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Examine the code: CREATE ROLE readonly IDENTIFIES USING app.chk_readwrite ; CREATE ROLE readwrite IDENTIFIED USING app.chk_readwrite ; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE app.chk_readwrite AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS ipchk STRING(30); BEGIN IF sys_context(‘USERENV’,’ISDBA’)=’TRUE’ THEN DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE‘READWRITE’) ; ELSE DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE(‘READONLY’) ; END; / Which three statements correctly describe the Secure Application role definition?()
- A、No user or application has to remember or hide a password.
- B、It prevents everyone except a true DBA session from acquiring the READWRITE role.
- C、app.chk_readwrite is called whenever a user tries to access rows protected by the READONLY or READWRITE label.
- D、app.chk_readwrite is called by users or applications when they want to enable the READONLY or READWRITE role.
更多 “ Examine the code: CREATE ROLE readonly IDENTIFIES USING app.chk_readwrite ; CREATE ROLE readwrite IDENTIFIED USING app.chk_readwrite ; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE app.chk_readwrite AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS ipchk STRING(30); BEGIN IF sys_context(‘USERENV’,’ISDBA’)=’TRUE’ THEN DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE‘READWRITE’) ; ELSE DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE(‘READONLY’) ; END; / Which three statements correctly describe the Secure Application role definition?()A、No user or application has to remember or hide a password. B、It prevents everyone except a true DBA session from acquiring the READWRITE role. C、app.chk_readwrite is called whenever a user tries to access rows protected by the READONLY or READWRITE label. D、app.chk_readwrite is called by users or applications when they want to enable the READONLY or READWRITE role.” 相关考题
YouareaWindowsServer2008systemsadministratorresponsibleforprovidingaccesstoalargevolumeofvideofilestoregisteredusersofyourorganization??spublicWebsite.Allthevideofilesarelocated withintheD:\Public\Videosfolder.Contentproducersoftencreateandmodifythesevideos.Recently,usershavecomplainedthattheyareexperiencingpoorperformancewhenaccessingvideosduringbusytimes.Duringtheseimages,theWindowsMediaServicesserverthathoststhecontentisexperiencinghighCPUandnetworkbandwidthuse.Youwanttominimizetheadministrativetimeandeffortrequiredtoincreaseperformance.Whichofthefollowingactionsshouldyoutaketoresolvetheproblem?()
31. // some code here 32. try { 33. // some code here 34. } catch (SomeException se) { 35. // some code here 36. } finally { 37. // some code here 38. } Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed?()A、 The instance gets garbage collected.B、 The code on line 33 throws an exception.C、 The code on line 35 throws an exception.D、 The code on line 31 throws an exception.E、 The code on line 33 executes successfully.
The()may examine or re-examine the goods or take samples from them straightaway in the absence of the consignee or the consignor whenever it considers this necessary.A、CustomsB、The ministry of commerceC、The state councilD、the commodity inspection institution
Which code fragments will succeed in initializing a two-dimensional array named tab with a size that will cause the expression tab[3][2] to access a valid element?() CODE FRAGMENT a: int[][] tab = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; CODE FRAGMENT b: int tab[][] = new int[4][]; for (int i=0; i CODE FRAGMENT c: int tab[][] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; CODE FRAGMENT d: int tab[3][2]; CODE FRAGMENT e: int[] tab[] = { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }; A、Code fragment a.B、Code fragment b.C、Code fragment c.D、Code fragment d.E、Code fragment e.
Given that a static method doIt() in a class Work represents work to be done, what block of code will succeed in starting a new thread that will do the work? CODE BLOCK a: Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Work.doIt(); } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); CODE BLOCK b: Thread t = new Thread() { public void start() { Work.doIt(); } }; t.start(); CODE BLOCK c: Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Work.doIt(); } }; r.start(); CODE BLOCK d: Thread t = new Thread(new Work()); t.start(); CODE BLOCK e: Runnable t = new Runnable() { public void run() { Work.doIt(); } }; t.run(); A、Code block a.B、Code block B.C、Code block c.D、Code block d.E、Code block e.
In your Certkiller .com database server the parameter PLSQL_CODE_TYPE has been set to NATIVE. Which object would be achieved by the setting?()A、The source PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.B、The source PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.C、The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.D、The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.
Your alert log file has the following information: Tue May 25 17:43:38 2004 ORA-00060: Deadlock detected. More info in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/udump/orcl_ora_3173.trc. What would you do to ensure that database is still running correctly?()A、examine the trace file and kill the session that caused the deadlockB、examine the trace file and kill both the sessions responsible for the deadlockC、examine the trace file for details and ask the user who caused the deadlock to roll back the transactionD、examine the trace file for details and remember that deadlocks are resolved automatically by Oracle databaseE、examine the trace file for details and use the Undo Advisor to rollback the transaction that caused the deadlock
单选题In your Supportcenter.cn database server the parameter PLSQL_CODE_TYPE has been set to NATIVE. Which object would be achieved by the setting?()A
The source PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.B
The source PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.C
The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.D
The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.
单选题In your Certkiller .com database server the parameter PLSQL_CODE_TYPE has been set to NATIVE. Which object would be achieved by the setting?()A
The source PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.B
The source PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.C
The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in native machine code.D
The compiled PL/SQL code will be stored in interpreted byte code.
多选题31. // some code here 32. try { 33. // some code here 34. } catch (SomeException se) { 35. // some code here 36. } finally { 37. // some code here 38. } Under which three circumstances will the code on line 37 be executed?()AThe instance gets garbage collected.BThe code on line 33 throws an exception.CThe code on line 35 throws an exception.DThe code on line 31 throws an exception.EThe code on line 33 executes successfully.
多选题Given: Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()Aint foo() { /* more code here */ }Bvoid foo() { /* more code here */ }Cpublic void foo() { /* more code here */ }Dprivate void foo() { /* more code here */ }Eprotected void foo() { /* more code here */ }
多选题Which three will compile and run without exception?()Aprivate synchronized Object o;Bvoid go(){ synchronized(){/* code here */}Cpublic synchronized void go(){/* code here */}Dprivate synchronized(this) void go(){/* code here */}Evoid go(){ synchronized(Object.class){/* code here */}Fvoid go(){ Object o = new Object(); synchronized(o){/* code here */}
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