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A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored?()











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更多 “单选题A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored?()A NVRAMB RAMC FLASHD ROME PCMCIA” 相关考题
考题 An administrator tries to change the checksum_offload setting on ent0, but the chdev command responds that the adapter is busy.What can be done to resolve this?() A.Use chdev with -P flag and run cfgmgr.B.Use chdev with -R flag and run cfgmgr.C.Use chdev with -P flag and reboot the system.D.Use chdev with -R flag and reboot the system.

考题 A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored? () A. NVRAMB. RAMC. FLASHD. ROME. PCMCIA

考题 A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored?() A.NVRAMB.RAMC.FLASHD.ROME.PCMCIA

考题 The system administrator wants to use a new jfslog /dev/fs1log with the filesystem /test/fs1 on the testvg volume group. The following commands were used to create the log and assign it to the filesystem:  (1)mklv -t jfslog -y /dev/fs1log testvg 1   (2)chfs -a log=/dev/fs1log /test/fs1   While trying to mount the /test/fs1 filesystem the administrator received the error:  "Cannot mount /dev/fs1lv on /test/fs1: A system call received a parameter that is not valid". What step did the administrator miss that most likely caused the error?()A、Use the logform command to format /dev/fs1log as a jfslogB、Use the chlv command to change the lv type of /dev/fs1log to jfslogC、Use the chvg command to change the default jfslog of testvg to /dev/fs1logD、Edit the /etc/filesystems file to change the log associated with /test/fs1 to /dev/fs1log

考题 An administrator has added a new device to a system and wants to determine if it has been correctly added to the ODM database. Which command would the system administrator use?()A、odmgetB、odmaddC、odmshowD、odmcreate

考题 A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored? ()A、NVRAMB、RAMC、FLASHD、ROME、PCMCIA

考题 A system administrator wants to configure a system so that all new users will be put into the database group by default. How would this be accomplished?()A、remove all other groups from the systemB、run the command mkuser -default "GROUP=database"C、change the default group in /usr/lib/security/mkuser.defaultD、edit /etc/security/group to move all users to the database stanza

考题 A system administrator issued the errpt command and had no results. The system administrator determined that error logging was turned off. Which of the following commands should be used to start logging system errors?()A、/usr/bin/errmsgB、/usr/lib/errdemonC、/usr/lib/errloggerD、/usr/bin/errinstall

考题 Which command can a system administrator use to verify that a tape is in backup format and is readable by the system?()A、tarB、tctlC、tcopyD、restore

考题 A system administrator created a /etc/exports file on server "Alpha" and entered a filesystem to be exported to server "Bravo." However, the remote servers are unable to mount the filesystems. What does the system administrator need to do?()A、Use the exportfs command on server "Alpha" to export the filesystemB、Use the showmount command on server "Bravo" to import the filesystemC、Use the startsrc command on server "Bravo" to refresh the NFS daemonsD、Use the chfs command on server "Alpha" to change the filesystem type to NFS

考题 A system administrator needs to configure dump devices for the system. Which command would be used to estimate the size required for a dump device?()A、lsdevB、chdevC、sysdumpdevD、sysdumpstart

考题 A system administrator is unable to unmount a file system. Which is the appropriate command to determine who or what is accessing the file system?()A、who /filesystemB、lsfs /filesystemC、fuser /filesystemD、umount -f /filesystem

考题 An administrator tries to change the checksum_offload setting on ent0, but the chdev command responds that the adapter is busy. What can be done to resolve this?()A、Use chdev with -P flag and run cfgmgr.B、Use chdev with -R flag and run cfgmgr.C、Use chdev with -P flag and reboot the system.D、Use chdev with -R flag and reboot the system.

考题 An administrator wants to test the performance of an application at different memory sizes.  What is the most effective way to perform the test and collect statistical information for each test?()  A、Run DLPAR to change the LPAR memory for each test.B、Run rmss command to simulate different memory for each test.C、Run chdev command to limit the system memory size for each test.D、Run chattr command to limit the system memory size for each test.

考题 An  administrator  runs  mktcpip  aixhost  enO  to  change  the  network  address,  but  the  command  hangs  for  an  extended  period  of  time.   Which  of  the  following  is  the  most  likely  cause  of  the  problem()A、entO is in a defined stateB、enO is currently activeC、There is no physical network adapter on the systemD、The address is in use by another system

考题 A system administrator has been asked to document the hardware configuration of a system. Which command can be used to assist in this task?()A、lscfgB、mkdevC、lslppD、cfgmgr

考题 An administrator needs to change a system’s run level from level 2 to level 3. What is the appropriate  method to accomplish this()A、Use the reboot command.B、Edit the /etc/reboot file and reboot the system.C、Edit /etc/.init.state file and reboot the system.D、Use the telinit command

考题 A system administrator would like to modify the system default user characteristics so that each new user will now be assigned (by default) the csh shell rather than the ksh shell. Which of the following actions should be performed?()A、Run the command chlogin -shell "csh"B、Run the command mkuser -default "SHELL=csh"C、Edit /etc/passwd and change all "ksh" entries to "csh"D、Modify the contents of /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file

考题 单选题How would the system administrator turn on Dynamic Processor Deallocation?()A Use the diag menu to set dynamic deallocation to ’on’B Use the chdev command to enable the ’cpuguard’ attribute of sys0C Use the cfgmgr command to change the ’monitor’ attribute of proc0D Use the smitty command with the fast path dynamic_processor_deallocation to turn it on

考题 单选题A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS is that change stored?()A NVRAMB RAMC FLASHD ROME PCMCIA

考题 多选题A network administrator enters the following command on a router: logging trap 3. What are three message types that will be sent to the Syslog server? ()AinformationalBemergencyCwarningDcriticalEdebugFerror

考题 多选题The current time zone for one of the user sessions is set to the database local time zone. For one application, the user session requires the time zone to be set to the local operating system time zone without affecting other user sessions. Which two solutions could the user implement to achieve this objective? ()Ause the ALTER SYSTEM command to change the time zoneBuse the ALTER SESSION command to change the time zoneCuse the ALTER DATABASE command to change the time zoneDset the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the client machineEset the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the database server machine

考题 单选题A user’s print jobs default to PRINTER_A.The user wants to change their default printer to PRINTER_B.How can the system administrator change the user’s default printer to PRINTER_B?()A Execute the command ’piobe -q PRINTER_B’B Edit the user’s stanza in the /etc/qconfig fileC Execute the command ’chuser -a QUEUE=PRINTER_B user’D Add the line ’export PRINTER=PRINTER_B’ to the user’s .profile

考题 单选题An  administrator  runs  mktcpip  aixhost  enO  to  change  the  network  address,  but  the  command  hangs  for  an  extended  period  of  time.   Which  of  the  following  is  the  most  likely  cause  of  the  problem()A entO is in a defined stateB enO is currently activeC There is no physical network adapter on the systemD The address is in use by another system