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To get some idea of the amount of heat the sun ________(1), think about this. If you ________(2)collect all the heat that hits the earth in a two-week period, it would equal the amount of all the other known sources and reserves of energy: wood, coal, and oil. But even these sources of energy depend ________(3) the sun for their formation. For example, a tree ________ (4) certainly never grow and provide fuel in the form. of wood were it not for the sun. Because the sun is so important in the production of all forms of heating fuel, more and more time and money are being spent ________(5) ways to change power from the sun directly into a form. of heat.


A、gives off

B、turns off

C、takes off

D、sets off




















D、being studying


更多 “ To get some idea of the amount of heat the sun ________(1), think about this. If you ________(2)collect all the heat that hits the earth in a two-week period, it would equal the amount of all the other known sources and reserves of energy: wood, coal, and oil. But even these sources of energy depend ________(3) the sun for their formation. For example, a tree ________ (4) certainly never grow and provide fuel in the form. of wood were it not for the sun. Because the sun is so important in the production of all forms of heating fuel, more and more time and money are being spent ________(5) ways to change power from the sun directly into a form. of heat.1.A、gives offB、turns offC、takes offD、sets off2.A、willB、couldC、mustD、shall3.A、ofB、inC、onD、to4.A、willB、mustC、shallD、would5.A、studyB、studiedC、studyingD、being studying ” 相关考题
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