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import java.io.IOException;  public class ExceptionTest(  public static void main (String[]args)  try (  methodA();  ) catch (IOException e)  (  system.out.printIn(“Caught IOException”);  ) catch (Exception e)   (  system.out.printIn(“Caught Exception”);  )  )  public void methodA ()   {  throw new IOException ();  }   What is the result?() 

  • A、 The code will not compile.
  • B、 The output is caught exception.
  • C、 The output is caught IOException.
  • D、 The program executes normally without printing a message.


更多 “ import java.io.IOException;  public class ExceptionTest(  public static void main (String[]args)  try (  methodA();  ) catch (IOException e)  (  system.out.printIn(“Caught IOException”);  ) catch (Exception e)   (  system.out.printIn(“Caught Exception”);  )  )  public void methodA ()   {  throw new IOException ();  }   What is the result?() A、 The code will not compile.B、 The output is caught exception.C、 The output is caught IOException.D、 The program executes normally without printing a message.” 相关考题
考题 定义JavaApplet 程序时,必须有的import 语句是( )。A.import java. applet. Applet;B.import java. io.*;C.import java. awt. event;D.import java. Lang.*;

考题 下列Java源程序结构中前三种语句的次序,正确的是A.import, package, public classB.import必为首,其他不限C.public class, import, packageD.package, import, public class

考题 在Java Applet程序中,如果对发生的事件做出响应和处理的时候,应该使用下列哪个语句A.import java.awt.event.*;B.import java.io.*;C.import java.awt.*;D.import java.applet.*;

考题 已知在脚本文件N.py中有函数调用“B.c()”,其中B是A包中的模块,则import语句的正确写法是()。 A.import A.B.cB.import A.BC.from A import BD.from A.B import c

考题 Given a class Repetition:Which code should be inserted at line 1 of Demo.java to compile and run Demo to print pizzapizza?() A.import utils.*;B.static import utils.*;C.import utils.Repetition.*;D.static import utils.Repetition.*;E.import utils.Repetition.twice();F.import static utils.Repetition.twice;G.static import utils.Repetition.twice;

考题 Youarecreatingasalesdatatemplateandneedtoaddapicturetothemargin.Whatisthebestwaytoaddthismargin?() A.Choosethemargincodeintheobjectnavigatorandselectfile-import-image.B.Choosethemarginnodeintheobjectnavigatorandusethetoolbarbutton.C.Clickthemarginbuttoninthelayoutmodelandselectfile-import-image.D.Clickthemarginbuttoninthelayoutmodelandusethetoolbarbutton.

考题 在Java职Applet程序中,对发生的事件做出响应和处理的时候,应该使用( )。A.import java.awt.event.*;B.import java.io.*;C.import java.awt.*;D.import java.applet.*;

考题 下列关于Java对import语句规定的叙述中,错误的是A.在Java程序中import语句可以有多个B.在Java程序中import语句可以没有C.在Java程序中import语句必须有一个D.在Java程序中import语句必须引入在所有类定义之前

考题 定义JavaApplet程序时,必须有的imPort语句是( )。A.import java.applet. Applet;B.import java.io.*;C.import java.awt.event;D.import java.lang, *;

考题 下列关于Java对import语句规定的叙述中,错误的是( )。A.在Java程序中import语句可以有多个SXB 下列关于Java对import语句规定的叙述中,错误的是( )。A.在Java程序中import语句可以有多个B.在Java程序中import语句可以没有C.在Java程序中import语句必须有一个D.在Java程序中import语句必须引入在所有类定义之前

考题 #import跟#include 又什么区别,@class呢, #import 跟 #import””又什么区别?

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考题 一个程序中,package、import、和class的排放次序是()A、package、import、classB、import、package、classC、三者任意D、class在最后,import、package排放次序任意

考题 在J2EE中,有如下代码在Servlet1.java中。  import javax.servlet.*;  import javax.servlet.http.*;  import java.io.IOException;  import java.io.PrintWriter;  public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {    public void init()  throws ServletException {   }  public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  throws ServletException, IOException {      PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();      out.println("hello!");   } }   假如编译Servlet要具备的环境都已经建立好。现在用完全正确的命令编译该文件,对于以下陈述正确的是()。 A、编译该文件时会提示缺少doGet()或者doPost()方法,编译不能够成功通过B、编译后,把Servlet1.class放在正确位置,在浏览器中查看该Servlet1,会看到输出文字:“hello!”C、编译后,把Servlet1.class放在正确位置,在浏览器中查看该Servlet1,却看不到任何输出的文字D、编译后,把Servlet1.class放在正确位置,在浏览器中查看该Servlet1,却看到产生运行时错误的出错信息

考题 You are writing a JSP that includes scriptlet code to declare a List variable and initializes that variable to anArrayList object. Which two JSP code snippets can you use to import these list types?()A、%! import java.util.*; %B、%! import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList; %C、%@ page import=’java.util.List’import=’java.util.ArrayList’ %D、%@ import types=’java.util.List’types=’java.util.ArrayList’ %E、%@ page import=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %F、%@ import types=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %

考题 在单一文件中import、class和package的正确出现顺序是()A、package,import,classB、class,import,packageC、import,package,classD、package,class,import

考题 在JSP中使用JDBC语句访问数据库,正确导入S QL类库的语句是()。 A、%@ page import=”java.sql.*” % B、%@ page import=” sql.*” % C、%page import=”java.sql.*” %  D、%@ import=”java.sql.*” %

考题 与page指令%@ page import= “java.util.*, java.text.* “ % 等价的是()。A、%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ page import= “java.util.* % %@ page import= “java.text.* “ % B、%@ page import= “java.util.*”  ,  import= “java.text.* “ % C、%@ page import= “java.util.* “  ;  % %@ page import= “java.text.* “  ; %D、%@ page import= “java.util.* ; java.text.* “ %

考题 定义Java.Applet程序时,必须有的import语句是()。A、import  java.awt.event;B、import  java.util. * ;C、import  java.applet.Applet;D、import  java.1ang.* ;

考题 () are the barriers to international trade.A、capitalB、import dutiesC、non-tarriffbarrierD、import quotas

考题 package sun.scjp;  public enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }  package sun.beta;  // insert code here  public class Beta {  Color g = GREEN;  public static void main( String[] argv)  { System.out.println( GREEN); }  }  The class Beta and the enum Color are in different packages.  Which two code fragments, inserted individually at line 2 of the Beta declaration, will allow this code to compile?()A、 import sun.scjp.Color.*;B、 import static sun.scjp.Color.*;C、 import sun.scjp.Color; import static sun.scjp.Color.*;D、 import sun.scjp.*; import static sun.scjp.Color.*;E、 import sun.scjp.Color; import static sun.scjp.Color.GREEN;

考题 import java.io.IOException;   public class ExceptionTest(   public static void main (Stringargs)  try (   methodA();   ) catch (IOException e) (   system.out.printIn(“Caught IOException”);  ) catch (Exception e) (   system.out.printIn(“Caught Exception”);   )   )   public void methodA () {   throw new IOException ();  }     What is the result?()  A、 The code will not compile.B、 The output is caught exception.C、 The output is caught IOException.D、 The program executes normally without printing a message.

考题 在类Acoount中,正确引入类school.Student的语句是哪一项?()  A、import schoolB、import schllo.*C、package school.StudentD、import Student

考题 单选题在单一文件中import、class和package的正确出现顺序是()A package,import,classB class,import,packageC import,package,classD package,class,import

考题 单选题与page指令 等价的是()。A %@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ page import= “java.util.* % %@ page import= “java.text.* “ % B %@ page import= “java.util.*”  ,  import= “java.text.* “ % C %@ page import= “java.util.* “  ;  % %@ page import= “java.text.* “  ; %D %@ page import= “java.util.* ; java.text.* “ %

考题 单选题import java.io.IOException;  public class ExceptionTest(  public static void main (String[]args)  try (  methodA();  ) catch (IOException e)  (  system.out.printIn(“Caught IOException”);  ) catch (Exception e)   (  system.out.printIn(“Caught Exception”);  )  )  public void methodA ()   {  throw new IOException ();  }   What is the result?()A  The code will not compile.B  The output is caught exception.C  The output is caught IOException.D  The program executes normally without printing a message.

考题 多选题You are writing a JSP that includes scriptlet code to declare a List variable and initializes that variable to anArrayList object. Which two JSP code snippets can you use to import these list types?()A%! import java.util.*; %B%! import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList; %C%@ page import=’java.util.List’import=’java.util.ArrayList’ %D%@ import types=’java.util.List’types=’java.util.ArrayList’ %E%@ page import=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %F%@ import types=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %

考题 单选题Which code should be inserted at line 1 of Demo.java to compile and run Demo toprint "pizzapizza"?()A import utils.*;B static import utils.*;C import utils.Repetition.*;D static import utils.Repetition.*;E import utils.Repetition.twice();F import static utils.Repetition.twice;G static import utils.Repetition.twice;