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Automated warehouse is managed by()

  • A、computer    
  • B、computed system     
  • C、information system      
  • D、internet


更多 “Automated warehouse is managed by()A、computerB、computed systemC、information systemD、internet” 相关考题
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考题 某企业的数据库系统中有如下所示的员工关系和仓库关系,每个仓库可有多名员工,但只有一名负责人。员工关系(employee):仓库关系(warehouse):则创建仓库表结构的SQL语句为(58)。A.CREATE TABLE (employee ID CHAR(2)NOTNULL UNIQUE, name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), principal ID CHAR(3));B.CREATE warehouse(warehouse ID CHAR(2)PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(30), address CHAR(40), principal ID CHAR(3));C.CREATE TABLE warehouse(warehouse ID CHAR(2)PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), principal ID CHAR(3), FOREIGN KEY(principal ID)REFERENCES employee(employee ID));D.CREATE TABIE warehouse(warehouse ID CHAR(2), name CHAR(30)NOT NULL, address CHAR(40), principal ID CHAR(3), PRIMARY REY(warehouse ID), FOREIGN KEY(employee ID)REFERENCES employee(employee ID));

考题 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ). Which store subsets of data from a warehouse.A.OLTPsB.transactionsC.data sartsD.OLAPs

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考题 A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ) . Which store subsets of data from a warehouse. A.OLTPs B.transactions C.datA.sarts D.OLAPs

考题 Which two Tcl scripts make up the B-ACD?()A、Call Queue B、Auto Attendant C、Basic Queuing D、Direct Inward Dial E、Automated Queuing F、Automated Call Distributor

考题 The Database Resource Manager is automatically enabled in the maintenance window that runs the Automated Maintenance Task. What is the reason for this?()  A、 to prevent the creation of an excessive number of scheduler job classesB、 to allow the Automated Maintenance Tasks to use system resources without any restrictionC、 to allow resource sharing only among the Automated Maintenance Tasks in the maintenance windowD、 to prevent the Automated Maintenance Tasks from consuming excessive amounts of system resources

考题 customer wants to network several computers within a large warehouse. The warehouse has one computer at the very far end of the warehouse that is 170 meters (557 feet) from the network switch. Which of the following cable types should a technician use for this computer?()A、CAT3B、CAT5C、CAT6D、Fiber

考题 英译中:Automated warehouse

考题 翻译:Warehouse to Warehouse Clause()

考题 ()has 3 parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.A、Multi-story warehouseB、Automatic multi-story warehouseC、Stereo-style warehouseD、stereoscopic warehouse

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考题 下列哪些术语与仓库有关()A、Automatic Warehouse(自动化仓库)B、Stereoscopic Warehouse(立体仓库)C、Boned Warehouse(保税仓库)D、Chill space(冷藏区)

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考题 仓库 warehouse

考题 A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers. How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is working?()A、Shut down the managed server from the WebLogic console.B、Shut down the managed server using the WLST command through Node Manager.C、Run "kill -9" once to kill the managed server process.D、Run "kill -9" to kill the managed server process, and run "kill -9" one more time if the managed  server is restarting.

考题 单选题customer wants to network several computers within a large warehouse. The warehouse has one computer at the very far end of the warehouse that is 170 meters (557 feet) from the network switch. Which of the following cable types should a technician use for this computer?()A CAT3B CAT5C CAT6D Fiber

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考题 名词解释题英译中:Automated warehouse

考题 单选题()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.A Multi-story warehouseB Automatic Multi-story-warehouseC Stereo-style warehouseD Stereoscopic warehouse

考题 单选题()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.A Multi-story warehouseB Automatic Multi-story warehouseC stereo-style warehouseD stereoscopic warehouse

考题 多选题下列哪些术语与仓库有关()AAutomatic Warehouse(自动化仓库)BStereoscopic Warehouse(立体仓库)CBoned Warehouse(保税仓库)DChill space(冷藏区)

考题 单选题The Database Resource Manager is automatically enabled in the maintenance window that runs the Automated Maintenance Task. What is the reason for this?()A  to prevent the creation of an excessive number of scheduler job classesB  to allow the Automated Maintenance Tasks to use system resources without any restrictionC  to allow resource sharing only among the Automated Maintenance Tasks in the maintenance windowD  to prevent the Automated Maintenance Tasks from consuming excessive amounts of system resources

考题 单选题A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analusis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ). Which store subsets of data from a warehouse.A OLTPsB transactionsC data sartsD OLAPs

考题 多选题Which action cannot be done in a scripted, automated fashion using WLST?()Acollecting run-time metrics and sending an email if user-defined thresholds are exceededBconfiguring Clusters and Managed ServersCstarting Managed Servers using the Node ManagerDinstalling WebLogic binaries on a remote machine using Node ManagerEconfiguring a Managed Server on a remote machine where the Node Manager is installed but  no other Managed Servers from the domain exist

考题 单选题A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers. How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is working?()A Shut down the managed server from the WebLogic console.B Shut down the managed server using the WLST command through Node Manager.C Run kill -9 once to kill the managed server process.D Run kill -9 to kill the managed server process, and run kill -9 one more time if the managed  server is restarting.