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阅读以下短文,回答98-100题。 【IPv6 is not interoperable with IPv4,In essence.it establishes a parallel version of the Internet not directly accessible with IPv4 sofeware.This means softwate upgrades or translator facilities are necessary for networking devices that need to communicate on both networks.Most modern computer operating systems already support both versions of the Internet Protocal.Network infrastrutures,however,are still lagging in this development.Aside form the complex array of physical connections that make up its infrastrure,the Internet is facilitated by bi- or multi-lateral commercial contracts(e.g. pearing agreements),and by technical spesifications or protocals that describe how to exchange data over the network.Indeed,the Internet is defined by its interconnections and routing policies.】 Based on the paragraph above, it is shown that in order to deploy IPv6 protocol on the Internet,()has to be built. The network devices which need to communicate with both networks are required to have upgraded software or ()in the movement of IPv4 to IPv6 transition,()are relatively slow in this event.

A.separated network B.mobile network C.access network D.radio network

A.IPv6 software B.translator facilities C.operating systems D.IPv4 software

A.IPv4 network B.translator facilities C.operating systems D.network infrastructures


更多 “ 阅读以下短文,回答98-100题。 【IPv6 is not interoperable with IPv4,In essence.it establishes a parallel version of the Internet not directly accessible with IPv4 sofeware.This means softwate upgrades or translator facilities are necessary for networking devices that need to communicate on both networks.Most modern computer operating systems already support both versions of the Internet Protocal.Network infrastrutures,however,are still lagging in this development.Aside form the complex array of physical connections that make up its infrastrure,the Internet is facilitated by bi- or multi-lateral commercial contracts(e.g. pearing agreements),and by technical spesifications or protocals that describe how to exchange data over the network.Indeed,the Internet is defined by its interconnections and routing policies.】 Based on the paragraph above, it is shown that in order to deploy IPv6 protocol on the Internet,()has to be built. The network devices which need to communicate with both networks are required to have upgraded software or ()in the movement of IPv4 to IPv6 transition,()are relatively slow in this event.A.separated network B.mobile network C.access network D.radio networkA.IPv6 software B.translator facilities C.operating systems D.IPv4 softwareA.IPv4 network B.translator facilities C.operating systems D.network infrastructures ” 相关考题
考题 IPv6包头比IPv4包头更长,格式比IPv4复杂。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 阅读下面一段短文,然后回答下列 36~38 小题。第 36 题 概括本片段的大意。作者的观点是什么?

考题 阅读下面短文。回答 26~25 题。第 26 题 下列关于“托迈”的说法,正确的一项是:

考题 在从IPv4过渡到IPv6过渡过程中需要解决IPv6孤岛的互联问题,IPv6孤岛互联的技术主要有以下各种隧道技术:()、()、()、()、()。

考题 为了加快路由器处理数据报的速度,IPv6首部取消了(56)字段,而通过数据链路层和运输层来完成差错检验功能。为了便于地址阅读,IPv6使用(57)记法。在IPv4向 IPv6过渡的方案中;当IPv6数据报进入IPv4网络时,将IPv6数据报封装成为IPv4数据报进行传输的方案是(58)。A.流量控制B.差错控制C.校验和D.纠错

考题 认真阅读以下基于Windows 2003操作系统IPv6的技术说明,根据要求回答问题1至问题4。【说明】由于现有的网络设备大部分都是基于IPv4的,也不可能在短时间内都更新换代来支持IPv6,因此在相对比较长的一段时期内,IPv6网络将和IPv4网络共存,然后再逐步实现IPv4向IPv6的平稳过渡;同时在实施IPv6网络时必须充分利用现有的网络条件来构造下一代因特网,以避免造成过多的投资浪费。一台Windows 2003操作系统的主机上同时安装了IPv6和IPv4两种协议,该主机既可以和仅支持IPv4协议的主机通信,也可以和仅支持IPv6协议的主机通信,这种实现IPv4向IPv6的平稳过渡的通信方案称为双协议栈技术。基于该技术的协议栈结构如图7-10所示。请从以下供选择的答案中选择适合的选项填入图7-10的相应位置。【供选择的答案】A.IPv6协议 B.IPv4协议 C.应用层协议 D.TCP/UDP协议

考题 IPv6的地址长度是(26),它的基本首部长度固定为(27)。为了加快路由器处理数据报的速度,IPv6首部取消了(28)字段,而通过数据链路层和运输层来完成差错检验功能。为了便于地址阅读,IPv6使用(29)记法。在IPv4向IPv6过渡的方案中,当IPv6数据报进入IPv4网络时,将IPv6数据报封装成为IPv4数据报进行传输的方案是(30)。A.32位B.64位C.128位D.256位

考题 (36)以下关于IPv4和IPv6的说法,错误的是( )。A) IPv4存在局限性,所以人们开发了IPv6B) IPv6依然沿用了IPv4的核心设计思想C) IPv6在协议格式、地址表示法方面和IPv4是相同的D) IPv6采用了128位地址长度

考题 以下关于IPv4和IPv6的说法,错误的是( )。A)IPv4存在局限性,所以人们开发了IPv6B)IPv6依然沿用了IPv4的核心设计思想C)IPv6在协议格式、地址表示法方面和IPv4是相同的D)IPv6采用了128位地址长度