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11. double d = Math.random();   Which is true about d after line 11?()  

  • A、 d >= 1.0
  • B、 0.0 <= d < 1.0
  • C、 0.0 <= d < Double.MAX_VALUE
  • D、 0.0 <= d <= Double.MAX_VALUE
  • E、 Double.MIN_VALUE <= d < Double.MAX_VALUE


更多 “ 11. double d = Math.random();   Which is true about d after line 11?()  A、 d = 1.0B、 0.0 = d  1.0C、 0.0 = d  Double.MAX_VALUED、 0.0 = d = Double.MAX_VALUEE、 Double.MIN_VALUE = d  Double.MAX_VALUE” 相关考题
考题 以下选项中正确的定义语句是A)double a;b;B)double a=b=7;C)double a=7,b=7;D)double,a,b;

考题 若程序中定义了以下函数:double myadd(double a,double b){ return(a+b);}并将其放在调用语句之后,则在调用之前应该对该函数进行说明,以下选项中错误的说明是( )。A.double myadd(double a, b)B.double myadd(double ,double )C.double myadd(double b,double a)D.double myadd(double x,double y)

考题 编写求两个双精度数之和的函数,选项中正确的是A.double add(double a,double b){double s;s=a+b;return s; }B.double add(double a,b){double s;s=a+b;return (s);}C.double add(double a double b){double s;s=a+b;returns;}D.double add(a,b){double a,b,s;s=a+b;return (s);}

考题 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include <iostream. h>class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) { x=i; y=j;}double Area() const { return 0.0;}private:double x, y;};class Rectangle: public Point{public:Rectangle(double i, double j, double k, double 1)double Area() const {return w * h;}private:double w, h;};Rectangle: :Rectangle(double i, double j, double k. double 1): Point(i,j).{w=k, h=1}void fun(Point s){cout<<s. Area()<<end1;}void main( ){Rectangle rec(3.0, 5.2, 15.0. 25.0);fun(rec)}

考题 以下程序的主函数中调用了在其面前定义的fun函数 #includestdio.h . . . main( ) {double a[15],k; k=fun(a); . . .} 则以下选项中错误的fun函数首部是( )。 、A.double fun(double a[l5])B.double fun(double *a) 。C.double fun(double a[])D.double fun(double a)

考题 以下程序的主函数中调用了在其前面定义的fun函数#includestdio.hmain(){ double a[15],k;k=fun(a);...}则以下选项中错误的fun函数首部是A.double fun(double a[15])B.double fun(double *a)C.double fun(double a[])D.double fun(double a)

考题 在同一可访问区内有如下8个函数:①double calculate(double x)②double calculate(double x, double y);③double calculate(double x. int y);④double calculate(int x, double y);⑤double calculate(int x);⑥float calculate(float x);⑦float calculate(double x);⑧float calculate(int x,double y)。那么关于函数重载的说法中,不正确的是(63)。A.②③④⑤中任两个函数均构成重载B.①③构成重载C.②⑧肯定构成重载,⑥⑦也肯定构成重载D.④⑧构成重载

考题 What would you say to the hotel receptionist to get a double room?__________ A.Rent us a double room. B.Book us a double room. C.We'd like to have a double room. D.Let's have a double room.

考题 以下正确的重载函数是()A、int same(int,double);double same(int,double);B、int same1(int,double);int same2(int,double);C、int same(int=0);int same(int);D、int same(int,double);int same(int,double,double);

考题 Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and can be referenced  without an instance of the class?()  A、 Abstract public void methoda();B、 Public abstract double methoda();C、 Static void methoda(double d1){}D、 Public native double methoda(){}E、 Protected void methoda(double d1){}

考题 Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and be referenced without an instance of the class?()A、 abstract public void methoda ();B、 public abstract double inethoda ();C、 static void methoda (double dl) {}D、 public native double methoda () {}E、 protected void methoda (double dl) {}

考题 Which two are valid declarations within an interface definition?() A、 void methoda();B、 public double methoda();C、 public final double methoda();D、 static void methoda(double d1);E、 protected void methoda(double d1);

考题 Which of the following assignment is not correct?()         A、 float f = 11.1;B、 double d = 5.3E12;C、 double d = 3.14159;D、 double d = 3.14;.

考题 10. abstract public class Employee {  11. protected abstract double getSalesAmount();  12. public double getCommision() {  13. return getSalesAmount() * 0.15;  14. }  15. }  16. class Sales extends Employee {  17. // insert method here  18. }  Which two methods, inserted independently at line 17, correctly complete the Sales class?()A、 double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }B、 public double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }C、 private double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }D、 protected double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }

考题 Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it? () A、 Public double methoda();B、 Static void methoda (double d1) {}C、 Public native double methoda();D、 Abstract public void methoda();E、 Protected void methoda (double d1){}

考题 在接口中以下哪条定义是正确的?()A、void methoda();B、public double methoda();C、public final double methoda();D、static void methoda(double d1);E、protected void methoda(double d1);

考题 下面的哪个赋值语句是不对的?()A、float f=11.1;B、double d=5.3E12;C、double d=3.14159;D、double d=3.14D;

考题 若程序中定义了以下函数 double myadd(double a,double b) { return(a+b); } 并将其放在调用语句之后,则在调用之前应该对该函数进行说明,以下选项中错误的说明是()A、double myadd(double a,b);B、double myadd(double,double);C、double myadd(double b,double a);D、double myadd(double x,double y);

考题 Which method is an appropriate way to determine the cosine of 42 degrees?()A、 Double d = Math.cos(42);B、 Double d = Math.cosine(42);C、 Double d = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42));D、 Double d = Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42));E、 Double d = Math.cosine(Math.toRadians(42));

考题 单选题若程序中定义了以下函数 double myadd(double a,double b) { return(a+b); } 并将其放在调用语句之后,则在调用之前应该对该函数进行说明,以下选项中错误的说明是()A double myadd(double a,b);B double myadd(double,double);C double myadd(double b,double a);D double myadd(double x,double y);

考题 单选题Which of the following assignment is not correct?()A  float f = 11.1;B  double d = 5.3E12;C  double d = 3.14159;D  double d = 3.14;.

考题 单选题Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it? ()A  Public double methoda();B  Static void methoda (double d1) {}C  Public native double methoda();D  Abstract public void methoda();E  Protected void methoda (double d1){}

考题 单选题Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and be referenced without an instance of the class?()A  abstract public void methoda ();B  public abstract double inethoda ();C  static void methoda (double dl) {}D  public native double methoda () {}E  protected void methoda (double dl) {}

考题 单选题Which method is an appropriate way to determine the cosine of 42 degrees?()A  Double d = Math.cos(42);B  Double d = Math.cosine(42);C  Double d = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42));D  Double d = Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42));E  Double d = Math.cosine(Math.toRadians(42));

考题 单选题以下正确的重载函数是()A int same(int,double);double same(int,double);B int same1(int,double);int same2(int,double);C int same(int=0);int same(int);D int same(int,double);int same(int,double,double);

考题 单选题11. double d = Math.random();   Which is true about d after line 11?()A  d = 1.0B  0.0 = d  1.0C  0.0 = d  Double.MAX_VALUED  0.0 = d = Double.MAX_VALUEE  Double.MIN_VALUE = d  Double.MAX_VALUE

考题 多选题10. abstract public class Employee {  11. protected abstract double getSalesAmount();  12. public double getCommision() {  13. return getSalesAmount() * 0.15;  14. }  15. }  16. class Sales extends Employee {  17. // insert method here  18. }  Which two methods, inserted independently at line 17, correctly complete the Sales class?()Adouble getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }Bpublic double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }Cprivate double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }Dprotected double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }