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更多 “名词解释题准确度(accuracy)” 相关考题
考题 The precision of ADC ( analog-to-digital conversion ) is determined by _____. A、its speedB、its gainC、the accuracy of the reference voltageD、the number of binary bits

考题 下列关于测量准确度的说法,正确的是( )。A.准确度应符合检定规程的要求B.准确度为±1mgC.准确度为0.5%D.准确度的值无法准确给出,但可以说准确度高或低E.准确度可准确测量

考题 Lions are mentioned in this passage for ______.A. comparisonB. excitementC. comic reliefD. accuracy

考题 准确度与误差的关系是A、准确度与绝对误差成正比B、准确度与绝对误差成反比C、准确度等于绝对误差D、准确度近似于绝对误差E、准确度与绝对误差无关

考题 balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices is not necessary in speaking teaching. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 试验设计中,可用来衡量试验数据精确度的指标有() A.准确度(Accuracy)B.置信度(Confidence)C.精密度(Precision)D.概率度(Probabilit)E.正确度(Correctness)

考题 自动衡器的静态准确度,是它按非自动衡器检定方法检定时应达到的准确度。对于0.2级和0.5级自动衡器,其静态准确度应符合非自动衡器的()要求 A、特种准确度B、高准确度C、中准确度D、普通准确度

考题 Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach? A.Focus on accuracy. B.Focus on fluency. C.Focus on strategies. D.Focus on comprehension.

考题 准确度(accuracy)是指测量结果中()A、测量结果中的随机误差大小的程度B、系统误差与随机误差的综合C、表示测量结果与真值的一致程度D、可以用数字来表示

考题 数字式电子汽车衡的准确度等级为()A、特种准确度级B、高准确度级C、中准确度级D、普通准确度级

考题 天平按其()和检定分度数n,分为4个准确度级别:特种准确度级高精度天平;高准确度级精密天平;中准确度级商用天平;普通准确度级普通天平。

考题 准确度(accuracy)

考题 英译中:Accuracy audit

考题 测量仪器的准确度accuracy of a measuring instrument

考题 最大允许误差为±2.0e、500<检定分度数≤2000的衡器准确度等级为()。A、特种准确度级B、高准确度级C、中准确度级D、普通准确度级

考题 速度与准确率权衡现象(speed-accuracy trade off,简称SAT)

考题 下列关于测量准确度的说法,正确的是()。A、准确度应符合检定规程的要求B、准确度为±lmgC、准确度为0.5%D、准确度的值无法准确给出,但可以说准确度高或低

考题 ()are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics activities.A、SupplychainsystemB、InformationtechnologiesC、LogisticstechnologiesD、Containerizationtechniques

考题 What is periodically multicasted (every 10 seconds) by the DIS on a LAN to ensure IS-IS Link StateDatabase accuracy?()A、PSNPB、CSNPC、LSPD、IIHE、ISH

考题 单选题Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day?().A Third officerB Second officerC Chief officerD Assist nt officer

考题 单选题In a physical education class, 20 students were tested on archery target shooting. These students were then given a two-day training course in archery technique. The students were tested again and showed a 30 percent increase in accuracy. This result proves that the course was effective in increasing people’s target-shooting accuracy.  Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the argument above?A The students were all excellent athletes, and excellent athletes tend to be good at target shooting.B The first testing session functioned as a practice ,session for the second testing session.C The accuracy with which people can shoot arrows is strongly related to the sharpness of their vision.D A similar group of students who were also tested on archery target shooting but were not given the course did not show an increase in accuracy.E Excellence in archery target shooting is an accomplishment achieved by relatively few of the people who take up the sport.

考题 单选题Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day().A Third officerB Second officerC Chief officerD Assistant officer

考题 单选题准确度(accuracy)是指测量结果中()A 测量结果中的随机误差大小的程度B 系统误差与随机误差的综合C 表示测量结果与真值的一致程度D 可以用数字来表示

考题 单选题The advantages of pair and group work include all of the following EXCEPT________.A interaction with peersB variety and dynamismC an increase in language practiceD opportunities to guarantee accuracy

考题 单选题A level gauge for a tank is to ().A give the pressureB give the contentsC give the shape of the tankD give the accuracy level

考题 单选题准确度与误差的关系是()。A 准确度与绝对误差成正比B 准确度与绝对误差成反比C 准确度等于绝对误差D 准确度近似于绝对误差E 准确度与绝对误差无关

考题 名词解释题英译中:Accuracy audit