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Please arrange()a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.









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更多 “单选题Please arrange()a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.A ofB forC withD in” 相关考题
考题 Please arrange for ________ to clean the holds before my vessel takes cerealA.cargo surveyorsB.stevedore gangsC.duty sailorsD.cleaning gangs

考题 Please arrange to supply these and charge() our account.A、forB、aganintC、toD、at

考题 Please arrange ______ a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship’s cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.A.toB.withC.byD.For

考题 请用下列适当的单词填空:Alphabetical / sort / company / files / keep1.It will not work on directories which have__________in them.2.Please help me________ the files by size.3.It's a good idea to_________ duplicate files on disk.4.We open the files in _________order.5.We will arrange files on all staff in our__________.

考题 偷渡者A.stevedoreB.strangerC.stowawayD.surveyor

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考题 Please kindly arrange for shore workers to do ______ during loading the heavy cargo on deck as soon as possible.A.the work of using lines and chains to secure the cargo on boardB.the lash workC.the work of putting dunnage,keeping the cargo in position and not move when the ship is rolling and pitchingD.the lashing work

考题 Please arrange ______ a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.A.ofB.forC.withD.in

考题 ______ is just to put it ______ and notify me as to where and how the cargo was damaged.A.What you ought to do with the damaged cargo/asideB.What you should do with the damaged cargo/besideC.What will you do with the damaged cargo/besidesD.What have you to do with the damaged cargo/side by side

考题 Please arrange the ______ of my Deratting Exemption Certificate.A.RenewalB.ReplacementC.RecheckD.Review

考题 The Charterers to _______ a surveyor on behalf of both parties at the port of delivery and re-delivery,who shall inspect the cargo holds and ascertain bunkers remaining on board.A.InstructB.DecideC.SightD.Appoint

考题 Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or __________it is convenientto you.A.whenever B.however C.whichever D.wherever

考题 偷渡者()A、stevedoreB、strangerC、stowawayD、surveyor

考题 请修理一下受损吊杆。()A、Please have the damaged derrick readjusted.B、Please have the damaged derrick repaired.C、Please have the damaged derrick painted.D、Please have the damaged derrick brushed.

考题 One ()of the pilot ladder has been damaged. Please repair it at once.A、stepB、shackleC、chainD、cable

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考题 Your parcel was damaged when it arrived here.Please open the parcel to check the contents.译文是您的包裹寄达时已破损。

考题 Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate().A、our shipping arrangementB、for shipmentC、to arrange shipmentD、us to arrange shipment

考题 单选题Please arrange the survey()early.A to be carried outB carry outC be carried outD will carry out

考题 判断题Your parcel was damaged when it arrived here.Please open the parcel to check the contents.译文是您的包裹寄达时已破损。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?().A Tallyman'sB Marine surveyor'sC Cargo surveyor'sD Boarding inspector's

考题 单选题Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate().A our shipping arrangementB for shipmentC to arrange shipmentD us to arrange shipment

考题 单选题Whose duty is it to examine and verify the vessel’s classification and technical state and condition?().A Tallyman'sB Marine surveyor'sC Cargo surveyor'sD Boarding inspector's

考题 单选题()is just to put it()and notify me as to where and how the cargo was damaged.A What you ought to do with the damaged cargo/asideB What you should do with the damaged cargo/besideC What will you do with the damaged cargo/besideD What have you to do with the damaged cargo/side by side

考题 单选题Please kindly arrange for shore workers to do()during loading the heavy cargo on deck as soon as possible.A the work of using lines and chains to secure the cargo on boardB the lash workC the work of putting dunnage,keeping the cargo in position and not move when the ship is rolling and pitchingD the lashing work

考题 单选题One Class Surveyor got onboard of a 45000 DWT new construction Chemical Tanker a week before delivery, he carried out the initial Safety Equipment survey in accordance with the Fire Fighting and Life-saving Control Plan.Surveyor noted that the vessel had two (2) 15 persons’ Life-rafts at each side, and One (1) 6 persons’ Life-raft on the forward main deck. The surveyor verified the Life-rafts’ certificate and found that the max storing height of one 15 person’s Life-raft at port side to be 18 meters as indicated on its certificate. But the surveyor checked the drawings and noted that actual storing position was 18.5 meters above the Lightweight water line of this vessel.Surveyor recommended shipyard to change the Life-raft or re-locate the life-raft in order to comply with the stowing height requirement as indicated on its certificate. Do you think the Surveyor’s recommendation is correct?()A The surveyor’s comment was not correct; because the Life-raft has the Hydra-Static Releaser, should not care the height of Storing PositionB The surveyor’s comment was correct; because if the Storing height was over the Limit of the Life-raft, It may damage the Life-raft when throwing off to the waterC The surveyor’s comment was not correct; the storing position was the same location as showing on the approved drawingsD The surveyor’s comment was correct; as a surveyor, he can give any comment as he like

考题 单选题Let’s submit the case()the cargo surveyor.A toB ofC forD about