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更多 “单选题______A some B any C none D one” 相关考题
考题 ( )on the shelf was missing. A. One of the booksB. One of the bookC. None of bookD. One of book

考题 __________. A. this B. none C. one D. it

考题 ----Could you take ____ for these ____? They are very beautiful .A. any ph otos, tomatoesB. some photos, tomatoesC. some photos, tomatosD. any photos, tomatoes

考题 9. ___________ of them has any great ability.A. None ofB. NoneC. No.D. No one

考题 10.—Could you buy_________ drinks for me?—Sorry,but I don't have _________ money.A. some, someB. any,anyC. any, someD. some,any

考题 We don’t have ______ fruit in the house.Let me buy ______.A、any, anyB、any, someC、a little, anyD、some, any

考题 Do you have ______ shrimps? ---Here they ______ .A、any,areB、some,isC、any,beD、some,are

考题 There are two new assistants in the office, but ()them is any good. A、neither ofB、none ofC、both ofD、either of

考题 I don't need ()mineral water, but l' d like()tea,thanks. A.any , anyB.any , someC.some , some

考题 I have _____ question to ask you. A、more oneB、any moreC、some moreD、one more

考题 There are ______ books in your bag. But there aren’t ______ pens in it. A、some, someB、any ,someC、some, anyD、any,any

考题 I don't need ( )mineral water, but I'd like ( )_tea, thanks.A. some,anyB. any,anyC. any,some

考题 To search for any information needed on tomorrow’s Web, one only has to _____.[A]wade through screen after screen of extraneous data[B]ask the Web to dispatch some messenger to his door[C]use smart software programs called “agents”[D]explore Web sites by the thousands and pick out what’s relevant

考题 ___________________A. none B. all C. one

考题 The required number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers for staterooms on cargo vessels is ______.A.one A-IB.one B-IC.one C-ID.none required

考题 An American Shipowner can ______ in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the world.A.attackB.attachC.attainD.attend

考题 We couldn′t eat in a restaurant because__of us had__money on us.A.all;no B.any;no C.none;any D.no one;any

考题 ( )Are you sure you don‘t have_______advice to give me I really need_______.A.any;any B.some;any C.any;some D.some;some

考题 We have some white paint, but we ().A、haven’t any black paintB、have some black paintC、have some white paintD、hasn’t any black paint

考题 How many VLANs on the UCS must be configured when using FCoE?()A、One per bladeB、One per VSANC、One per fabricD、None are required

考题 One of the remote branch offices of Certkiller branch is running a Windows Server 2008 having ready only domain controller (RODC) installed.For security reasons you don’t want some critical credentials like (passwords, encryption keys) to be stored on RODC. What should you do so that these credentials are not replicated to any RODC’s in the forest()A、Configure RODC filtered attribute set on the serverB、Configure RODC filtered set on the server that holds Schema Operations Master role.C、Delegate local administrative permissions for an RODC to any domain user without granting that user any user rights for the domainD、Configure forest functional level server for Windows server 2008 to configure filteredattribute set.E、None of the above

考题 单选题66. A some one B one C he D readerA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题I’ve visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them ______ this one.A makesB beatsC comparesD matches

考题 单选题An American Shipowner can()in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the world.A attackB attachC attainD attend

考题 单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.A variableB worthwhileC worthyD value

考题 单选题64. A in this case B in any case C in no case D in some casesA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题We have some white paint, but we ().A haven’t any black paintB have some black paintC have some white paintD hasn’t any black paint

考题 单选题The ARQ mode should be applied().A when two stations communicate with each otherB in any radio system and at any timeC when one ship sends a message to another stationD for communication among some stations