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A. prevent

B. free

C. protect

D. remove


更多 “ 49____A. preventB. freeC. protectD. remove ” 相关考题
考题 As Kate's close friend, I introduce an interesting book to her in order to ______ her from what she is worrying about. A. attractB. distractC. directD. prevent

考题 50________.A.keepB.makeC.letD.protect

考题 Animalsareourfriends,so______(protect)themisourduty.

考题 Can we ever _____ hunger from the world?A. eliminate B. throw C. stop D. prevent

考题 We should pay attention________(protect) the environment.

考题 Many are sleeping in the open because they have no () . A、safeB、shelterC、shroudD、prevent

考题 摩托罗拉Handover参数中,下列说法不正确的是() A.“bounce_protect_margin”参数取值范围是0~127B.“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是8C.“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是15D.“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是5E.“bounce_protect_margin”现网主流设置是9

考题 根据下面资料,回答题 Almost everyone suffers from a headache 21 (occasional). But some people suffer from repeated, frequent headaches. What is headache What causes it What can you do about a headache What research is being done on headaches The dictionary defines headache simply 22 "a pain in the head". 23 most people mean by headache 24 (be) a pain that lasts several minutes or hours. It covers the whole head, or one side of it, or perhaps the front or the back of the head. To add to the confusion about a definition, some people call tight feeling in the head a headache. A headache is important because 25 can be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled 26 discovered early. If a person 27 (remove) the warning, day after day, with a pain-killer, he may pass the point of easy control. A headache is important also because it disturbs people, 28 (prevent) them from living a happy life. The 29 (employ) with a headache does less work. In a flash of temper he may upset his fellow 30 (guy) or customers, causing a direct or indirect loss to his organization. The mother with a headache suffers and disturbs the family. She upsets her husband and children.

考题 Did you do that to irritate her?A: tease B: attract C: annoy D: protect

考题 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.A:maintainB:improveC:assessD:protect