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考题 单选题The word “multifaceted” underlined in Paragraph 3 means __________.A versatileB complexC many-sidedD multitude

考题 问答题中国的饮食文化  俗话说“民以食为天”。饮食文化,即围绕着人们日常工作中的食物、饮料及其食用方法所形成的文化现象,亦称饮食习俗。  从新石器时代的半坡村文化遗址中发现,早在五六千年前,中国北方的黄河流域已普遍种植粟这种农作物。同样,在距今7,000年前的河姆渡文化遗址中,也发现了南方人种植水稻的痕迹。这两个发现证明:6,000年前,南方人食大米,北方人吃小米的饮食习俗已经形成。南北方的食品风格不同。以大米为主食的南方食品较为简单,而以面粉为主食的北方食品则较为复杂。明代,又从南美传入了甜薯、土豆和玉米等农作物。  筷子是人们日常生活中最常用的一种进餐工具,已有数千年的历史。一位西方人曾说过:中国的筷子充分利用了杠杆原理,必须通过全身130多块骨头和肌肉的协调动作,才能使用筷子。筷子的发明充分显示了中国人的灵巧和智慧。

考题 单选题______A visionB viewpointC sightseeingD prospect

考题 单选题We are not yet near Hudson Bay. We have to go to the north far.A to the farther north B far to the northern C farther northD far northern

考题 问答题中国作为一个发展中国家,很自然十分关心发展中国家在世界经济中所处的困境。许多事实证明,北南关系不是朝着更好的方向发展,而是趋于进一步的恶化。因此,改善北南关系就成为所有国家的一项重要任务。目前,北南之间的差距进一步扩大,富的更富,穷的更穷。许多发展中国家人民正生活在贫困线之下,发达国家有责任给发展中国家以更多的帮助,并同意在平等互利、平等交换的基础上,建立一个新的国际经济秩序。  今天的世界各国,经济上的相互依存更加密切。如果发展中国家的困难长期得不到解决,经济得不到发展,发达国家的经济要持续保持稳定增长,也将是困难的。在商品、贸易、债务、资金、货币和金融等领域,采取有效措施,改善发展中国家面临的外部环境,以利于发展中国家恢复增长和发展,这是当前国际经济领域中的一项紧迫任务。这样做也有利于世界经济的稳定和增长。

考题 单选题______A gratefulB readyC pleasedD obligated

考题 单选题With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people __________.A have to get familiar with modern technologyB are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operationsC are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD are eager to work overseas

考题 单选题According to this passage, turtles are of great importance in China because they are _________.A rareB the most expensive in food marketsC imported into ChinaD used to cure certain diseases

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT true about the Hawthorne study?A It was the first documented evidence of the psychological effects on doing work.B The Hawthorne study continued for five years.C They found that the workers responded not to the level of lighting but to the fact that other work conditions were not favorable.D The study changed the focus from economics to a multifaceted approach.

考题 单选题______A disputes B changes C arguments D calls

考题 单选题The preliminary estimate of gains in gross national product indicated that recovery from recession was faster than anticipated.A regression B restoration C restraint D reversion

考题 问答题私立学校并不一定比公立学校好,但上私立学校肯定比上公立学校贵。公立学校的办学经费用的是每一个公民纳税的钱,而私立学校却不是这样。家长如果想把自己的孩子送到私立学校去念书,他们就得自己付钱。  即使家长有钱付学费,私立学校也不一定非得把孩子收下来。大部分的私立学校一般都只收学习成绩较好而又遵守纪律的学生。有的私立学校只收男生,而有的私立学校又只收女生。与公立学校相比,私立学校每个班的人数要少些,学生也能遵守课堂纪律。这样,学生在学校里就能学到更多的知识。  公立学校不设宗教课程。所以,有些家长就把自己的孩子送到私立的教会学校去上学。这类教会学校一般都属于某个教派,在学校里,他们就给学生上自己教派的宗教课程。当然,其他学校教的所有的课程,教会学校也都得教。

考题 单选题______A equality B advantage C balance D dump

考题 单选题The author implies that __________.A the teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitudeB in some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower gradesC people usually act on the basis of reasoning rather than emotionD children’s attitudes often come from those of other children

考题 单选题______A industrial B agricultural C commercial D decoration

考题 问答题Healthcare Reform  During the past two decades, all of the industrialized nations have enacted some form of healthcare reform. America is no exception. Just a few years ago, the U. S. was consumed by a vigorous public debate about healthcare. In the end, the debate reaffirmed that the U. S. would retain its essentially market-based system. Instead of reform imposed from the top down, 3 the American healthcare system underwent some rather profound self-reform, driven by powerful market forces. The market—not the government—managed to wring inflation out of the private healthcare market. 4  Today, it appears that U.S. healthcare costs are again on the rise. At the same time, American patients—like patients elsewhere—are becoming more vocal5 about the restrictions many face in their healthcare plans. Talk of government-led reform is once again in the air. 6  We must think twice, though, before embarking on “reform” if that means imposing further restrictions on our healthcare markets. The more sensible course is to introduce policies that make the market work better—that is, to the advantage of consumers. I base this argument on our company’s decades of experience in healthcare systems around the world, which has given us a unique global perspective on the right and wrong way to reform healthcare. The wrong way is to impose layer after layer of regulation and restrictions. We have seen this approach tried in many countries, and we have always see it fail—fail to hold down costs, and fail to provide the best quality care. Medicine is changing at so rapid a pace that no government agency or expert commission can keep up with it. Only an open, informed and competitive market can do that. This lesson holds true for the U. S., and for all countries contemplating healthcare reform. Free markets do what governments mean to do—but can’t.  The right approach10 is to foster a flexible, market-based system in which consumers have rights, responsibilities, and choices. Healthcare systems do not work if patients are treated as passive recipients of services: 11 they do work if consumers are well-informed about quality, costs, and new treatments, and are free to act responsibly on that knowledge.  Of course, reform should never be driven purely by cost considerations. Instead, we ought to devise new ways of funding healthcare that will make it possible for all patients to afford the best care. Ideally, these new approaches would not only reward individuals and families but also encourage innovation, which can make healthcare systems more efficient, more productive, and ultimately of greater value for patients.  The path we choose will have enormous implications for all of us. We are in a golden age of science, and no field of scientific inquiry holds more promise than that of biomedicine. 13 Not only can we look forward to the discovery of cures for chronic and acute disease, but also to the development of enabling therapies that can help people enjoy more rewarding and productive lives.14 New drugs are already helping people who would once have been disabled by arthritis or cardiovascular disease stay active and mobile.15 More effective anti-depressants and anti-psychotics are beginning to relieve the crippling illness of the mind, allowing sufferers to function normally and happily in society. The promise is quite simply—one of longer, healthier lives. 16  What is at issue are the pace and breadth of discovery, and how quickly we can make the benefits of our knowledge available to the patients who need them.  Therefore, the policy environment the biomedical industry will face in the next century may make or break the next wave of biomedical breakthroughs. 17 Will that environment include protection for intellectual property, freedom for the market to determine price, and support for a robust science base? 18 Will healthcare systems nurture innovation, or remove incentives for discovery? Will they give consumers information and options, or impose stringent rules and regulations that limit access and choice? For the U. S., as for the rest of the world, the healthcare debate is by no means over. And for all of us, the stakes are higher than ever.

考题 单选题No such things as ghost exists in the world. That’s your illusion.A No such a thing as B No such thing asC No such thing as a D No such a thing as a

考题 问答题我们污染了空气  清洁的空气对于健康是至关重要。空气中含有杂质,这些杂质会被我们的身体吸收,使人生病。我们需要清洁的空气,但不幸的是,目前普遍存在着空气污染,尤其是在城市里。  城市里有许多食品厂、服装厂和制造其他东西的工厂。每天这些工厂把千百万吨烟灰排人空气中。燃煤的工厂也大大加重了空气污染。  工厂产生的东西过一个时期就会损坏,然后就作为垃圾扔掉。我们烧掉许多垃圾,烟灰就增多了。还有工厂制造的汽车。汽车一旦出厂在街上行驶,将会吸进空气,排出有毒的气体,并增加空气中的烟尘。  世界上还没有一个彻底摆脱了空气污染的地区。我们必须采取些措施来控制空气污染。  现在越来越多的人认识到清洁的空气的重要性。学校正在把有关污染的问题纳入教学内容。企业界在帮着净化空气,他们安装了特别的设备来清除烟雾。科学家和发明家们正在努力开发更加清洁的汽车和火车引擎,终有一天我们会驾驶着电力汽车,会有一种新型的纸,在水里溶化而不需要燃烧。一些国家正在开发研制一种新型的、会在阳光下溶化和消失的玻璃瓶。  或许,人们在城市里能呼吸新鲜空气的日子将会到来。

考题 单选题Although the Moon has not held great prominence in the history of religion, the veneration of the Moon by some societies has been practiced since early times.A magic of B symbol for C worship of D dependence on

考题 单选题He meant telling us about it, but he forgot to tell us.A to be tellingB tellingC to have toldD having told

考题 单选题______A study B discovery C research D development

考题 单选题Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre while the curtain went up.A thanB when C beforeD as soon as

考题 单选题As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are only second with those of Kuwait.A come second falling B come second with C are only second toD are second only to

考题 单选题______A durableB excessiveC surplusD multiple

考题 问答题Abstract Expressionism  Abstract expressionism was the name for an artistic movement that emerged in the USA during the 1950s. It was also known as the New York School since most of the important artists lived there, at least for a time. During World War II many influential artists had fled the fighting and persecution of Europe and ended up in New York. The Abstract Expressionist group were made up of artists who had either come from Europe or who were directly influenced by the styles and techniques of those who had.  Abstract Expressionism is a term used for art that uses elements of Expressionism in an abstract way. They were also influenced by Surrealism. Expressionist artists used symbols and particular styles of painting to express feelings or emotions. Surrealists tried to express the subconscious by using through the actual process of painting. The physical property of paint (what it was like) was what was important. The style and the subject (what the painting was of) had lost all significance.  The recognition of the Abstract Expressionists by the art world meant that for the first time the USA became known as an important force in avant-garde art. The term avant-garde is often used in art, and is used to describe anything radically new or different. The Abstract Expressionists fitted this description perfectly. For the first time it was the physical act of painting that was important rather than the end product.  The New York School was not, in the strictest sense, an artistic movement. The Abstract Expressionists included artists who had each developed their own individual styles. But there were enough similarities in the way they thought about and approached painting that gradually the group became known as the Abstract Expressionists.  Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner and Franz Kline all became recognized for a technique called action painting. This was where spontaneous physical movement and gestures were used to produce paintings. The term action painting was originally used by the art critic Harold Rosenberg. He was referring to Jackson Pollock, who became famous for his drip paintings. Pollock used a revolutionary new technique, which involved dripping, pouring or squirting the paint from syringes directly onto the canvases. We now use the term action painting in a wider sense to refer to any technique of making a painting with energetic and spontaneous application of paint.  Other artists who also fall under the title of Abstract Expressionists include Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still. These artists invented a softer, calmer technique where paint is applied with brushes in large areas, or fields, of color covers the whole picture surface. This technique became known as color field painting.  Both the action and color field painters shared methods and ideals. Paint is applied in bold, simple brushstrokes, dribbles or splashes, with blocks of color to make the maximum visual impact. The huge physical size of the paintings matched the artists’ grand philosophical ideas.  Abstract Expressionists all shared a philosophy about painting. Paintings were a search for truth, or the hidden meaning of life. The artists tried to find a way of painting that did not have to follow any particular style or school ofart. This way people would not associate the painting with anything else. They would just look at it as a painting and form their own ideas of what it meant.

考题 单选题The experience of foreign countries is worth learning from and taking for reference.A learning and referenceB our learning and our referenceC our learning from and taking for referenceD our learning and make reference to

考题 问答题中国茶文化  中国是世界上种茶最早、制茶最精、饮茶最多的国家,是茶的故乡。  最初,茶只是被作为一种药材;而非饮品。后来,随着古人对茶性的深入研究,逐渐将茶从药材中分离出来,而成为一种清热解渴的饮料,并逐渐形成了中国的茶文化。  据史料记载,西汉时期已经有了饮茶的习俗。到了魏晋南北朝时期,饮茶的习俗已经成为上层人物中的一种时尚。唐代,可以说是中国茶文化的成熟时期。此时,饮茶的风气极为盛行。人们不仅讲究茶叶的产地和采制,还讲究饮茶的器具和方法,并且在饮茶的方法上日益翻新。宋代,茶的种植、贸易也依然有增无减,并且制茶技术也有了明显的进步。到了元代,饮茶已成为日常生活中极为平常的事。明清时期,日常生活中人们饮茶的习惯已经与现在无大差别。  中国很早以前就把茶种以及种茶的技术传播到了外国。唐代,茶叶传到了日本,后来出现了举世闻名的日本茶道。大约l7世纪初,茶叶流传到西欧,也成为欧洲人民喜爱的饮料之一。

考题 单选题______A powerfulB hugeC dangerousD disastrous