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A see





更多 “ 20.A seeB.askC.findD.tell ” 相关考题
考题 onlytofind/see什么意思

考题 If you had been have yesterday,you______(see)his father.

考题 If I_____ Peter, I him about the meeting.A. see, will tellB. see, tellC. will see, tell

考题 ()you()Jane last month? B: No, I(). A、*/saw/didn’tB、Did/see/didn’tC、Did/saw/didn’tD、id/see/did

考题 ()that it gets done right awayA、Making suresB、WatchC、Look atD、See

考题 ____(see) from the top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.

考题 4. People can ________ running everywhere. Do you.know what ______ ?A. see; has happenedB. see ; happensC. be seen;is happenedD. be seen;is happening

考题 What a funny time_______ (see) an action movie!

考题 MeSH词表中反映词间等同关系所采用的符号为()A“X”和“XR”B“see”和“XU”C“XR”和“XU”D“see"和“X"

考题 我国邮政编码的最后两位是投递局(区)的编号。20.A对B错