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服务用语"Get in,Please"指()。

  • A、请上车
  • B、请付车费
  • C、请关门
  • D、请稍等


更多 “服务用语"Get in,Please"指()。A、请上车B、请付车费C、请关门D、请稍等” 相关考题
考题 Please make an ___________ to get there on time. A. effectB. effortC. efficiencyD. effects

考题 We’ll finish loading the trucks soon. Please get ready for ________A.lashingB.dischargingC.loadingD.tightening

考题 _____________ he arrives before I get back,please ask him to wait.A. In the case ofB. In caseC. In case ofD. In that case

考题 ( ), how can I get to the Kodak company? A.I'm sorryB.Please tell meC.WellD.Excuse me

考题 Please get me a new ______ when you go back home.A、clothesB、dressC、clothingD、trousers

考题 下列邮政服务用语英汉对照错误的是()。 A、I'll go to get the change.我去换零钱。B、The post office opens at 8a.m.邮局早上八点钟开门。C、Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。D、Would you please repeat what your said?您能大声点说吗?

考题 下列邮政服务用语英汉对照正确的有()。 A、Excusemeamoment,please.请等一下。B、Thenetworkwasbusyjustnow.刚才网络非常忙。C、Anythingelse?请讲下去。D、Sorry,Ididn'tquitefollowyou.对不起,我不太明白。

考题 Please get everything ready prior ______ shifting.A.onB.toC.atD.for

考题 下列日常生活用语中,表示电话对话的句子是()AHello, this is Li. May I speak to Chen, please?BHold on, please.CWould you hold the line, please?DWho's calling, please?EI'm sorry. I think you have the wrong number.FI'm sorry, but Chen is not available to come to the phone right now. May I take a message?

考题 “请把车票准备好。”翻译为:()A、Please get your tickets ready for checking.B、Please show me your tickets.C、Please let me see your tickets.D、Please get your tickets ready for showing.

考题 Hello, please get in the car.的意思是:()。

考题 Afternoon, sir. Where to? -- ()A、Please get me to the airportB、please pick me up next timeC、I’ve been to the airportD、The plane will take off in an hour

考题 下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A、您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B、欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C、请您出示证件。Please sign here.D、请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.

考题 服务用语五忌指哪五忌?

考题 如何使用英文如何表达:“很抱歉通知您,由于客流较大车站将采取限流措施请耐心等待”()。A、For your safety,please hold the handrail.B、We are sorry to inform that the limit measures will be taken because of the crowd,please wait patiently.C、Please stand in line to get on the train.D、Go through the gate one by one,please.

考题 基本文明用语中,“请交通行费”的英文说法是()。A、Take your note carefully,please.B、Pay the toll,please.C、Have a good trip.D、Wait a minute,please.

考题 基本文明用语中,“请稍等”的英文说法是()。A、Excuese me,please.B、May I help you.C、Wait a minute,please.D、Take minute.

考题 请上车翻译成英文是()A、Please stop hereB、Please close the doorC、Please get on

考题 “请上车”用英文表达为()。A、Please hold onB、Please get upC、Please keep itD、Please get on the car

考题 服务用语“Please pay by the taximeter”指()。A、请按计价器显示的金额付费B、请拿好行李C、请问去哪里D、请不要吸烟

考题 服务用语“Keep the receipt,Please”指()。A、请拿好发票B、请关好车门C、请系好安全带D、请拿好行李

考题 多选题下列常用服务用语中汉英对照正确的有()A您准备住多久?How long do you intend to stay?B欢迎下榻本饭店。Welcome to our hotel!C请您出示证件。Please sign here.D请填写入住登记表。Please fill out the registration form.

考题 单选题I ______ my English book in the reading-room. Please go and get it for me.A forgotB lostC left

考题 单选题Please get everything ready prior()shifting.A onB toC atD for

考题 单选题Please get into touch()the Foreman.A atB forC withD about

考题 单选题When you get home, please call me to let us know that you ______safety.A would arriveB have arrivedC had arrivedD will arrive

考题 单选题Please()to get there on time.A make effortB make effortsC make the effortsD make an effort