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Certkiller.com has hired you as a system administrator for their network. You make use of .NETFramework v3.5 in order to create a Microsoft ASP.NET application.  You decide to create a Web form. You add the subsequent code fragment to the Web form. ’ />   The DataSource control named CKDataSource recovers the Quantity column values from a tablenamed Orders. You the create the rptData_ItemDataBound event handler using the subsequentcode fragment. (The line numbers is included for reference purposes)  1 protected void rept_b(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) 2 { 3 4 if(CKLbl != null) 5 if(int.Parse(CKLbl.Text) < 10)6 CKLbl.ForeColor = Color.Red;7 }  You receive an instruction from management to recover a reference to the lblQuantity Labelcontrol into a variable. The variable is named CKLbl.  What should you do?()

  • A、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line4.
  • B、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = Page.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line 4.
  • C、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = rptData.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line4.
  • D、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = e.Item.Parent.FindControl("lblQty") as Labelat line 4


更多 “ Certkiller.com has hired you as a system administrator for their network. You make use of .NETFramework v3.5 in order to create a Microsoft ASP.NET application.  You decide to create a Web form. You add the subsequent code fragment to the Web form. ’ /   The DataSource control named CKDataSource recovers the Quantity column values from a tablenamed Orders. You the create the rptData_ItemDataBound event handler using the subsequentcode fragment. (The line numbers is included for reference purposes)  1 protected void rept_b(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) 2 { 3 4 if(CKLbl != null) 5 if(int.Parse(CKLbl.Text)  10)6 CKLbl.ForeColor = Color.Red;7 }  You receive an instruction from management to recover a reference to the lblQuantity Labelcontrol into a variable. The variable is named CKLbl.  What should you do?()A、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line4.B、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = Page.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line 4.C、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = rptData.FindControl("lblQty") as Label at line4.D、Your best option would be to insert Label CKLbl = e.Item.Parent.FindControl("lblQty") as Labelat line 4” 相关考题
考题 HF、HCl、HBr、HI的酸性最强的为()。 A、HFB、HClC、HBrD、HI

考题 --- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry. __ . A. It' s repairedB. It has been repairedC. It's being repairedD. It had been repaired

考题 Certkiller.com has given you the task of serializing an object and writing it to a data file using binary serialization.You need to ensure that you meet these requirements.What should you do?() A.B.C.D.

考题 语句“printf("akbre"\hi\y\\\bou\n")”;的输出结果是( )。A.akbre\hi\y \\\bouB.a\bre\hi\\y\bouC.re hiyouD.abrehiy\bou

考题 下列语句的输出结果是______。 (说明:'\b'是退格符)printf("a\bre\'hi\'y\\\bou\n");A.a\bre\'hi\'y\\\bouB.a\bre\'hi\'y\bouC.re'hi'youD.abre'hi'y\bou

考题 Certkiller.com has asked you to create an application to display all of the top directories based on the drive path.You need to ensure that the application displays the number of files within top-level directories.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

考题 Certkiller .com has asked you to develop an application that displays the properties for all Certkiller.com‘s network drives.The information generated by this application will be utilized by Certkiller .com‘s network administrators to verify client setups.You need to ensure that these requirements are fully satisfied.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

考题 --- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry. .A. It' s repaired B. It has been repairedC. It's being repaired D. It had been repaired

考题 4.—Hi,Alice ! Good afternoon!—________.A. Hi; Good afternoonB. Thank you; Good morningC. Hi;Good eveningD. Hi;Good morning

考题 在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是( )。A.HF、HCl、HBr、HI B.HI、HBr、HCl、HF C.HCl、HBr、HI、HF D.HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 在HF 、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是: A .HF、HCl、HBr、HI B. HI、HBr、HCl、HF C.HCl、HBr、HI、HF D.HF 、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 关于井口Hi-Lo Pilot描述错误的是()A、井口Hi-Lo Pilot就是井口高低压开关。B、井口Hi-Lo Pilot包含压力高开关以及压力低开关。C、井下安全阀关闭后,井口Hi-Lo Pilot的低压开关将报警。D、当Hi-Lo Pilot报警时,井口喷淋阀将打开。

考题 关于HI-PRO和USBHI-PRO的异同正确的是()。A、HI-PRO有电源电压选择,而USBHI-PRO没有电源电压的选择;B、USBHI-PRO的背面和HI-PRO的背面设置一样;C、USBHI-PRO与HI-PRO的体积一样;D、USBHI-PRO和HI-PRO均有九针接口;E、USBHI-PRO没有Power灯,而HI-PRO有。

考题 语句printf("a/bre/’hi/’y///bou/n");的输出结果是(说明:’/b’是退格符)().A、a/bre/’hi/’y///bouB、a/bre/’hi/’y/bouC、re’hi’youD、abre’hi’y/bou

考题 1151智能型变送器的故障模式警报开关:可选择()模式A、HI和LOB、HO、MI和LIC、HI、MI和LOD、HI、MO和LO

考题 以下会产生编译错误的Java语句是()。A、if(2==3)System.out.println("Hi");B、if(2=3)System.out.println("Hi");C、if(true)System.out.println("Hi");D、if(2!=3)System.out.println("Hi");

考题 VHS录像机中的Hi-Fi音频系统()A、增加Hi-Fi音频系统同时保留原有的音频系统B、用Hi-Fi音频系统取代原有的音频系统C、不用增加磁头,在原有音频系统上增加Hi-Fi电路D、将原有音频磁头更换为高质量的Hi-Fi磁头

考题 在烯烃与卤化氢的加成反应中,卤化氢的反应活性顺序为()。A、HI>HBr>HClB、HBr>HCl>HIC、HCl>HI>HBr>HFD、HCl>HI>HB

考题 ‘HI’*5的值是()。A、"HIHIHIHIHI"B、""C、"HI"D、"hihihihihi"

考题 (2012)在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是:()A、HF、HCl、HBr、HIB、HI、HBr、HCl、HFC、HCl、HBr、HI、HFD、HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是()。A、HF、HCl、HBr、HIB、HI、HBr、HCl、HFC、HCl、HBr、HI、HFD、HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 Certkiller.com has an active directory forest on a single domain.  Certkiller needs a distributed application that employs a custom application. The application is directory partition software named PARDAT. You need to implement this application for data replication.  Which two tools should you use to achieve this task()A、Dnscmd.B、Ntdsutil.C、IpconfigD、DnsutilE、All of the above

考题 下列排列顺序中,符合氢卤酸的酸性递增的顺序的是()A、HI,HBr,HCl,HF;B、HF,HCl,HBr,HI;C、HBr,HCl,HF,HI;D、HCl,HF,HI,HBr。

考题 单选题请找出美国夏威夷Paia自行车商店的地址。()A 5599Luhia,KailuaKona,HI96739B 2959PahoaRd,Pahoa,HI96778C 740AlaMoanaBlvD.,Honolulu,HI96813D 105BaldwinAve,Wailuku,HI96793

考题 问答题什么叫HI?HI产生的原因?如何降低饲料HI?

考题 单选题在HF、HCl、HBr、HI中,按熔、沸点由高到低顺序排列正确的是()。A HF、HCl、HBr、HIB HI、HBr、HCl、HFC HCl、HBr、HI、HFD HF、HI、HBr、HCl

考题 多选题Certkiller.com has an active directory forest on a single domain.  Certkiller needs a distributed application that employs a custom application. The application is directory partition software named PARDAT. You need to implement this application for data replication.  Which two tools should you use to achieve this task()ADnscmd.BNtdsutil.CIpconfigDDnsutilEAll of the above

考题 单选题以下会产生编译错误的Java语句是()。A if(2==3)System.out.println(Hi);B if(2=3)System.out.println(Hi);C if(true)System.out.println(Hi);D if(2!=3)System.out.println(Hi);