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New strains of viruses are transmitted to man by______.

A. a type of pig

B. diseased lower animals

C. a group of migrating birds

D. a variety of means


更多 “ New strains of viruses are transmitted to man by______.A. a type of pigB. diseased lower animalsC. a group of migrating birdsD. a variety of means ” 相关考题
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考题 下面关于Pig的描述中,哪个是错误的?() A. 在分布式环境下运行Pig程序的时候,需要编写专门的 MapReduce程序B.用户可以编写自己的函数来进行特殊用途的处理,达到扩充pig功能的目的C.Pig系统可以对用户编写的程序进行自动地优化,从而用户可以专注于语义,而非效率D.Pig不但可以在分布式模式下运行也可以在单机模式下运行

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