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What does the term application partitioning refer to?()

  • A、The feature of a forms application enabling it to run both in client-server mode and on the Web. 
  • B、Storing PL/SQL program units between the Oracle server and the application to make optimal use of available resources. 
  • C、The nature of a three-tier architecture, where the form module and processing software reside on an application server. 
  • D、The feature of a forms application that is able to use Ethernet, twisted pair, and wireless data connections.


更多 “What does the term application partitioning refer to?()A、The feature of a forms application enabling it to run both in client-server mode and on the Web. B、Storing PL/SQL program units between the Oracle server and the application to make optimal use of available resources. C、The nature of a three-tier architecture, where the form module and processing software reside on an application server. D、The feature of a forms application that is able to use Ethernet, twisted pair, and wireless data connections.” 相关考题
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