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更多 “名词解释题Bergman征” 相关考题
考题 生活在高纬度地区的恒温动物往往比生活在低纬度地区的同类个体大,这个规律是( )。 A.Allen规律B.Bergman规律C.Logistic增长D.Tilman模型

考题 下列哪些项目属于脑膜刺激征A Kernig 征 B Kernig征+Babinski征+Hoffmann征 C Bruclzinski 征 外加颈强直 D Chaddock征+Brudzinsk征+颈强直

考题 上肢锥体束征是指A.Babinski征(巴宾斯基征) B.Oppenheim征(奥本海姆征) C.Gordon征(戈登征) D.Hoffmann征(霍夫曼征) E.Chaddock征(查多克征)

考题 共用题干 About End-of-Life CareDying patients are happier,less depressed,have less pain and survive longer when their end-of-life care wishes are known and followed,researchers report.This type of patient-centered care can also help keep health costs down________(51)patients who don't want aggressive treatment,the University of California,Los Angeles (UCLA) research team said."You can improve care while________(52)cost by making sure that everything you do is centered on what the patients want,what his or her specific goals are and tailor a treatment plan to ensure we_________(53)the specific care he or she wants,"Dr. Jonathan Bergman,a clinical scholar and fellow in the urology department,said in a university news release.__________(54)many cases,dying patients are given aggressive treatments that don't help them and_________(55)higher costs.Patients who want__________(56)care should receive it,but many don't want it and haven't been_________(57)about their wishes,according to Bergman and colleagues,who are testing patient-centered care__________(58)cancer patients.To change the situation,doctors need to be educated about patient-centered care,the researchers said. They also_________(59)that changes to Medicare should be considered.But this is a highly controversial topic that has been sidelined after recent suggested changes were characterized as creating"death panels"."Given the disproportionate cost of care at the very________(60)of life,the issue should be revisited,"Bergman and colleagues wrote."We should address goals of care,not to___________(61)aggressive care to those who want it,but to ensure that we deliver aggressive care only to those who__________(62).This reduces costs and improves outcomes."The study authors noted that,according to the results of a 2004 study,30 percent of Medicare dollars are________(63)on the 5 percent of beneficiaries who die each year,and one-third of the costs in the final year of life_________(64)during the final month.Previous research has shown that patient-centered care can reduce the costs in the last week of life________(65)36 percent and that patients who receive such care are less likely to die in an intensive care unit._________(63)A:spent B:costC:wasted D:got

考题 脑膜刺激征应该包括()A颈强直、Kernig征和Babinski征阳性B颈强直、Kernig征和Brudzinski征阳性CKernig征、Gordon征和Brudzinski征阳性DGordon征、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性E颈强直、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性

考题 生活在高纬度地区的恒温动物,其身体往往比生活在低纬度地区的同类个体大,这个规律称为()。A、Allen规律B、Bergman规律C、Logistic增长D、Tilman模型

考题 脑膜刺激征应该包括()A、颈强直、Kernig征和Babinski征阳性B、颈强直、Kernig征和Brudzinski征阳性C、Kernig征、Gordon征和Brudzinski征阳性D、Gordon征、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性E、颈强直、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性

考题 简述Bergman规律、Allen规律、霍普金斯物候定律。

考题 贝格曼(Bergman)规律

考题 下列病变,关于输尿管特点的描述哪项是错误的()A、单纯型输尿管囊肿:眼镜蛇头征B、输尿管肿瘤:Bergman征C、输尿管结核:输尿管串珠征D、前列腺肥大:鱼钩状输尿管E、原发性巨输尿管:双侧输尿管全程扩张

考题 Bergman征

考题 下列哪一项不是Babinski征的等位征()。A、Chaddock征B、Oppenheim征C、Gordon征D、Gonda征E、Romberg征

考题 名词解释题贝格曼(Bergman)规律

考题 单选题脑膜刺激征应该包括()A 颈强直、Kernig征和Babinski征阳性B 颈强直、Kernig征和Brudzinski征阳性C Kernig征、Gordon征和Brudzinski征阳性D Gordon征、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性E 颈强直、Babinski征和Oppenheim征阳性

考题 单选题下列病变,关于输尿管特点的描述哪项是错误的( )A 单纯型输尿管囊肿:眼镜蛇头征B 输尿管肿瘤:Bergman征C 输尿管结核:输尿管串珠征D 前列腺肥大:鱼钩状输尿管E 原发性巨输尿管:双侧输尿管全程扩张