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You execute the following block of code:   SQL>BEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN   ( SIMPLE_PLAN => ’DEPARTMENTS’,   CONSUMER_GROUP1 => ’PAYROLLL’,   GROUP1_CPU => 50,   CONSUMER_GROUP2 => ’SALES’,   GROUP2_CPU => 25,   CONSUMER_GROUP3 => ’MARKETING’,   GROUP3_CPU => 25);   END;   SQL>/   What is a prerequisite for using the simple resource plan created by executing the above code?()

  • A、 You must assign users to consumer groups.
  • B、 You must grant the switch privilege to the users.
  • C、 You must create a resource plan directive.
  • D、 You must specify the complex resource plan.


更多 “ You execute the following block of code:   SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN   ( SIMPLE_PLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,   CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’PAYROLLL’,   GROUP1_CPU = 50,   CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’SALES’,   GROUP2_CPU = 25,   CONSUMER_GROUP3 = ’MARKETING’,   GROUP3_CPU = 25);   END;   SQL/   What is a prerequisite for using the simple resource plan created by executing the above code?()A、 You must assign users to consumer groups.B、 You must grant the switch privilege to the users.C、 You must create a resource plan directive.D、 You must specify the complex resource plan.” 相关考题
考题 You have an SQL query that takes one minute to execute. You use the following code segment to execute theSQL query asynchronously.Dim ar As IAsyncResult = cmd.BeginExecuteReader()You need to execute a method named DoWork() that takes one second to run while the SQL query is executing.DoWork() must run as many times as possible while the SQL query is executing.Which code segment should you use?()A.B.C.D.

考题 You need to perform a block media recovery on the tools01.dbf data file in the SALES database by using Recovery Manager (RMAN).Which two are the prerequisites to perform this operation?() A. You must configure block change tracking fileB. You must have first level 1 backups for RMAN to restore blocksC. You must ensure that the SALES database is mounted or openD. You must have full or level 0 backups for RMAN to restore blocksE. You must take the tools01.dbf data file offline before you start a block media recovery

考题 Youexecutethefollowingcommandtocreatetwoconsumergroups,FIN_GROUP1andPAY_GROUP1,foraplan,PROD_PLAN:BEGINDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN(SIMPLE_PLAN=’prod_plan’,CONSUMER_GROUP1=’fin_group1’,GROUP1_CPU=80,CONSUMER_GROUP2=’pay_group1’,GROUP2_CPU=20)ENDWhichthreestatementsaretrue?()A.SYS_GROUPgets100%CPUresourcesatlevel1.B.FIN_GROUP1gets80%CPUresourcesatlevel1.C.FIN_GROUP1gets80%CPUresourcesatlevel2.D.PAY_GROUP1gets20%CPUresourcesatlevel1.E.PAY_GROUP1gets20%CPUresourcesatlevel2.F.OTHER_GROUPgets100%CPUresourcesatlevel1.G.OTHER_GROUPgets100%CPUresourcesatlevel2.

考题 To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:The blocks of code execute successfully; however, you do not get the required outcome. What could be the reason?()A. A template needs to be associated with the task.B.A workload needs to be associated with the task.C. The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.D. The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be specified for the task.

考题 Youexecutethefollowingblockofcode:SQLBEGINDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN(SIMPLE_PLAN=’DEPARTMENTS’,CONSUMER_GROUP1=’PAYROLLL’,GROUP1_CPU=50,CONSUMER_GROUP2=’SALES’,GROUP2_CPU=25,CONSUMER_GROUP3=’MARKETING’,GROUP3_CPU=25);END;SQL/Whatisaprerequisiteforusingthesimpleresourceplancreatedbyexecutingtheabovecode?()A.Youmustassignuserstoconsumergroups.B.Youmustgranttheswitchprivilegetotheusers.C.Youmustcreatearesourceplandirective.D.Youmustspecifythecomplexresourceplan.

考题 You execute the following command to change the status of the SALES tablespace:  SQL ALTER TABLESPACE sales OFFLINE;  Which statements describe the effect of the command()A、The tablespace would require recovery to go back online.B、A checkpoint is taken on all data files that are associated with the SALES tablespace.C、The sessions that subsequently try to access the objects in the SALES tablespace receive an error.D、The new status of the SALES tablespace is recorded in the control file when the database instance is closed.

考题 You are creating a new JSP page and you need to execute some code that acts when the page is firstexecuted, but only once. Which three are possible mechanisms for performing this initialization code?()A、In the init method.B、In the jspInit method.C、In the constructor of the JSP’s Java code.D、In a JSP declaration, which includes an initializer block.E、In a JSP declaration, which includes a static initializer block.

考题 In your web application,you need to execute a block of code whenever the session object is first created. Which design will accomplish this goal?()A、Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionInitialized method with that block ofcode.B、Create an HttpSessionActivationListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with thatblock of code.C、Create a Filter class, call the getSession(false) method, and if the result was null, then execute that block of code.D、Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with that block of code.

考题 You need to perform a block media recovery on the tools01.dbf data file in the SALES database by using Recovery Manager (RMAN). Which two are the prerequisites to perform this operation? ()(Choose two)A、You must configure block change tracking fileB、You must have first level 1 backups for RMAN to restore blocksC、You must ensure that the SALES database is mounted or openD、You must have full or level 0 backups for RMAN to restore blocksE、You must take the tools01.dbf data file offline before you start a block media recovery

考题 Evaluate the following code:   SQLVARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255); SQLVARIABLE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); SQLBEGIN :sql_stmt := ’SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers  WHERE cust_state_province =’’CA’’’; :task_name := ’MY_QUICKTUNE_TASK’;  DBMS_ADVISOR.QUICK_TUNE(DBMS_ADVISOR.SQLACCESS_ADVISOR,  :task_name, :sql_stmt);  END;   What is the outcome of this block of code?()  A、 It creates a task and workload, and executes the task.B、 It creates a task and workload but does not execute the task.C、 It produces an error because a template has not been created.D、 It produces an error because the SQL Tuning Set has not been created.

考题 You issued the following command to analyze the SCOTT.EMP table for block corruption:   ANALYZE TABLE SCOTT.EMP VALIDATE STRUCTURE;  You received the following error:   ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted  (file # %s, block # %s)   How will you resolve the block corruption problem?()A、 by using the DBMS_REPAIR packageB、 by using the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameterC、 by using the DBVERIFY utilityD、 will not be completely resolved until the hardware fault is corrected

考题 You are performing a block media recovery on the tools01.dbf data file in the SALES database using RMAN. Which two statements are correct in this scenario?()A、 You must ensure that the SALES database is mounted or open.B、 You must restore a backup control file to perform a block media recovery.C、 You must take the tools01.dbf data file offline before you start a block media recovery.D、 You must put the database in NOARCHIVELOG mode to perform a block media recovery.E、 You can perform only a complete media recovery of individual blocks, point-in-time recovery of individual data blocks is not supported.

考题 You have created a resource plan, DAY. You execute the following code:        SQL BEGIN        DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE   ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,   GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,        CPU_P1=0);        END;   Then, you issue the following code:        SQL BEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_DIRECTIVE        ( PLAN = ’DAY’,        COMMENT = ’DEPARTMENTS PLAN’,        GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’DEVELOPERS’,        CPU_P2=100);        END;   What will be the impact of executing the above code?()  A、 The DEVELOPERS and DEPARTMENTS subplans will be allocated CPU equally.B、 The DEVELOPERS subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEPARTMENTS subplan.C、 The DEPARTMENT subplan will be allocated 100 percent CPU if there are no resources allocated to the DEVELOPERS subplan.D、 The second code will not execute because one resource plan cannot be used by more than one subplan.

考题 You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C、 The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D、The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

考题 You issued the following block of code:        SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP(        ’PROG_ROLE’, ’DEVELOPERS’ ,FALSE);        END;        SQL/   Which option is NOT a result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege is granted to the PROG_ROLE role.B、 The users granted the role PROG_ROLE will be able to switch to the DEVELOPERS group.C、 The users cannot grant the switch privilege to other users.D、 The above code will not be executed successfully because the GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure is an invalid procedure in Oracle10g.

考题 You execute the following command to create two consumer groups, FIN_GROUP1 and PAY_GROUP1 for a plan, PROD_PLAN:  BEGIN  DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN (SIMPLE_PLAN =’prod_plan’,  CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’fin_group1’,  GROUP1_CPU = 80,  CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’pay_group1’,  GROUP2_CPU = 20);  END;  Which three statements are true? ()A、 SYS_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.B、 FIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 1.C、 FIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 2.D、 PAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 1.E、 PAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 2.F、 OTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.G、 OTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 2.

考题 You execute the following command to change the status of the SALES tablespace:SQL ALTER TABLESPACE sales OFFLINE; Which statements describe the effect of the command()A、The tablespace would require recovery to go back online.B、A checkpoint is taken on all data files that are associated with the SALES tablespace.C、The sessions that subsequently try to access the objects in the SALES tablespace receive an errorD、The new status of the SALES tablespace is recorded in the control file when the database instance isclosed

考题 Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The domain includes a group named SalesUsers. You have a file server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). The server has a folder named CorpData. You share the CorpData folder and assign the Domain Users group the Full Control share permission. In the CorpData folder, you create a folder named Sales. You need to configure security for the Sales folder to meet the following requirements: ·Members of the SalesUsers group must be able to read, create, and modify all files and folders. ·All other users must be able to view items in the folder. What should you do? ()A、On the Sales folder, block permission inheritance and remove permissions. Assign the Allow - Modify permission to the SalesUsers group.B、On the Sales folder, block permission inheritance and copy permissions. On the Sales folder, assign the Allow - Modify permission to the SalesUsers group.C、On the CorpData share, change the share permission for Domain Users to Read. On the Sales folder, assign the Allow - Modify permissions to the SalesUsers group.D、On the CorpData folder, block permission inheritance and remove permissions. In the Sales folder, assign the Allow - Modify permissions to the SalesUsers group.

考题 You have an SQL query that takes one minute to execute. You use the following code segment to execute the SQL query asynchronously.IAsyncResult ar = cmd.BeginExecuteReader( );You need to execute a method named Do Work( ) that takes one second to run while the SQL query is executing. DoWork( ) must run as many times as possible while the SQL query is executing. Which code segment should you use? ()A、while(ar.AsyncWaitHandle==null){DoWork();}dr=cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar);B、while(!ar.IsCompleted){DoWork();}dr=cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar);C、while(Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState==ThreadState.Running){DoWork();}dr=cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar);D、while(!ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne()){DoWork();}dr=cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar);

考题 多选题Your database is running in the ARCHIVELOG mode. You have configured RMAN for backup and recovery operations. You execute the following command from the RMAN prompt:   RMAN CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON;   After executing this command, in which of the following cases will RMAN make an auto-backup of the control file? ()Awhen you change the name of a datafileBwhen you drop a table from the databaseCwhen you take an export of the databaseDwhen you back up the database using OS utilitiesEwhen you issue an ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statementFwhen you issue a BACKUP command from inside the RMAN run block

考题 多选题You are creating a new JSP page and you need to execute some code that acts when the page is firstexecuted, but only once. Which three are possible mechanisms for performing this initialization code?()AIn the init method.BIn the jspInit method.CIn the constructor of the JSP’s Java code.DIn a JSP declaration, which includes an initializer block.EIn a JSP declaration, which includes a static initializer block.

考题 多选题You execute the following command to create two consumer groups, FIN_GROUP1 and PAY_GROUP1, for a plan,PROD_PLAN:  BEGIN  DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN (SIMPLE_PLAN = ’prod_plan’,  CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’fin_group1’,  GROUP1_CPU = 80,  CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’pay_group1’,  GROUP2_CPU = 20);  END;  Which three statements are true?()ASYS_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.BFIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 1.CFIN_GROUP1 gets 80% CPU resources at level 2.DPAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 1.EPAY_GROUP1 gets 20% CPU resources at level 2.FOTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 1.GOTHER_GROUP gets 100% CPU resources at level 2.

考题 单选题Evaluate the following code:   SQLVARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255); SQLVARIABLE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); SQLBEGIN :sql_stmt := ’SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers  WHERE cust_state_province =’’CA’’’; :task_name := ’MY_QUICKTUNE_TASK’;  DBMS_ADVISOR.QUICK_TUNE(DBMS_ADVISOR.SQLACCESS_ADVISOR,  :task_name, :sql_stmt);  END;   What is the outcome of this block of code?()A  It creates a task and workload, and executes the task.B  It creates a task and workload but does not execute the task.C  It produces an error because a template has not been created.D  It produces an error because the SQL Tuning Set has not been created.

考题 单选题You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()A  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C  The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

考题 单选题You are performing an incomplete recovery because a tablespace is dropped and purged from the Recycle Bin. In which mode will you execute the following code?()  RMANRUN  {   SET UNTIL SEQUENCE  THREAD ;   RESTORE DATABASE;   RECOVER DATABASE;  }A  NOMOUNTB  MOUNTC  OPEND  RESTRICTED

考题 多选题You execute the following command to change the status of the SALES tablespace:  SQL ALTER TABLESPACE sales OFFLINE;  Which statements describe the effect of the command()AThe tablespace would require recovery to go back online.BA checkpoint is taken on all data files that are associated with the SALES tablespace.CThe sessions that subsequently try to access the objects in the SALES tablespace receive an error.DThe new status of the SALES tablespace is recorded in the control file when the database instance is closed.

考题 单选题You issued the following block of code:        SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP(        ’PROG_ROLE’, ’DEVELOPERS’ ,FALSE);        END;        SQL/   Which option is NOT a result of executing the above code?()A  The switch privilege is granted to the PROG_ROLE role.B  The users granted the role PROG_ROLE will be able to switch to the DEVELOPERS group.C  The users cannot grant the switch privilege to other users.D  The above code will not be executed successfully because the GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure is an invalid procedure in Oracle10g.