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Because of the high loads the bearing material is a tin- aluminum alloy bonded to a steel shellThe crosshead pin is highly polished to a ().
flat surface
mirror finish
sloping surface
inclined surface
更多 “单选题Because of the high loads the bearing material is a tin- aluminum alloy bonded to a steel shellThe crosshead pin is highly polished to a ().A flat surfaceB mirror finishC sloping surfaceD inclined surface” 相关考题
The machine has stopped rotating because the bearing _____ the shaft.A.seizedB.cloggedC.meltedD.inserted
To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts, pistons of high-speed engines are made considerably shorterThis results in __________.A.less piston slap and quieter runningB.increased crankshaft bearing wearC.slightly greater piston wearD.decreased side pressures
Because of the high loads the bearing material is a tin-aluminum(锡-铝) alloy bonded to a steel shell. The crosshead pin is highly polished to a______.A.flat surfaceB.mirror finishC.sloping(倾斜的) surfaceD.inclined(倾向的) surface
The author mentions food,tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all________.A.useful items
B.articles of value
C.difficult things to obtain
D.material objects
The population decreased from the 1840s until about 1970,largely because of().Aa low birth rateBa high death rateCa low employment rateDa high emigration rate
Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them().A、on the high sideB、out of line withC、are running highD、be too high
单选题Because the tie bolts are so close to the crankshaft, some engines employ ()to hold the crankshaft main bearing cap in position instead of conventional studs and nuts.A
through boltsB
jack boltsC
tap boltsD
fitted bolts
单选题To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts, pistons of high-speed engines are made considerably shorterThis results in ()A
less piston slap and quieter runningB
increased crankshaft bearing wearC
slightly greater piston wearD
decreased side pressures
单选题Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them().A
on the high sideB
out of line withC
are running highD
be too high
单选题In the management of the shafting, because() carry heavy load and caused high temperature easily, it should be paid attention.A
the bearing near to the diesel engineB
the intermediate bearing near to the thrust bearingC
the intermediate bearing near to the sterntubeD
the bearing located at the middle of the diesel engine and the sterntube
单选题An exhaust gas bypass is installed on a waste heat boiler in order to ().A
bypass exhaust gas at high loads to prevent excessive back pressureB
bypass a portion of the exhaust gas at peak loads for better efficiencyC
recycle exhaust gas to the turbochargerD
minimize moisture condensation in the boiler gas passages at low loads
单选题The purpose of an oil mist detector in a main propulsion diesel engine is to warn of ()A
excessive mist density in the crankcasesB
excessively high crankcase vacuumC
excessively high bearing temperatureD
excessive carbon buildup in the lube oil
单选题A semiconductor is a material with a ().A
conductivity higher than a normal conductorB
conductivity higher than a normal insulatorC
high conductivity at low temperaturesD
low conductivity at high temperatures
单选题When the normal compression ratio of a diesel engine is not very high, misfiring at light loads may be caused by ()A
overloading the engineB
low exhaust valve liftC
excessive cylinder coolingD
insufficient mechanical clearance
单选题Burning fuel with a high sulfur content in a diesel engine will ()A
increase thermal efficiencyB
cause clogging of the fuel systemC
increase the ability of the engine to start in cold weatherD
produce corrosion in the cylinder and exhaust system at low loads
单选题For a fire to begin there must be present a combustible material, oxygen or air to ()combustion, and a source of heat at a temperature high enough to start combustion.A
单选题A diesel engine should not be operated at low loads for long periods of time because()A
heavy carbon deposits will buildup on the valves and in the exhaustB
fuel dilution is increased at low loadC
exhaust valves may be damagedD
all of the above
单选题The operator of electrical motors should keep a constant check on the loads they carry because ()A
low loads necessitate frequent insulation cleaningB
exceeding nameplate values shortens useful lifeC
energy is wasted if full loading is not utilizedD
power factor correction methods are load dependent
填空题High earners are more likely to feel satisfied with their lives probably because they realize they have good luck.____
单选题Because of the resulting higher pressures in the cylinder from the combustion of this greater mass of fuel, and the larger diameters, the liner must be made () at the top to accommodate the higher stresses, and prevent cracking of the material.A
单选题Your vessel is listening because of a negative GM. To lower G below M, you should().A
transfer weight to the high sideC
ballast on the high sideD
add we ght symmetrically below G
单选题Singing for over two hours, Anita’s hoarseness prevented her hitting the high notes.A
Singing for over two hours, Anita’s hoarseness prevented her hitting the high notes.B
Singing for over two hours, Anita was unable to hit the high notes because of her hoarseness.C
Having sung for over two hours, Anita’s hoarseness prevented her from hitting the high notes.D
Having sung for over two hours, Anita was no longer able to hit the high notes because of her hoarseness.E
Having sung for over two hours, Anita’s ability to hit the high notes was pre- vented by her hoarseness.
单选题Personnel who are moving or handling material aboard ship should NOT follow which of the listed practices?()A
signaling that all personnel are clear before lifting or lowering materialB
Examining material for sharp edges or protruding points before handlingC
Closing, tagging, or securing valves that permit entrance of steam, water, or air into a fitting or other equipmentD
Throwing materials from high places to the deck
单选题High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel engine can result from()A
high oil pressureB
excessive bearing end playC
plugged oil control ringsD
engine overload
单选题Ammonia when used as a refrigerant is valuable because of its high efficiency, it is however ().A
all of the above
单选题Buoys are marked with reflective material to assist in their detection by searchlight. Which statement is TRUE? ()A
A safe-water buoy will display red and white vertical stripes of reflective materialB
All reflective material is white because it is the most visible at nightC
A special-purpose mark will display either red or green reflective material to agree with its shapeD
A preferred-channel buoy displays either red or green reflective material to agree with the top band of color
单选题What is/are the advantage(s)of cranes over conventional cargo booms().A
Cranes are able to pick up and drop loads over a greater spotting areaB
Increased safety because the deck is clear of running and standing riggingC
Simplicity of operation of the crane by its operatorD
All of the above