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They had a short-term ______ for a person on the foreign desk.






更多 “ They had a short-term ______ for a person on the foreign desk. A、vacancyB、jobC、opportunityD、empty ” 相关考题
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考题 By evening, he had decided to make his request ______. (A) at hand(B) in hand(C) by person(D) in person

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考题 When any nonhuman organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as _______ .A novel B remote C distant D foreign

考题 —Where are________ books?—They are on the desk.

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考题 It was ___ that he had to ask for help. A.a so big workB.a so big jobC.such a big workD.a such big job

考题 We often speak of language as a vehicle of expression a metaphor that can illumine many aspects of our foreign language teaching situation, Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are using,in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person's message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip.

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考题 According to your resume, you have had some experience working in a foreign company. May I ask you why you left?

考题 In any major injury to a person,first aid includes the treatment for the injury and ______.A.application of CPRB.removal of any foreign objectsC. administration of oxygenD.for traumatic shock

考题 __________A.at job B.in job C.in work D.at work

考题 Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival(酒宴)in a few days′time,so?they borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town,put it in the village square,and decided that each?of them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it,so that there should be plenty at the?feast(宴会). One of the villagers thought he would be very clever."If I pour a bottle of water in,instead of?wine,no one will notice it,"he said to himself,"because there will be so much excellent wine in the?barrel that?the water will be lost in it." The night of the feast arrived.Everybody gathered in the village square with their bowls and?their glasses for the wine.The tap(塞子)on the barrel was opened,but what came out was pure?water.Everyone in the village had had the same idea. The villagers borrowed a huge barrel in order to__________.A.hold water B.hold wine C.take the place of wine bottle D.empty bottles

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考题 工班()A、workB、jobC、gangD、worker

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考题 You need to resolve the double counting of transactions issue in the existing reports. What should you do?()A、Apply a many-to-many relationship between the Transaction measure group and the Person dimension in the WoodgroveSSAS database.B、Apply a Conditional Split transformation in the Transaction data in the SSIS package.C、Delete the AccountHolder table in the WoodgroveDW database.D、Apply a foreign key relationship between the Person table and the Transaction table in the WoodgroveDW database.

考题 单选题The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in _____ friendly atmosphere.A a mostB mostC veryD the very

考题 单选题The foreign guests said that they were very happy ()the great changes which had taken place in the village.A toB forC aboutD by

考题 问答题His toy is on the bed and hers is on the desk.

考题 问答题Your class has recently had a discussion about learning a foreign language. For homework, your teacher has asked you to write a composition of no fewer than 120 words, giving your opinion about the following statement:  The best way to learn a foreign language is to study it in the country where it is spoken.  Please write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

考题 单选题The unmistakable figure with the moustache most probably represents______.A someone who died in the First World WarB someone who had won the warC an imaginary figureD the most hated person in the war-Hitler

考题 单选题In any major injury to a person,first aid includes the treatment for the injury and().A application of CPRB removal of any foreign objectsC administration of oxygenD for traumatic shock

考题 单选题_____, the new president is more likely to give economic and trade issues priority over foreign policy.A The cold war being overB the cold war had overC With the cold war was overD With the cold war has been over