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更多 “名词解释题VPN” 相关考题
考题 在跨域()方式中,需要跨域的VPN在ASBR间通过专用的接口管理自己的VPN路由。 A.VPN-OptionAB.VPN-OptionBC.VPN-OptionCD.VPN-OptionD

考题 使用()地址解决了VPN路由在公共网络中传递时的地址空间冲突问题。 A.VPN-v1B.VPN-v2C.VPN-v8D.VPN-v4

考题 在整个VPN通信中,主要有(12)和(13)两种VPN通信方式,而后者又包括“Intranet VPN(企业内联VPN)”和“Extranet VPN(企业外联VPN)”。

考题 What is the recommended practice when considering VPN termination and firewall placement?() A. have the firewall and VPN appliance deployed in parallelB. place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating inside the firewallC. place the public side of the VPN termination device in the DMZ behind a firewallD. place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating outside the firewall

考题 MPLS VPN骨干网中的P路由器在转发VPN数据包时()。A、P路由器有VPN路由,它按照VPN路由器表进行转发B、P路由器没有VPN路由,它根据VPN数据包的目的IP地址查找IGP路由表进行转发C、P路由器没有VPN路由,它根据上层label进行转发D、P路由器没有VPN路由,不同的VPN有不同的label,所以它根据VPN label转发

考题 VPN解决方案一般分为VPN()和VPN()。

考题 IPVPN按VPN的服务类型划分可分为接入VPN、内联网VPN、外联网VPN。

考题 There is MPLS VPN traffic traversing through a TE intermediate router. What is the MPLS packet labelstack sequence (from outer to inner) for the VPN traffic on this router?()A、TE label, IGP label, VPN labelB、IGP label, TE label, VPN labelC、TE label, VPN label, IGP labelD、VPN label, IGP label, TE labelE、IGP label, VPN label, TE label

考题 In JUNOS software, which type of VPN supports IPX and Appletalk?()A、Martini based VPN’sB、2547bis based VPN’sC、Sham link based VPN’sD、Virtual Router based VPN’s

考题 广域网间VPN主要技术包括链路层VPN、网络层VPN、会话层VPN、应用层VPN技术。

考题 以下对GRE VPN和BGP/MPLS VPN描述正确的有()。A、都可以分隔地址空间B、都是点对点的隧道C、GRE VPN能够分隔地址空间,BGP/MPLS VPN不能分隔地址空间D、GRE VPN不能分隔地址空间,BGP/MPLS VPN能分隔地址空间

考题 PN Manager的两大核心作用是()A、VPN部署B、VPN监控C、VPN备份D、VPN加速

考题 用户现在希望两个VPN的业务主机都能够访问internet,为了做到集中访问和集中控制,统一在核心节点A侧再增加一个VRF专门进行internet的访问。 已知VPN1的VRF的RT配置如下: ip vpn-instance vpn-1; vpn-target A export-extcommunity; vpn-target A import-extcommunity 已知VPN2的VRF的RT配置如下: ip vpn-instance vpn-2; vpn-target B export-extcommunity; vpn-target B import-extcommunity 请写出super VPN的应该发布什么路由给其他两个VPN?

考题 在跨域()方式中,需要跨域的VPN在ASBR间通过专用的接口管理自己的VPN路由。A、VPN-OptionAB、VPN-OptionBC、VPN-OptionCD、VPN-OptionD

考题 使用()地址解决了VPN路由在公共网络中传递时的地址空间冲突问题。A、VPN-v1B、VPN-v2C、VPN-v8D、VPN-v4

考题 Which of the following topology situations would be a qood candidate for configuring DMVPN()A、Extranet VPNB、Managed overlay VPN topologyC、Hub-and-spoke VPN topologyD、Central-site VPN topologyE、Full mesh VPN topologyF、Remote-access VPN topology

考题 What is the recommended practice when considering VPN termination and firewall placement?()A、 have the firewall and VPN appliance deployed in parallelB、 place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating inside the firewallC、 place the public side of the VPN termination device in the DMZ behind a firewallD、 place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating outside the firewall


考题 Regarding a route-based versus policy-based IPsec VPN, which statement is true?()A、A route-based VPN generally uses less resources than a policy-based VPN.B、A route-based VPN cannot have a deny action in a policy; a policy-based VPN can have a deny action.C、A route-based VPN is better suited for dialup or remote access compared to a policy-based VPN.D、A route-based VPN uses a policy referencing the IPsec VPN; a policy-based VPN policy does not use apolicy referencing the IPsec VPN

考题 判断题IPVPN按VPN的服务类型划分可分为接入VPN、内联网VPN、外联网VPN。A 对B 错

考题 填空题VPN解决方案一般分为VPN()和VPN()。

考题 单选题Regarding a route-based versus policy-based IPsec VPN, which statement is true?()A A route-based VPN generally uses less resources than a policy-based VPN.B A route-based VPN cannot have a deny action in a policy; a policy-based VPN can have a deny action.C A route-based VPN is better suited for dialup or remote access compared to a policy-based VPN.D A route-based VPN uses a policy referencing the IPsec VPN; a policy-based VPN policy does not use apolicy referencing the IPsec VPN

考题 单选题There is MPLS VPN traffic traversing through a TE intermediate router. What is the MPLS packet labelstack sequence (from outer to inner) for the VPN traffic on this router?()A TE label, IGP label, VPN labelB IGP label, TE label, VPN labelC TE label, VPN label, IGP labelD VPN label, IGP label, TE labelE IGP label, VPN label, TE label

考题 单选题Which of the following topology situations would be a qood candidate for configuring DMVPN?()A Extranet VPNB Managed overlay VPN topologyC Hub-and-spoke VPN topologyD Central-site VPN topologyE Full mesh VPN topologyF Remote-access VPN topology

考题 单选题What is the benefit of using the Cisco Easy VPN Server feature along with the Cisco software VPN client for implementing remote-access VPNs? ()A  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client use the same GUI configuration tool to simplify remote-access VPN configurations.B  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature allows the Cisco software VPN client to receive its security policies from the central site VPN device. This minimizes the configuration requirements at the remote location for large remote access VPN deployments.C  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client use hardware-based encryption to reduce the CPU overhead of the central site VPN router.D  The Cisco Easy VPN Server feature and the Cisco software VPN client enable scalable remote-access VPNs deployment by using a thick client/thin server model where the central site VPN router can handle thousands of incoming VPN connections.

考题 单选题In JUNOS software, which type of VPN supports IPX and Appletalk?()A Martini based VPN’sB 2547bis based VPN’sC Sham link based VPN’sD Virtual Router based VPN’s

考题 单选题What is the recommended practice when considering VPN termination and firewall placement?()A  have the firewall and VPN appliance deployed in parallelB  place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating inside the firewallC  place the public side of the VPN termination device in the DMZ behind a firewallD  place the VPN in line with the firewall, with the VPN terminating outside the firewall

考题 单选题You are designing a strategy for implementing Internet Authentication Service (IAS) to meet the business  and technical requirements. What should you do?()A Install IAS on VPN1, VPN2, and VPN3.B Install IAS on VPN1, Configure VPN2 and VPN3 as RADIUS clients.C Install IAS on VPN1, Configure VPN1, VPN2, and VPN3 as RADIUS clients.D Install IAS on DC1, Configure VPN2 and VPN3 as RADIUS clients. Create all remote access policies on VPN1.E Install IAS on DC2, Configure VPN2 and VPN3 as RADIUS clients. Configure remote access logging on VPN1.