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Archive file format LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is defined as arch_%s.arc. A week ago, you just archived arch_4.arch to tape, then removed all archived files to save disk space. Yesterday you saw arch_10.arc and arch_11.arc on the disk. Today, you see arch_3.arc in the archive directory.  Which two could you happened?()

  • A、Redo logs were restored from tape for recovery. 
  • B、The file names are only used when they are copied to tape. 
  • C、The database was opened with the RESETLOGS option and log numbers restarted. 
  • D、Log names run in circular fashion; arch_3.arc is re-created by the ARCn process. 
  • E、A file name is randomly chosen by the archive process; as long as it is unique, it does not have to be sequential.


更多 “ Archive file format LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is defined as arch_%s.arc. A week ago, you just archived arch_4.arch to tape, then removed all archived files to save disk space. Yesterday you saw arch_10.arc and arch_11.arc on the disk. Today, you see arch_3.arc in the archive directory.  Which two could you happened?()A、Redo logs were restored from tape for recovery. B、The file names are only used when they are copied to tape. C、The database was opened with the RESETLOGS option and log numbers restarted. D、Log names run in circular fashion; arch_3.arc is re-created by the ARCn process. E、A file name is randomly chosen by the archive process; as long as it is unique, it does not have to be sequential.” 相关考题
考题 YouwantanASMinstancetomanagethefilesofyourdatabase.Toachievethisobjective,youspecifythefollowingparametersintheparameterfileofthedatabase:INSTANCE_TYPE=RDBMSDB_NAME=PRODLARGE_POOL_SIZE=8MBDB_BLOCK_SIZE=4KLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST=+dgroupALOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT=$ORACLE_SID_%s_%t.%tDB_CREATE_FILE_DEST=+dgroupACOMPATIBLE=

考题 ThedatabaseisrunninginARCHIVELOGmode.Examinetheinitializationparametersandtheirvaluessettoenablearchivingonyourdatabaseserver:LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT=arch_%t_%s_%r.arcLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1=’LOCATION=/disk1/archive’DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’/u01/oradata’DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=20GWhichstatementistrueregardingthearchivedredologfiles()A.Itwillbecreatedonthelocalfilesystem.B.ItwillbecreatedonlyintheFlashRecoveryArea.C.ItwillbecreatedinthelocationspecifiedbytheLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1parameterandthedefaultlocation$ORACLE_HOME/dbs.D.ItwillbecreatedinthelocationspecifiedbytheLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1parameterandlocationspecifiedbytheDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTparameter.

考题 ThedatabaseisrunninginARCHIVELOGmodeandtheFORMAToptionisnotconfiguredinRMANfordiskbackups.YouconfiguredtheflashrecoveryarealocationandsizebyusingtheDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTandDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZEinitializationparameters.Whichstatementiscorrectinthisscenario?()A.IftheFORMAToptiontotheRMANBACKUPcommandisspecified,thenRMANcreatesbackuppiecesandimagecopiesintheflashrecoveryareawithnamesintheOracleManagedFiles(OMF)format.B.IfanylocaldestinationsforLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_nareset,thenarchivedredologsarestoredinthesedestinationsaswellasintheflashrecoveryarea.C.IftheflashrecoveryarealocationisconfiguredusingtheDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTinitializationparameter,thentheRMANbackupofOraclemanageddatafiles(OMF)onlywillgototheflashrecoveryareabydefault.D.Ifnootherdestinationisconfiguredforrecoveryfiles,thenRMANplacesthecontrolfileautobackupsintheflashrecoveryareabydefault.

考题 You database is running an ARCHIVELOG mode.The following parameter are set in your database instance:LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch+%t_%r.arcLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ‘LOCATION = /disk1/archive’DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 50GDB_RECOVERY_FILE = ‘/u01/oradata’Which statement is true about the archived redo log files?()A. They are created only in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter.B. They are created only in the Fast Recovery Area.C. They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/arch.D. They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the location specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter.

考题 After performing a copy backup of a file server, the archive bit on the backed up files will be which of the following?() A. DeletedB. UnchangedC. SetD. Copied

考题 A corrupted file system is now repaired and back in use. Some, but not all of the files within the file  systems have been deleted. The only backup of this file system is a month-old tar archive. This archive will need to be restored as root.  Which two statements correctly describe the effects of the restore operation?()A、 Files found in the file system that are also on tape will NOT be overwritten.B、 The missing files, present on the backup tape, are restored to the file system with the data as it was when the backup was taken.C、 The access times are preserved by tar and will reflect the time when a user last accessed the data.D、 The modification time on the files restored by tar will be preserved and will reflect the time the file was last modified before the backup, NOT the time of the restore operation.

考题 After performing a copy backup of a file server, the archive bit on the backed up files will be which of the following?()A、 DeletedB、 UnchangedC、 SetD、 Copied

考题 Which of the following is a benefit of the IBM Long Term File System (LTFS)? ()A、management of the library filesB、management of the encryption keys and archivesC、helps to reduce tape, file management and archive costsD、helps to control the write speed matching on LTO-4 drives

考题 Which of the following are contained in a store archive?()A、a JAR file containing commands and JSPsB、an XML file defining the content of the store archiveC、a ZIP file of Java properties files containing translated textD、a database backup file used to define store dataE、a number of ZIP files used to define store data

考题 Which of the following are TRUE about a store archive?()A、It is an XML file containing store data assetsB、It uses the same file format as a ZIP fileC、It contains file assets to create a store or siteD、It can easily be copied from one machine to anotherE、It can contain WebSphere Commerce instance configuration information

考题 The database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. Examine the initialization parameters and theirvalues set to enable archiving on your database server:  LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch_%t_%s_%r.arc  LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ’LOCATION = /disk1/archive’  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST = ’/u01/oradata’  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 20G  Which statement is true regarding the archived redo log files()A、It will be created on the local file system.B、It will be created only in the Flash Recovery Area.C、It will be created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the defaultlocation $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.D、It will be created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and locationspecified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter.

考题 Which statement is true regarding remote archive log file destinations?()A、Only two destinations per remote database can be specified.B、Destination is an Oracle Net alias specified by using the SERVICE keyword.C、The REOPEN attribute must be used when using remote archive log file destinations.D、The service name is resolved by searching sqlnet.ora file for the remote database name.

考题 You configured automatic archive logging for the database. On the next startup the database runs for a while, but then hangs. After checking the alert log, you determine that all the online redo logs need archiving.  Which step was skipped when you set up automatic archive log?()A、LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST was not set in the parameter file.B、LOG_ARCHIVE_START was not set in the parameter file.C、alter database archivelog; was not executed in MOUNT mode.D、LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX processes were not set in the parameter file.

考题 单选题You configured automatic archive logging for the database. On the next startup the database runs for a while, but then hangs. After checking the alert log, you determine that all the online redo logs need archiving.  Which step was skipped when you set up automatic archive log?()A LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST was not set in the parameter file.B LOG_ARCHIVE_START was not set in the parameter file.C alter database archivelog; was not executed in MOUNT mode.D LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX processes were not set in the parameter file.

考题 多选题Which of the following are contained in a store archive?()Aa JAR file containing commands and JSPsBan XML file defining the content of the store archiveCa ZIP file of Java properties files containing translated textDa database backup file used to define store dataEa number of ZIP files used to define store data

考题 多选题A corrupted file system is now repaired and back in use. Some, but not all of the files within the file  systems have been deleted. The only backup of this file system is a month-old tar archive. This archive will need to be restored as root.  Which two statements correctly describe the effects of the restore operation?()AFiles found in the file system that are also on tape will NOT be overwritten.BThe missing files, present on the backup tape, are restored to the file system with the data as it was when the backup was taken.CThe access times are preserved by tar and will reflect the time when a user last accessed the data.DThe modification time on the files restored by tar will be preserved and will reflect the time the file was last modified before the backup, NOT the time of the restore operation.

考题 单选题You want an ASM instance to manage the files of your database. To achieve this objective, you specify the following parameters in the parameter file of the database: INSTANCE_TYPE = RDBMS DB_NAME = PROD  LARGE_POOL_SIZE = 8MB DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 4K  LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST = +dgroupA  LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = "$ORACLE_SID_%s_%t.%t"  DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = +dgroupA  COMPATIBLE =  CONTROL_FILES = +dgroupA  Which parameter would be ignored while starting up the instance for the database PROD?()A  LARGE_POOL_SIZEB  DB_CREATE_FILE_DESTC  LOG_ARCHIVE_DESTD  CONTROL_FILESE  LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMATF  DB_BLOCK_SIZE

考题 多选题Which of the following are TRUE about a store archive?()AIt is an XML file containing store data assetsBIt uses the same file format as a ZIP fileCIt contains file assets to create a store or siteDIt can easily be copied from one machine to anotherEIt can contain WebSphere Commerce instance configuration information

考题 单选题The database is configured for automatic archive logging. Along with the other required parameters, this entry is in the initialization file:log_archive_dest2="SERVICE=standby_db1 MANDATORY REOPEN=600" From where does the database resolve standby_db1?()A control fileB tnsnames.oraC data dictionaryD initialization parameter file

考题 单选题Your database is having two control files, three redo log file groups with two members in each group. Failure of which file would cause an instance to shut down?()A any control fileB any archive log fileC one of the redo log membersD loss of the initialization parameter fileE any data file belonging to the default permanent tablespac

考题 单选题When you are allowing RMAN to backup your archived redo log files,how does RMAN know which archived redo logs to back up from your archive log destination?()A RMAN keeps a list of archive logs in a text file.B The DBA must manually tell RMAN which archive logs to backup.C RMAN has access to target control file and/or catalog information.D RMAN looks at the ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST parameter of your target database and backs up all archive logs found.

考题 单选题You database is running an ARCHIVELOG mode. The following parameter are set in your database instance: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch+%t_%r.arc LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ‘LOCATION = /disk1/archive’ DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 50G DB_RECOVERY_FILE = ‘/u01/oradata’ Which statement is true about the archived redo log files?()A They are created only in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter.B They are created only in the Fast Recovery Area.C They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/arch.D They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the location specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter.

考题 多选题Archive file format LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is defined as arch_%s.arc. A week ago, you just archived arch_4.arch to tape, then removed all archived files to save disk space. Yesterday you saw arch_10.arc and arch_11.arc on the disk. Today, you see arch_3.arc in the archive directory.  Which two could you happened?()ARedo logs were restored from tape for recovery.BThe file names are only used when they are copied to tape.CThe database was opened with the RESETLOGS option and log numbers restarted.DLog names run in circular fashion; arch_3.arc is re-created by the ARCn process.EA file name is randomly chosen by the archive process; as long as it is unique, it does not have to be sequential.

考题 单选题You want an ASM instance to manage the files of your database. To achieve this objective, you specify the following parameters in the parameter file of the database:  INSTANCE_TYPE = RDBMS DB_NAME = PROD  LARGE_POOL_SIZE = 8MB  DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 4K  LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST = +dgroupA  LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = "$ORACLE_SID_%s_%t.%t"  DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = +dgroupA  COMPATIBLE =  CONTROL_FILES = +dgroupA  Which parameter would be ignored while starting up the instance for the database PROD?()A DB_BLOCK_SIZEB CONTROL_FILESC LARGE_POOL_SIZED LOG_ARCHIVE_DESTE LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMATF DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST

考题 单选题You configured the Flash Recovery Area for your database. The database instance has been startedin ARCHIVELOG mode and the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter is not set.  What will be the implications on the archiving and the location of archive redo log files()A Archiving will be disabled because the destination for the redo log files is missing.B The database instance will shut down and the error details will be logged in the alert log file.C Archiving will be enabled and the destination for the archived redo log file will be set to the FlashRecovery Area implicitly.D Archiving will be enabled and the location for the archive redo log file will be created in the defaultlocation $ORACLE_HOME/log.

考题 单选题The database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. Examine the initialization parameters and theirvalues set to enable archiving on your database server:  LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch_%t_%s_%r.arc  LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ’LOCATION = /disk1/archive’  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST = ’/u01/oradata’  DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 20G  Which statement is true regarding the archived redo log files()A It will be created on the local file system.B It will be created only in the Flash Recovery Area.C It will be created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the defaultlocation $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.D It will be created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and locationspecified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter.

考题 单选题Which statement is true regarding remote archive log file destinations?()A Only two destinations per remote database can be specified.B Destination is an Oracle Net alias specified by using the SERVICE keyword.C The REOPEN attribute must be used when using remote archive log file destinations.D The service name is resolved by searching sqlnet.ora file for the remote database name.

考题 单选题After performing a copy backup of a file server, the archive bit on the backed up files will be which of the following?()A  DeletedB  UnchangedC  SetD  Copied