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For which WMM queue is U-APSD most beneficial?()

  • A、on any of the queues
  • B、AC_VO
  • C、AC_VI
  • D、the strict priority queue


更多 “For which WMM queue is U-APSD most beneficial?()A、on any of the queuesB、AC_VOC、AC_VID、the strict priority queue” 相关考题
考题 WhichstatementiscorrectforboththeLWAPPandCAPWAPAPupstream802.1QtaggedwiredQoS priorityforanon-WMM-associatedclientframethatisH-REAPlocallyswitchedrunningv5.2?() A.WirelessclientWMMUPclassificationistranslatedtoawiredDSCPpriority.B.Wirelessclient802.11pclassificationistranslatedtoawiredDSCPpriority.C.WirelessclientWMMUPclassificationistranslatedtoawired802.1pCoSpriority.D.Wirelessclient802.11pclassificationistranslatedtoawired802.1pCoSpriority.E.WLANconfiguredQoSlevelisusedtosetthewiredDSCPpriority.F.Wired802.1pCoSpriorityisnotset.

考题 Which two settings must be configured in order to use the GUI to configure Call Admission Control with voice applications?() A. QoS must be set to PlatinumB. WMM must be enabledC. QoS must be set to GoldD. TSPEC must be disabledE. Cisco Compatible Extensions must be disabled

考题 WhichtwostatementsabouttheimplementationofWLANQoSaretrue?() A.The802.11estandardistheIEEE802.11OoSWLANstandard.B.TheWi-FiMultimedia(WMM)standarddecreasestheeightprioritylevelstofouraccesscategories.C.TheWi-FiMultimedia(WMM)standardisaWi-FiAlliancestandardthatincreasesthefourprioritylevelstoeightaccesscategories.D.TheWi-FiMultimedia(WMM)standardisanIEEEstandardthatincreasesthefourprioritylevelstoeightaccesscategories.E.Wireless802.11deploysDistributedCoordinationFunction(DCF),carriersensemultipleaccesswithcollisiondetection(CSMA/CD),interframespacing,andrandomwaittimerstoavoidcollisions.F.WirelessOoSdesignsandimplementationscommonlyuseLayer3differentiatedservicescodepoint(DSCP)orLayer2802.1ptoensurepriority

考题 What frame type is used to signal TSPEC reservation from a client?()A、RSVPB、ADDTSC、802.11 association information elementsD、WMM capabilities exchange

考题 WLAN热点接入设备应支持以下QoS要求:支持流与WMM队列的映射,支持WMM定义的多种流类型()及其优先级调度规则,支持基于优先级的数据处理和转发。A、VOICEB、VIDEOC、BESTEFFORTD、BACKGROUND

考题 Which information element will the client use if the client intends to use a different PHY rate than the nominal PHY rate advertised?()A、TSPEC IEB、TSRS IEC、WMM IED、TSM IE

考题 Which certification-based protocol is implemented for wireless QoS between an AP and a wireless client over RF media?()A、WMM using DCFB、WMM using EDCAFC、802.1e using DCFD、802.1e using EDCAF

考题 创建radio-profile必须绑定wmm-profile才可以,不然会有配置报错。

考题 WLAN组网配置时,WMM模版应该绑定到下面哪个模版上()。A、radio-profileB、traffic-profileC、security-profileD、service-set

考题 下列对于WLAN组网配置,说法正确的是()。A、用户在进行数据规划时尽量保证规划数据详细,这样会极大方便后期的配置B、给AP下发配置前,AP必须是已经上线C、配置WMM模板可以直接绑定在天线上D、WMM模板被绑定在射频模板上

考题 Which two statements about the implementation of WLAN QoS are true?()A、The 802.11e standard is the IEEE 802.11 OoS WLAN standard.B、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard decreases the eight priority levels to four access categories.C、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that increases the four priority levels to eight access categories.D、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard is an IEEE standard that increases the four priority levels to eight access categories.E、Wireless 802.11 deploys Distributed Coordination Function (DCF), carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD), interframe spacing, and random wait timers to avoid collisions.F、Wireless OoS designs and implementations commonly use Layer 3 differentiated services code point (DSCP) or Layer 2 802.1 p to ensure priority

考题 Within the WMM policy, how many default QoS radio access categories are there?()A、 8B、 5C、 4D、 3

考题 What are two ways with which a small business can keep a wireless business separate and secure from a wireless guest access network? () A、 auto-channel selectionB、 WMM QoSC、 802.11F roamingD、 multiple BSSIDsE、 802.1Q VLANsF、 AP detection

考题 Which two settings must be configured in order to use the GUI to configure Call Admission Controlwith voice applications? ()A、 QoS must be set to PlatinumB、 WMM must be enabledC、 QoS must be set to GoldD、 TSPEC must be disabledE、 Cisco Compatible Extensions must be disabled

考题 An LWAPP encapsulated packet is being sent from the Cisco WLC v5.2 to the AP for a wireless WMM client. Can the LWAPP frame be altered to change the resulting final WMM queue for transmission on an 802.11 client?()A、Yes,by modifying the LWAPP frame header DSCP value in transit.B、Yes,by modifying the LWAPP frame header 802.1p value in transit.C、No,the WMM queue classification parameter is transported inside the LWAPP tunnel.D、No,the WMM queue classification parameter is determined at the AP based on the original client IP header DSCP value.

考题 Which two statements about the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard are true?()A、 Lower-priority traffic is assigned short interframe wait-timers to allow higher-priority traffic access to the wireless network first.B、 Packets that are not assigned to a specific access category are categorized by default as the background access category.C、 The WMM standard was implemented after the 802.11e standard was approved to provide support for non 802.11e devices.D、 WMM is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that was implemented before the 802.11e standard was approved.E、 WMM uses Enhanced DCF (EDCF) to stipulate fixed and random wait times for the different access classes.

考题 Which statement is correct for the LWAPP/CAPWAP AP upstream encapsulated frame for a WMM-associated client frame that is centrally switched running v5.2?()A、Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.B、Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.C、Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.D、Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.

考题 What standard is WMM based on?()A、802.11eB、802.11kC、802.11iD、802.11h

考题 单选题WLAN组网配置时,WMM模版应该绑定到下面哪个模版上()。A radio-profileB traffic-profileC security-profileD service-set

考题 多选题Which two statements about the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard are true?()ALower-priority traffic is assigned short interframe wait-timers to allow higher-priority traffic access to the wireless network first.BPackets that are not assigned to a specific access category are categorized by default as the background access category.CThe WMM standard was implemented after the 802.11e standard was approved to provide support for non 802.11e devices.DWMM is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that was implemented before the 802.11e standard was approved.EWMM uses Enhanced DCF (EDCF) to stipulate fixed and random wait times for the different access classes.

考题 单选题An LWAPP encapsulated packet is being sent from the Cisco WLC v5.2 to the AP for a wireless WMM client. Can the LWAPP frame be altered to change the resulting final WMM queue for transmission on an 802.11 client?()A Yes,by modifying the LWAPP frame header DSCP value in transit.B Yes,by modifying the LWAPP frame header 802.1p value in transit.C No,the WMM queue classification parameter is transported inside the LWAPP tunnel.D No,the WMM queue classification parameter is determined at the AP based on the original client IP header DSCP value.

考题 判断题创建radio-profile必须绑定wmm-profile才可以,不然会有配置报错。A 对B 错

考题 单选题For which WMM queue is U-APSD most beneficial?()A on any of the queuesB AC_VOC AC_VID the strict priority queue

考题 多选题Which three statements are true about load-based Call Admission Control?()Agrants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on the number of active clients associated to the accesspointBgrants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on channel bandwidth capacityCuses the 802.11i specificationDuses 802.11 action framesErequires a WMM-enabled client

考题 单选题What is the WMM user priority of the packets going downstream to the client when the client does not support TSPEC but the Cisco WLC has ACM enabled and WLAN priority is set to Platinum?()A backgroundB best effortC voiceD video

考题 单选题Which statement is correct for both the LWAPP and CAPWAP AP upstream 802.1Q tagged wired QoS priority for a non-WMM-associated client frame that is H-REAP locally switched running v5.2?()A Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.B Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired DSCP priority.C Wireless client WMM UP classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.D Wireless client 802.11p classification is translated to a wired 802.1p CoS priority.E WLAN configured QoS level is used to set the wired DSCP priority.F Wired 802.1p CoS priority is not set.

考题 单选题Within the WMM policy, how many default QoS radio access categories are there?()A  8B  5C  4D  3