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Which single compound ’chmod’ command would achieve the same result as these four commands?() 

  • A、chmod go+w mydir
  • B、chmod go-w mydir
  • C、chmod go-w-x mydir
  • D、chmod go-w+x mydir


更多 “Which single compound ’chmod’ command would achieve the same result as these four commands?() A、chmod go+w mydirB、chmod go-w mydirC、chmod go-w-x mydirD、chmod go-w+x mydir” 相关考题
考题 使每个用户都可以读取和写入a.txt,相应命令为:() A.chmod666a.txtB.chmod777a.txtC.chmod755a.txtD.chmod555a.txt

考题 要想使任何人对文件commfile拥有“可读、可写、可执行”的全部权利,可通过()命令实现。() A. chmod ugo+rwx commfileB. chmod 751 commfileC. chmod ugo-rwx commfileD. chmod 777 commfile

考题 Which command will configure a directory /commonfiles so that a user cannot delete files owned by other users in the same group?() A.chmod +S /commonfilesB.chmod 4775 /commonfilesC.chmod 1777 /commonfilesD.chmod -orgx /commonfiles

考题 Howcanpermissionsbesetupon/tmpsothatausercannotdeleteanotheruser’sfiles?() A.chmod+s/tmpB.chmod775/tmpC.chmod1777/tmpD.chmod4755/tmp

考题 Asystemadministratorwantstogivefullread/write/excuteaccesstotheownerandgroupofthe/stuffdirectoryandallsubdirectoriesandfiles,butonlyallowread/executeforothers.Whatcommandwouldtheadministratoruse?() A.chmod-R775/stuffB.chmod-h002/stuffC.chmod-R577/stuffD.chmodug+rwx,o+rx/stuff

考题 The system administrator has requested that all setuid/setgid bits be removed from executables in application filesystem. Which command will achieve this?() A. chmod -R o-s /applicationB. chmod -R ug-s /applicationC. chmod -R -s -o /applicationD. chmod -R -s -ug /application

考题 An application owner wants to grant write permission to all users for all the files and directories in the application directory. Which of the following is the correct command?() A. chmod -R u+rw /applicationB. chmod -r u+rw /applicationC. chmod -R o+rw /applicationD. chmod -r o+rw /application

考题 Howshouldread,writeandexecutepermissionsfor‘group’and‘other’begrantedtoallfilesanddirectorieswithinthe/appfilesystem?() A.chmod-R677/appB.chmod-R664/appC.chmod-r677/appD.chmod-r664/app

考题 ●在Linux中,可以使用命令(63)来给test文件赋予执行权限。(63)A. [root@root]#chmod -x testB. [root@root]#chmod +x testC. [root@root]#chmod -w testD. [root@root]#chmod +w test

考题 在Linux中可以使用命令( )针对文件newfiles.txt为所有用户添加执行权限。A.chmod-x newfiles.txt B.chmod+x newfiles.txt C.chmod-w newfiles.txt D.chmod+w newfiles.txt

考题 下面()命令可以改变test目录中所有文件的权限。A、$chmod–a755 testB、$chmod–R755 testC、$chmod–X755 testD、chmod–o755test

考题 Linux中,为文件test.txt添加一个"其他用户可执行"权限时,使用()。A、chmod u+xtest.txtB、chmod a+xtest.txtC、chmod g+xtest.txtD、chmod o+xtest.txt

考题 用下列哪句语句给/opt/package/scripts目录赋权限()。A、chmod -R 337B、chmod -R 257C、chmod -R 777D、chmod -R 256

考题 How can permissions be set up on /tmp so that one user in a group cannot delete another user’s files in that same group()A、chmod +s /tmpB、chmod 755 /tmpC、chmod 1777 /tmpD、chmod 4755 /tmp

考题 A system administrator wants to give full read/write/excute access to the owner and group of the /stuff directory and all subdirectories and files, but only allow read/execute for others. What command would the administrator use?()A、chmod -R 775 /stuffB、chmod -h 002 /stuffC、chmod -R 577 /stuffD、chmod ug+rwx,o+rx /stuff

考题 如何给test这个文件加上可执行权限()A、chmod +x testB、chmod -x testC、chmod 400 testD、chmod 600 test

考题 Solaris中,将文件aaa赋予属主全权,而赋予其他人可执行权的命令为A、chmod 111 aaaB、chmod 777 aaaC、chmod 117 aaaD、chmod 711 aaa

考题 要想使任何人对文件commfile拥有“可读、可写、可执行”的全部权利,可通过()命令实现。()A、chmod ugo+rwx commfileB、chmod 751 commfileC、chmod ugo-rwx commfileD、chmod 777 commfile

考题 如何给test这个文件加上可执行权限()。A、chmod+xtestB、chmod-xtestC、chmod400testD、chmod600test

考题 Which of the following commands makes /bin/foo executable by everyone but writable only by its owner?()A、 chmod 557 /bin/fooB、 chmod o+rwx.a+rx/bin/fooC、 chown 557 /bin/fooD、 chmod 755/bin/foo

考题 Which command will configure a directory /commonfiles so that a user cannot delete files owned by other users in the same group()?  A、chmod +S /commonfilesB、chmod 4775 /commonfilesC、chmod 1777 /commonfilesD、chmod -orgx /commonfiles

考题 An application owner wants to grant write permission to all users for all the files and directories in the application directory. Which of the following is the correct command?()A、chmod -R u+rw /applicationB、chmod -r u+rw /applicationC、chmod -R o+rw /applicationD、chmod -r o+rw /application

考题 How should read, write and execute permissions for ‘group’ and ‘other’ be granted to all files and directories within the /app filesystem?()A、chmod -R 677 /appB、chmod -R 664 /appC、chmod -r 677 /appD、chmod -r 664 /app

考题 为了修改文件test的许可模式,使其文件属主具有读、写、和运行的权限,组和其它用户可以读和运行,可以采用()方法。A、chmod 755 testB、chmod 700 testC、chmod ux+rwx testD、chmod g-w test

考题 The system administrator has requested that all setuid/setgid bits be removed from executables in application filesystem. Which command will achieve this?()A、chmod -R o-s /applicationB、chmod -R ug-s /applicationC、chmod -R -s -o /applicationD、chmod -R -s -ug /application

考题 单选题Which of the following commands makes /bin/foo executable by everyone but writable only by its owner?()A  chmod 557 /bin/fooB  chmod o+rwx.a+rx/bin/fooC  chown 557 /bin/fooD  chmod 755/bin/foo

考题 单选题Which single compound ’chmod’ command would achieve the same result as these four commands?()A chmod go+w mydirB chmod go-w mydirC chmod go-w-x mydirD chmod go-w+x mydir