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更多 “WRED?” 相关考题

考题 WRED可以() A. 设置队列丢弃报文的低限和高限B. 设置最大丢弃概率C. 进行拥塞管理D. 避免TCP全局同步

考题 On which component are RED and WRED managed in the router?() A. I/O moduleB. switch fabricC. egress line moduleD. ingress line module

考题 流量监管通常采用的QoS技术是()。 A.GTSB.LRC.CarD.Wred

考题 Identifythelinkefficiencymechanism?() A.LFIB.LLQC.RSVPD.WFOE.WRED

考题 在华为Quidway系列路由器某接口上启用WRED,必先在该接口上配置()队列。 A.FIFOB.PQC.CQD.WFQ

考题 下面的命令配置了 WRED ,其中提供了四个参数, [Quidway-Ethernet0]qos wred ip-precedence 9 low-limit 30 high- limit 60 discard-probability 100 , (其中 9 30 60 100 为配置的参数),请指出设置不正确的参数是() A.9B.30C.60D.100

考题 以下哪些不是实现Qos常用的技术()A、队列调度B、流分类C、划分VlanD、WRED

考题 Identify the link efficiency mechanism?()A、LFIB、LLQC、RSVPD、WFOE、WRED

考题 Which two statements about WRED are true? ()A、WRED can selectively discard lower priority traffic when the interface becomes congested and can provide differentiated performance characteristics for different classes of service.B、Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and WRED cannot be configured on the same interface.C、WRED will throttle back voice traffic only as a last resort.D、If the average queue length is greater than the minimum threshold but less than the maximum threshold, then based on the drop probability, WRED will either queue the packet or perform a random drop.E、WRED statistically drops more packets from low-bandwidth users than high-bandwidth users. Therefore, traffic sources that generate the least traffic are more likely to be slowed down than traffic sources that generate the most traffic.F、 WRED treats non-IP traffic as precedence 4.

考题 WRED 中使用的权值是指下面哪种特性()   A、 VLAN IDB、 IP PrecedenceC、 TCP 端口号D、 802.1p

考题 下列关于WRED的配置说法不正确的是()TestInside GB0-283。A、使能WRED是在接口视图下B、WRED是一种拥塞避免机制,它可以同CQ,WFQ配合使用C、WRED可以在所有的物理接口下使能,但只能在某些逻辑接口下使能D、当队列长度大于或等于上限阈值high-limit时,将丢弃所有超过门限的报文

考题 中兴PTN9008设备的QOS功能模块中支持的丢弃策略有()A、tialdropB、REDC、weightedtaildropD、WRED

考题 与RED相比,WRED在实际的应用中更为广泛。


考题 可以用来实现拥塞避免的技术有哪些?()A、PQB、REDC、WFQD、WRED

考题 What is an important consideration that should be taken into account when configuring shaped round robin?()A、It enables policing.B、Strict priority is not supported.C、WRED must be previously enabled.D、It enables WRR

考题 What are two QoS mechanisms that are used to prevent packet loss?()A、header compressionB、payload compressionC、low latency queuing (LLQ)D、weighted random early detection (WRED)E、traffic policingF、traffic shaping

考题 多选题Which two statements about WRED are true? ()AWRED can selectively discard lower priority traffic when the interface becomes congested and can provide differentiated performance characteristics for different classes of service.BResource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and WRED cannot be configured on the same interface.CWRED will throttle back voice traffic only as a last resort.DIf the average queue length is greater than the minimum threshold but less than the maximum threshold, then based on the drop probability, WRED will either queue the packet or perform a random drop.EWRED statistically drops more packets from low-bandwidth users than high-bandwidth users. Therefore, traffic sources that generate the least traffic are more likely to be slowed down than traffic sources that generate the most traffic.FWRED treats non-IP traffic as precedence 4.

考题 多选题Which three protocols or applications should be placed in a class that is configured with WRED?()AHTTPBRTPCstreaming videoDBitTorrentEPOP3

考题 单选题下面的命令配置了 WRED ,其中提供了四个参数, [Quidway-Ethernet0]qos wred ip-precedence 9 low-limit 30 high- limit 60 discard-probability 100 , (其中 9 30 60 100 为配置的参数),请指出设置不正确的参数是()A 9B 30C 60D 100

考题 问答题WRED?

考题 单选题On which component are RED and WRED managed in the router?()A I/O moduleB switch fabricC egress line moduleD ingress line module

考题 多选题What are two QoS mechanisms that are used to prevent packet loss?()Aheader compressionBpayload compressionClow latency queuing (LLQ)Dweighted random early detection (WRED)Etraffic policingFtraffic shaping

考题 多选题流动作可以包括()。A基于类的标记动作B基于类的流量监管和整形动作CCBQ动作D基于类的WRED动作

考题 多选题关于WRED,说法正确的是()A当队列的长度小于低限时,不丢弃报文B当队列的长度在低限和高限之间时,WRED开始随机丢弃报文。并且,队列的长度越长,丢弃的概率越高C当队列的长度大于高限时,丢弃所有新到达报文D在和低限、高限比较并进行丢弃时,采用队列的平均长度

考题 判断题S7800交换机的Qos特性支持WRED、WRR、WFQ、WFQ+SP。A 对B 错