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All the department managers are requested to attend a seminar in the company conference room on Monday, March 18, at 9:00 a.m.


更多 “ All the department managers are requested to attend a seminar in the company conference room on Monday, March 18, at 9:00 a.m. ” 相关考题
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考题 Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain.You have a server named Server1. Server1 has only one hard disk drive.You run a full backup at 02:00 every Monday. You run an incremental backup at 02:00 every Tuesday to Sunday.You run an Automated System Recovery (ASR) backup every day at 13:00.Server1’s hard disk drive fails on Wednesday at 15:00.You need to recover Server1 to its latest configuration by using the minimum amount of administrative effort.What should you restore? ()A. Monday’s full backup, then Tuesday’s incremental backup, and then Wednesday’s incremental backupB. Monday’s full backup and then Wednesday’s ASR backupC. Monday’s full backup and then Wednesday’s incremental backupD. Wednesday’s ASR backup

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