteins in whole milk can induce milk allergies in children under 12 monthsE that the proteins in whole milk can induce milk allergies in children under 12 months

考题 单选题Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they____ better health.A could have enjoyedB had enjoyedC have been enjoyingD are enjoying