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(c) Explain how absolutist (dogmatic) and relativist (pragmatic) ethical assumptions would affect the outcome
of Anne’s decision. (6 marks)
更多 “ (c) Explain how absolutist (dogmatic) and relativist (pragmatic) ethical assumptions would affect the outcomeof Anne’s decision. (6 marks) ” 相关考题
5 Your manager has heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and how it has some relevance to motivational techniques.Required:(a) Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. (10 marks)
(c) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its downstream supply chain to address the problemsidentified in the scenario. (10 marks)
(b) Explain how the process of developing scenarios might help John better understand the macro-environmentalfactors influencing Airtite’s future strategy. (8 marks)
(b) Explain the meaning of Stephanie’s comment: ‘I would like to get risk awareness embedded in the cultureat the Southland factory.’ (5 marks)
(b) Compare and contrast Gray, Owen and Adams’s ‘pristine capitalist’ position with the ‘social contractarian’position. Explain how these positions would affect responses to stakeholder concerns in the new stadiumproject. (8 marks)
(b) Distinguish between strategic and operational risks, and explain why the secrecy option would be a sourceof strategic risk. (10 marks)
(c) Mr Cobar, the chief executive of SHC, has decided to draft two alternative statements to explain both possibleoutcomes of the secrecy/licensing decision to shareholders. Once the board has decided which one to pursue,the relevant draft will be included in a voluntary section of the next corporate annual report.Required:(i) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the secrecy option. It should make a convincingbusiness case and put forward ethical arguments for the secrecy option. The ethical arguments shouldbe made from the stockholder (or pristine capitalist) perspective. (8 marks)(ii) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the licensing option. It should make a convincingbusiness case and put forward ethical arguments for the licensing option. The ethical arguments shouldbe made from the wider stakeholder perspective. (8 marks)(iii) Professional marks for the persuasiveness and logical flow of arguments: two marks per statement.(4 marks)
(ii) Explain the ethical tensions between these roles that Anne is now experiencing. (4 marks)
2 (a) Explain the term ‘backflush accounting’ and the circumstances in which its use would be appropriate.(6 marks)
(c) Identify TWO QUALITATIVE benefits that might arise as a consequence of the investment in a new IT systemand explain how you would attempt to assess them. (4 marks)
(b) Explain how the use of SWOT analysis may be of assistance to the management of Diverse Holdings Plc.(3 marks)
(b) (i) Explain how the use of Ansoff’s product-market matrix might assist the management of Vision plc toreduce the profit-gap that is forecast to exist at 30 November 2009. (3 marks)
(ii) Explain how the existing product range and the actions per Note (3) would feature in Ansoff’sproduct-market matrix. (7 marks)
(b) Explain THREE problems in undertaking a performance comparison of GBC and TTC and also explain THREEitems of additional information that would be of assistance in assessing the operating and financialperformance of GBC and TTC. (6 marks)
(c) Explain how the introduction of an ERPS could impact on the role of management accountants. (5 marks)
(ii) Explain the income tax (IT), national insurance (NIC) and capital gains tax (CGT) implications arising onthe grant to and exercise by an employee of an option to buy shares in an unapproved share optionscheme and on the subsequent sale of these shares. State clearly how these would apply in Henry’scase. (8 marks)
(c) (i) Explain the inheritance tax (IHT) implications and benefits of Alvaro Pelorus varying the terms of hisfather’s will such that part of Ray Pelorus’s estate is left to Vito and Sophie. State the date by which adeed of variation would need to be made in order for it to be valid; (3 marks)
(ii) Explain how the inclusion of rental income in Coral’s UK income tax computation could affect theincome tax due on her dividend income. (2 marks)You are not required to prepare calculations for part (b) of this question.Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year to31 March 2007 will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.
6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the developmentof international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) hasbeen at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,auditing and education.Required:Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered CertifiedAccountants:(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)
6 Certain practices have developed that threaten to damage the integrity and objectivity of professional accountants andthe reputation of the accounting profession.Required:Explain the following practices and associated ethical risks and discuss whether current ethical guidance issufficient:(a) ‘lowballing’; (5 marks)
(b) With reference to CF Co, explain the ethical and other professional issues raised. (9 marks)
(c) Identify and discuss the ethical and professional matters raised at the inventory count of LA Shots Co.(6 marks)
(c) Assess how the fundamental ethical principles of IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants shouldbe applied to the provision of a forensic investigation service. (6 marks)