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(d) Advise on any lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planning that could be undertaken in respect of both Stuart and
Rebecca to help reduce the potential inheritance tax (IHT) liability calculated in (c) above. (7 marks)
Relevant retail price index figures are:
May 1994 144·7
April 1998 162·6
更多 “ (d) Advise on any lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planning that could be undertaken in respect of both Stuart andRebecca to help reduce the potential inheritance tax (IHT) liability calculated in (c) above. (7 marks)Relevant retail price index figures are:May 1994 144·7April 1998 162·6 ” 相关考题
(c) Assuming that Stuart:(i) purchased 201,000 shares in Omega plc on 3 December 2005; and(ii) dies on 20 December 2007,calculate the potential inheritance tax (IHT) liability which would arise if Rebecca were to die on 1 March2008, and no further tax planning measures were taken.Assume that all asset values remain unchanged and that the current rates of inheritance tax continue toapply. (6 marks)
(b) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT) implications of Graeme gifting his remaining ‘T’ordinary shares at their current value either:(i) to his wife, Catherine; or(ii) to his son, Barry.Your answer should be supported by relevant calculations and clearly identify the availability and effect ofany reliefs (other than the CGT annual exemption) that might be used to reduce or defer any tax liabilitiesarising. (9 marks)
(ii) State, giving reasons, the tax reliefs in relation to inheritance tax (IHT) and capital gains tax (CGT) whichwould be available to Alasdair if he acquires the warehouse and leases it to Gallus Co, rather than toan unconnected tenant. (4 marks)
(b) (i) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) that will be payable if Debbie were to die today (8 June 2005).Assume that no tax planning measures are taken and that there has been no change in the value of anyof the assets since David’s death. (4 marks)
(ii) State when the inheritance tax (IHT) calculated in (i) would be payable and by whom. (2 marks)
(c) Assuming that she will survive until July 2009, advise on the lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planningmeasures that could be undertaken by Debbie, quantifying the savings that can be made. (7 marks)For this question you should assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout.
(c) State any reliefs Bob could claim regarding the fall in value of his shares in Willis Ltd, and describe how theoperation of any such reliefs could reduce Bob’s taxable income. (4 marks)Relevant retail price index figures are:September 1990 129·3April 1998 162·6December 2004 189·9
(c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculationsof the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)
(b) Mabel has two objectives when making the gifts to Bruce and Padma:(1) To pay no tax on any gift in her lifetime; and(2) To reduce the eventual liability to inheritance tax on her death.Advise Mabel which item to gift to Bruce and to Padma in order to satisfy her objectives. Give reasons foryour advice.Your advice should include a computation of the inheritance tax saved as a result of the two gifts, on theassumption that Mabel dies on 30 June 2011. (10 marks)
(c) Without changing the advice you have given in (b), or varying the terms of Luke’s will, explain how Mabelcould further reduce her eventual inheritance tax liability and quantify the tax saving that could be made.(3 marks)The increase in the retail prices index from April 1984 to April 1998 is 84%.You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.
(ii) Advise Benny of the amount of tax he could save by delaying the sale of the shares by 30 days. For thepurposes of this part, you may assume that the benefit in respect of the furnished flat is £11,800 peryear. (3 marks)
(ii) Compute the annual income tax saving from your recommendation in (i) above as compared with thesituation where Cindy retains both the property and the shares. Identify any other tax implicationsarising from your recommendation. Your answer should consider all relevant taxes. (3 marks)
(c) (i) Compute Gloria’s capital gains tax liability for 2006/07 ignoring any claims or elections available toreduce the liability. (3 marks)
(b) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) liability arising as a result of Christopher’s death. (11 marks)
(ii) Assuming the relief in (i) is available, advise Sharon on the maximum amount of cash she could receiveon incorporation, without triggering a capital gains tax (CGT) liability. (3 marks)
(ii) Calculate Paul’s tax liability if he exercises the share options in Memphis plc and subsequently sells theshares in Memphis plc immediately, as proposed, and show how he may reduce this tax liability.(4 marks)
(c) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) and income tax (IT) issues Paul and Sharon should consider in decidingwhich form. of trust to set up for Gisella and Gavin. You are not required to consider inheritance tax (IHT) orstamp duty land tax (SDLT) issues. (10 marks)You should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(ii) Advise Andrew of the tax implications arising from the disposal of the 7% Government Stock, clearlyidentifying the tax year in which any liability will arise and how it will be paid. (3 marks)
(c) (i) Explain the inheritance tax (IHT) implications and benefits of Alvaro Pelorus varying the terms of hisfather’s will such that part of Ray Pelorus’s estate is left to Vito and Sophie. State the date by which adeed of variation would need to be made in order for it to be valid; (3 marks)
(c) Calculate and explain the amount of income tax relief that Gerard will obtain in respect of the pensioncontributions he proposes to make in the tax year 2007/08 and contrast this with how his position could beimproved by delaying some of the contributions that he could have made in 2007/08 until 2008/09. Youshould include relevant supporting calculations and quantify the additional tax savings arising as a result ofyour advice.You should ignore the proposed changes to the bonus scheme for this part of this question and assume thatGerard’s income will not change in 2008/09. (12 marks)
(c) The inheritance tax payable by Adam in respect of the gift from his aunt. (4 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum andthe effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.
(ii) Explain why Galileo is able to pay the inheritance tax due in instalments, state when the instalments aredue and identify any further issues relevant to Galileo relating to the payments. (3 marks)
(b) Calculate the amount of input tax that will be recovered by Vostok Ltd in respect of the new premises in theyear ending 31 March 2009 and explain, using illustrative calculations, how any additional recoverable inputtax will be calculated in future years. (5 marks)
(b) Given his recent diagnosis, advise Stuart as to which of the two proposed investments (Omikron plc/Omegaplc) would be the more tax efficient alternative. Give reasons for your choice. (3 marks)
(ii) Write a letter to Donald advising him on the most tax efficient manner in which he can relieve the lossincurred in the year to 31 March 2007. Your letter should briefly outline the types of loss relief availableand explain their relative merits in Donald’s situation. Assume that Donald will have no source of incomeother than the business in the year of assessment 2006/07 and that any income he earned on a parttimebasis while at university was always less than his annual personal allowance. (9 marks)Assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year 2004 and the income tax ratesand allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this question.Relevant retail price index figures are:January 1998 159·5April 1998 162·6
James died on 22 January 2015. He had made the following gifts during his lifetime:(1) On 9 October 2007, a cash gift of £35,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift.(2) On 14 May 2013, a cash gift of £420,000 to his daughter.(3) On 2 August 2013, a gift of a property valued at £260,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift because it was covered by the nil rate band. By the time of James’ death on 22 January 2015, the property had increased in value to £310,000.On 22 January 2015, James’ estate was valued at £870,000. Under the terms of his will, James left his entire estate to his children.The nil rate band of James’ wife was fully utilised when she died ten years ago.The nil rate band for the tax year 2007–08 is £300,000, and for the tax year 2013–14 it is £325,000.Required:(a) Calculate the inheritance tax which will be payable as a result of James’ death, and state who will be responsible for paying the tax. (6 marks)(b) Explain why it might have been beneficial for inheritance tax purposes if James had left a portion of his estate to his grandchildren rather than to his children. (2 marks)(c) Explain why it might be advantageous for inheritance tax purposes for a person to make lifetime gifts even when such gifts are made within seven years of death.Notes:1. Your answer should include a calculation of James’ inheritance tax saving from making the gift of property to the trust on 2 August 2013 rather than retaining the property until his death.2. You are not expected to consider lifetime exemptions in this part of the question. (2 marks)
问答题Inheritance tax is a tax which many countries levy on the total taxable value of the estate of a deceased person. Inheritance tax is paid by the inheritor of the estate or by the person in charge of its assets. In most cases, if the estate is left to a charitable organization or a surviving spouse, no inheritance tax is due. In China, inheritance tax does not exist. Should inheritance tax be introduced to China? The controversy that has raged over levying inheritance tax in China currently shows little sign of abating. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Opponents of inheritance tax typically refer to it as “death tax.” They argue first that concern over burdening their children with this tax may lead elderly to make unwise investment decisions late in life, and that it may also discourage entrepreneurship earlier in life. Opponents also claim that morally it should be only the choice of the person who earned the money what should be done with it, not the government. They see taxing wealth at death as a kind of forced income redistribution that goes against the market economy. Proponents of inheritance tax say that it helps prevent consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few powerful families and is a basic building block of the nation’s system of taxation. They also feel that inheriting large sums without tax undermines people’s motives to work hard in the future and, thus, undercuts the principles of the market economy, encouraging people to become idle and unproductive, which hurts the country overall.