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When can the man expect to see Professor Robinson?







解析: 录音中女士说:“He’ll probably be back on Friday, but I suggest you call on Wednesday or Thursday to be sure.”即男士有望在周五见到Professor Robinson。
M:I would really like to see Professor Robinson as soon as possible.
W:I’m sorry Professor Robinson became ill on Monday. He’ll probably be back on Friday, but I suggest you call on Wednesday or Thursday to be sure. …
更多 “单选题When can the man expect to see Professor Robinson?A TuesdayB FridayC Thursday” 相关考题
考题 29. When it thunders, we always see the light before we hear the sound.______ It’s becauseA. our eyes are in front of our earsB. our eyes are cleverer than our earsC. our eyes can see but our ears can-tD.light goes faster than sound

考题 22.In the daytime, when you dive in the sea, you ________A. can see everything green and blueB. can- t be in dangerC. can catch nothingD. can't see anything clearly

考题 Ⅱ.完形填空One morning Mr Green is driving(11) the country and (12) a small hotel. When he sees an old man (13) 0ne side of the road,he stops his (14) and says to the old man,"l want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know how to get there?""Yes,"the old man answers,"I'll (15) the way."He (16) Mr Green's car,and they drive about twelve miles.(17) they come to a small house,the old man says,"Stop here. "Mr Green stops and (18)the house. "But this isn't the hotel,"he says to the old man. "Right," the old man answers. "This is my house. And I'll tell you the way (19)the hotel, Turn (20) and go back nine miles. Then you can see the hotel. "( )11,A.inB.toC.aroundD.off

考题 Can you tell me ______ here today?A: what did you seeB: what you sawC: when did you see itD: when you saw

考题 Choose the most appropriate response to this customer inquiry: "When can expect the technician to arrive?"A. I have no idea. I am not responsible for arrangement-making.B. You are on the schedule. 1 can call you later with a more specific time.C. He might be there sometime between 12:00 and 5:00.

考题 Which of the followings can be used to ask for a favor of somebody()? A.Are you going to see John when you are in Beijing?B.When will you go to Chongqing?C.Will you please give him the parcel when you see him?D.How muchlong will you wait at the station?

考题 It’s helpful to put children in a situation they can see themselves differently.A. that B. when C. which D. where

考题 A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals EXCEPT ______.A.two red lightsB.one green lightC.one white lightD.one amber light

考题 In the Northern Hemisphere, when the center of a high pressure system is due east of your position, you can expect winds from the ______.A.south to eastB.north to westC.north to eastD.south to west

考题 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.A.see that B.except that C.provided that D.except for

考题 When you come to our city you can see__________ yourself how beautiful it is. A.in B.for C.to D.with

考题 When the train __________ , all the school students were surprised to see that the Carlisle team had one man only. A.pulled down B.pulled on C.pulled off D.pulled in

考题 资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes,Everything else seems blurry(=unclear).Many people who do a lot of work,such as writing,reading and sewing become near-sighted. People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away,but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading,they must get glasses,too. Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism. This,too,can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now,however,it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them. Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself,look at an object out of one eye;Then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes. We should take good care of our eyes______. A.even if we can see well B.only when we cannot see perfectly C.only when we realize how important our eyes are D.only when we can see well

考题 When the delegates met at Philadelphia in 1787,their task was()Ato write a new constitutionBto see what they can do about the Articles of ConfederationCto design a new form of governmentDto revise the Articles of Confederation

考题 When the delegates met at Philadelphia in 1787,their task was()A、to write a new constitutionB、to see what they can do about the Articles of ConfederationC、to design a new form of governmentD、to revise the Articles of Confederation

考题 When verifying the OSPF link state database, which type of LSAs should you expect to see within the different OS PF area types?()A、All OSPF routers in stubby areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.B、All OSPF routers in stubby areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.C、All OSPF routers in totally stubby areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.D、All OSPF routers in totally stubby areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.E、All OSPF routers in NSSA areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.F、All OSPF routers in NSSA areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.

考题 单选题When you come to our city you can see__________ yourself how beautiful it is.A inB forC toD with

考题 单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().A situations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyB visibility of less than half a mileC any condition where visibility is restrictedD visibility where you cannot see shore

考题 填空题We can see the importance of adaptation when bad times strike.____

考题 单选题Later when the bike was ______ to go, the man said, ‘Thanks. I hope I can help you some day.” “I never need help,” the woman said.A hardB readyC slowD unable

考题 单选题Where does the look-out man stand?().A In positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal and the man can see clearlyB In positions in which the noises in the ship are much likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signalC In positions in which the hearing of a signal is reduced to a minimumD In a position in which the man can see clearly

考题 单选题The old man heard _____ the sound of foot steps on fallen leaves, but could see nothing when he came out.A sensitivelyB distinctivelyC instinctivelyD suspiciously

考题 单选题A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals except ().A two red lightsB one green lightC one white lightD one amber light

考题 单选题A She’d be able to leave quickly.B She’d be less nervous.C She’d be able to locate where the man was seated.D She’d know when her professor arrived.

考题 单选题When the young man walked into the office to see the headmaster, he had ______.A butterflies in his heartB butterflies in his mindC butterflies in his stomachD butterflies in his spirit

考题 单选题When attempting to restart a warm high-speed engine, which of the following reactions can you expect?()A Excessive fuelB Higher than normal temperatures for star upC Longer starting periodsD Higher than normal lube oil pressure

考题 单选题From what Freud said at his 70th birthday party, we can see that he was ______A a brave manB a man full of humourC a devoted man