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(b) Ambush loaned $200,000 to Bromwich on 1 December 2003. The effective and stated interest rate for this

loan was 8 per cent. Interest is payable by Bromwich at the end of each year and the loan is repayable on

30 November 2007. At 30 November 2005, the directors of Ambush have heard that Bromwich is in financial

difficulties and is undergoing a financial reorganisation. The directors feel that it is likely that they will only

receive $100,000 on 30 November 2007 and no future interest payment. Interest for the year ended

30 November 2005 had been received. The financial year end of Ambush is 30 November 2005.


(i) Outline the requirements of IAS 39 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (6 marks)


更多 “ (b) Ambush loaned $200,000 to Bromwich on 1 December 2003. The effective and stated interest rate for thisloan was 8 per cent. Interest is payable by Bromwich at the end of each year and the loan is repayable on30 November 2007. At 30 November 2005, the directors of Ambush have heard that Bromwich is in financialdifficulties and is undergoing a financial reorganisation. The directors feel that it is likely that they will onlyreceive $100,000 on 30 November 2007 and no future interest payment. Interest for the year ended30 November 2005 had been received. The financial year end of Ambush is 30 November 2005.Required:(i) Outline the requirements of IAS 39 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (6 marks) ” 相关考题
考题 23 The capital structure of a company at 30 June 2005 is as follows:$mOrdinary share capital 100Share premium account 40Retained earnings 6010% Loan notes 40The company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2005 showed:$mOperating profit 44Loan note interest (4)___Profit for year 40____What is the company’s return on capital employed?A 40/240 = 162/3 per centB 40/100 = 40 per centC 44/240 = 181/3 per centD 44/200 = 22 per cent

考题 (c) (i) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended30 September 2005 should be submitted, and advise the company of the penalties that will be due ifthe return is not submitted until 31 May 2007. (3 marks)(ii) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005should be paid, and advise the company of the interest that will be due if the liability is not paid until31 May 2007. (3 marks)

考题 Additionally the directors wish to know how the provision for deferred taxation would be calculated in the followingsituations under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’:(i) On 1 November 2003, the company had granted ten million share options worth $40 million subject to a twoyear vesting period. Local tax law allows a tax deduction at the exercise date of the intrinsic value of the options.The intrinsic value of the ten million share options at 31 October 2004 was $16 million and at 31 October 2005was $46 million. The increase in the share price in the year to 31 October 2005 could not be foreseen at31 October 2004. The options were exercised at 31 October 2005. The directors are unsure how to accountfor deferred taxation on this transaction for the years ended 31 October 2004 and 31 October 2005.(ii) Panel is leasing plant under a finance lease over a five year period. The asset was recorded at the present valueof the minimum lease payments of $12 million at the inception of the lease which was 1 November 2004. Theasset is depreciated on a straight line basis over the five years and has no residual value. The annual leasepayments are $3 million payable in arrears on 31 October and the effective interest rate is 8% per annum. Thedirectors have not leased an asset under a finance lease before and are unsure as to its treatment for deferredtaxation. The company can claim a tax deduction for the annual rental payment as the finance lease does notqualify for tax relief.(iii) A wholly owned overseas subsidiary, Pins, a limited liability company, sold goods costing $7 million to Panel on1 September 2005, and these goods had not been sold by Panel before the year end. Panel had paid $9 millionfor these goods. The directors do not understand how this transaction should be dealt with in the financialstatements of the subsidiary and the group for taxation purposes. Pins pays tax locally at 30%.(iv) Nails, a limited liability company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Panel, and is a cash generating unit in its ownright. The value of the property, plant and equipment of Nails at 31 October 2005 was $6 million and purchasedgoodwill was $1 million before any impairment loss. The company had no other assets or liabilities. Animpairment loss of $1·8 million had occurred at 31 October 2005. The tax base of the property, plant andequipment of Nails was $4 million as at 31 October 2005. The directors wish to know how the impairment losswill affect the deferred tax provision for the year. Impairment losses are not an allowable expense for taxationpurposes.Assume a tax rate of 30%.Required:(b) Discuss, with suitable computations, how the situations (i) to (iv) above will impact on the accounting fordeferred tax under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’ in the group financial statements of Panel. (16 marks)(The situations in (i) to (iv) above carry equal marks)

考题 4 Ryder, a public limited company, is reviewing certain events which have occurred since its year end of 31 October2005. The financial statements were authorised on 12 December 2005. The following events are relevant to thefinancial statements for the year ended 31 October 2005:(i) Ryder has a good record of ordinary dividend payments and has adopted a recent strategy of increasing itsdividend per share annually. For the last three years the dividend per share has increased by 5% per annum.On 20 November 2005, the board of directors proposed a dividend of 10c per share for the year ended31 October 2005. The shareholders are expected to approve it at a meeting on 10 January 2006, and adividend amount of $20 million will be paid on 20 February 2006 having been provided for in the financialstatements at 31 October 2005. The directors feel that a provision should be made because a ‘valid expectation’has been created through the company’s dividend record. (3 marks)(ii) Ryder disposed of a wholly owned subsidiary, Krup, a public limited company, on 10 December 2005 and madea loss of $9 million on the transaction in the group financial statements. As at 31 October 2005, Ryder had nointention of selling the subsidiary which was material to the group. The directors of Ryder have stated that therewere no significant events which have occurred since 31 October 2005 which could have resulted in a reductionin the value of Krup. The carrying value of the net assets and purchased goodwill of Krup at 31 October 2005were $20 million and $12 million respectively. Krup had made a loss of $2 million in the period 1 November2005 to 10 December 2005. (5 marks)(iii) Ryder acquired a wholly owned subsidiary, Metalic, a public limited company, on 21 January 2004. Theconsideration payable in respect of the acquisition of Metalic was 2 million ordinary shares of $1 of Ryder plusa further 300,000 ordinary shares if the profit of Metalic exceeded $6 million for the year ended 31 October2005. The profit for the year of Metalic was $7 million and the ordinary shares were issued on 12 November2005. The annual profits of Metalic had averaged $7 million over the last few years and, therefore, Ryder hadincluded an estimate of the contingent consideration in the cost of the acquisition at 21 January 2004. The fairvalue used for the ordinary shares of Ryder at this date including the contingent consideration was $10 per share.The fair value of the ordinary shares on 12 November 2005 was $11 per share. Ryder also made a one for fourbonus issue on 13 November 2005 which was applicable to the contingent shares issued. The directors areunsure of the impact of the above on earnings per share and the accounting for the acquisition. (7 marks)(iv) The company acquired a property on 1 November 2004 which it intended to sell. The property was obtainedas a result of a default on a loan agreement by a third party and was valued at $20 million on that date foraccounting purposes which exactly offset the defaulted loan. The property is in a state of disrepair and Ryderintends to complete the repairs before it sells the property. The repairs were completed on 30 November 2005.The property was sold after costs for $27 million on 9 December 2005. The property was classified as ‘held forsale’ at the year end under IFRS5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’ but shown atthe net sale proceeds of $27 million. Property is depreciated at 5% per annum on the straight-line basis and nodepreciation has been charged in the year. (5 marks)(v) The company granted share appreciation rights (SARs) to its employees on 1 November 2003 based on tenmillion shares. The SARs provide employees at the date the rights are exercised with the right to receive cashequal to the appreciation in the company’s share price since the grant date. The rights vested on 31 October2005 and payment was made on schedule on 1 December 2005. The fair value of the SARs per share at31 October 2004 was $6, at 31 October 2005 was $8 and at 1 December 2005 was $9. The company hasrecognised a liability for the SARs as at 31 October 2004 based upon IFRS2 ‘Share-based Payment’ but theliability was stated at the same amount at 31 October 2005. (5 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatment of the above events in the financial statements of the Ryder Group for the yearended 31 October 2005, taking into account the implications of events occurring after the balance sheet date.(The mark allocations are set out after each paragraph above.)(25 marks)

考题 (ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements ofAmbush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)

考题 (c) Issue of bondThe club proposes to issue a 7% bond with a face value of $50 million on 1 January 2007 at a discount of 5%that will be secured on income from future ticket sales and corporate hospitality receipts, which are approximately$20 million per annum. Under the agreement the club cannot use the first $6 million received from corporatehospitality sales and reserved tickets (season tickets) as this will be used to repay the bond. The money from thebond will be used to pay for ground improvements and to pay the wages of players.The bond will be repayable, both capital and interest, over 15 years with the first payment of $6 million due on31 December 2007. It has an effective interest rate of 7·7%. There will be no active market for the bond andthe company does not wish to use valuation models to value the bond. (6 marks)Required:Discuss how the above proposals would be dealt with in the financial statements of Seejoy for the year ending31 December 2007, setting out their accounting treatment and appropriateness in helping the football club’scash flow problems.(Candidates do not need knowledge of the football finance sector to answer this question.)

考题 (d) Sirus raised a loan with a bank of $2 million on 1 May 2007. The market interest rate of 8% per annum is tobe paid annually in arrears and the principal is to be repaid in 10 years time. The terms of the loan allow Sirusto redeem the loan after seven years by paying the full amount of the interest to be charged over the ten yearperiod, plus a penalty of $200,000 and the principal of $2 million. The effective interest rate of the repaymentoption is 9·1%. The directors of Sirus are currently restructuring the funding of the company and are in initialdiscussions with the bank about the possibility of repaying the loan within the next financial year. Sirus isuncertain about the accounting treatment for the current loan agreement and whether the loan can be shown asa current liability because of the discussions with the bank. (6 marks)Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and quality of discussion (2 marks)Required:Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment ofthe above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the yearended 30 April 2008.

考题 (b) Calculate the percentage of maximum capacity at which the zoo will break even during the year ending30 November 2007. You should assume that 50% of the revenue from sales of ticket type ZC is attributableto the zoo. (7 marks)

考题 (d) The management of Wonderland plc have become concerned about the increased level of operating costsassociated with its petrol-driven ferries and have made a strategic decision to dispose of these. They are nowconsidering entering into a contract with the Newman Steamship Company (NSC), a shipping organisation basedin Robynland. The contract would entail NSC providing transport to and from Cinola Island for all visitors to thezoo and circus.As a result of negotiations with NSC, the directors of Wonderland plc are considering two options whereby NSCwill become responsible for the transportation of visitors to and from Cinola Island with effect from 1 December2007 or 1 December 2008.Additional information is available as follows:(1) NSC would require Wonderland plc to pay for the necessary modifications to their steamships in order thatthey would satisfy marine regulations with regard to passenger transportation. The only firm which couldundertake this work is currently working to full capacity and would require a payment of £2,450,000 inorder to undertake the work necessary so that the ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2007. Thesame firm would require a payment of £1,725,000 in order to make the necessary modifications so thatthe ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2008. The government of Robynland would be willing topay a grant of 8% towards the cost of getting the ferries into operation by 1 December 2007, but would notbe willing to pay a grant in respect of any later date.(2) On 1 December 2002 Wonderland plc paid £500,000 to the Port Licencing Authority of Robynland. Thispayment was for a licence which entitles Wonderland plc to use all harbour facilities in Robynland duringthe five-year period ending 30 November 2007. The licence could be renewed on 1 December 2007 at acost of £150,000 per annum.(3) Redundancy payments would need to be paid in respect of loss of employment. These would amount to£1,200,000 if the contract with NSC commenced on 1 December 2007. This amount would reduce to£750,000 if the contract commenced on 1 December 2008.(4) Wonderland plc has a contract for the provision of petrol for its ferries which is due to expire on 30 November2008. Early termination of the contract would incur a penalty charge of £76,000. An emergency reservestock of petrol held by Wonderland plc, which cannot be used after 30 November 2007 due to marineregulations regarding the age of fuel, could be sold for £55,000 on 1 December 2007 but not on any datethereafter.(5) The ferries could be sold for £3,300,000 on 1 December 2007. If retained after 1 December 2007 theferries would require servicing during the year ending 30 November 2008 which would incur costsamounting to £150,000. The resale value of the ferries on 1 December 2008 would be £2,900,000.(6) Stock of consumable items which originally cost £150,000 could be sold on 1 December 2007 for£110,000 and on 1 December 2008 for £50,000.Required:(i) On purely financial grounds, advise whether the management of Wonderland plc should enter into acontract with NSC with effect from 1 December 2007 or 1 December 2008. You may ignore the timevalue of money. (9 marks)

考题 (ii) Describe the procedures to verify the number of serious accidents in the year ended 30 November 2007.(4 marks)

考题 单句理解听力原文:For one full year when the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest yield the same dollar amount.(1)A.If the time period of the loan is one year, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.B.If the time period of the loan is the same, the simple interest and compound interest are the same.C.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are of the same dollar amount.D.When the full principal plus interest is paid together, compound interest and simple interest are not of the same dollar amount.

考题 Usually the borrowing firm of term loans promises to repay ______.A.the principal and interest until the end of the loan periodB.the principal and interest at the end of the loan periodC.the loan in a series of installmentsD.at any time when cash is more abundant ______.

考题 听力原文: Some banks offer other types of loans repayable by monthly installments, such as business development loans, house improvement loans, and farm development loans. These may be either secured or unsecured. Secured loans attract a slightly lower rate of interest than unsecured loans. Some banks offer revolving credit schemes. These normally involve loans repayable by regular monthly installments, but they differ from other loans repayable by installments in two respects. First, the borrower need not take up the full amount of the loan at the outset. Secondly, as his repayments reduce his indebtedness, he can "top up" his loan by borrowing more, provided that the total debt outstanding does not exceed his agreed credit limit. In 1967 some banks introduced a new form. of account called a "budget account". The object is to allow personal customers to spread the incidence of normal personal and household expenditure.24. Which of the following loans is not repaid by installments?25.Which of the following loans would attract a lower rate of interest?26.How does a borrower "top up" his loan?27.What is the objective of introduction of the budget account?(24)A.Business development loans.B.House improvement loans.C.Farm development loans.D.Overdrafts.

考题 Why did the dollar rally at the beginning of the year?A.It was the beginning of the year.B.Traders' sentiment was changing greatly.C.People thought that the US economy would recover and German interest rate would ease soon.D.The present US-German interest rate differential would be unlikely to narrow.

考题 Meeting NoticeTo: All salesmenSubject: The Year-end Sales Meeting From: Tracy, SecretaryThe last sales meeting for 2018 will be 1) _______ on Monday, December 17th 9:00 a.m. 2) _______ 3:00 p.m. at the Head Office.Lunch will be 3) ________.The 4) _________ will be mailed by the end of November.If you have any items to be included, please forward them to me by November 20th. If you are unable to 5) ________, please call 63419403, not later than November 30th.Thank you.

考题 单句理解听力原文:Interest rate risk refers to the exposure of a bank's financial condition to adverse movements in interest rates.(1)A.Bank's financial condition is the cause of interest rate risk.B.Bank's financial condition has impact on interest rate risk.C.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate moves against the bank's financial condition.D.Interest rate risk occurs when interest rate favours the bank's financial condition.

考题 The statements concerning nominal and real interest rate are true except that ______.A.the nominal interest rate is the growth rate of your moneyB.the real interest rate is the growth rate of your purchasing powerC.the nominal rate is the real interest rate deducted by the rate of inflationD.all of the above statements

考题 The rate of interest paid on a bank loan will depend () your firm’s standing with the bank and may be 2 per cent or 3 percent.A、ofB、uponC、forD、in

考题 The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the (). A.market rateB.effective rateC.discount rateD.contract rate

考题 The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.(41)A.receivesB.getsC.chargesD.pays

考题 (a) The following figures have been calculated from the financial statements (including comparatives) of Barstead forthe year ended 30 September 2009:increase in profit after taxation 80%increase in (basic) earnings per share 5%increase in diluted earnings per share 2%Required:Explain why the three measures of earnings (profit) growth for the same company over the same period cangive apparently differing impressions. (4 marks)(b) The profit after tax for Barstead for the year ended 30 September 2009 was $15 million. At 1 October 2008 the company had in issue 36 million equity shares and a $10 million 8% convertible loan note. The loan note will mature in 2010 and will be redeemed at par or converted to equity shares on the basis of 25 shares for each $100 of loan note at the loan-note holders’ option. On 1 January 2009 Barstead made a fully subscribed rights issue of one new share for every four shares held at a price of $2·80 each. The market price of the equity shares of Barstead immediately before the issue was $3·80. The earnings per share (EPS) reported for the year ended 30 September 2008 was 35 cents.Barstead’s income tax rate is 25%.Required:Calculate the (basic) EPS figure for Barstead (including comparatives) and the diluted EPS (comparatives not required) that would be disclosed for the year ended 30 September 2009. (6 marks)

考题 The2010WorldExpoinShanghaiwillendon_________.A.September30B.October31C.November30D.December31

考题 November 1st, 2006 STMP Capital 058 Rue du Chateau des Rentiers Paris, FRA 75014 To: Melanie Marie Bourgeois and Jessica Lee Lariviere: We wish to remind you that you are presently bound to a lease from December 1st 2005 to November 30th 2006 We are informing you that for the period of prolongation of your lease, from December 1st, 2006 to November 30th 2007, our rent will be increased to $825 monthly. All other conditions of your lease will remain the same.You are hereby notified that you have one month following receipt of the present notice to respond. Sincerely, Sandro Milano STMP Capital When is the current lease over?A. November 1st, 2006 B. November 1st, 2007 C. December 1st, 2006 D. November 30th, 2006

考题 John, CPA, is auditing the financial statements of ABC Bank Co.for the year ended December 31,20×8. The following information is available: (a)John assessed the risk of material misstatements in short-term loan account at 80% and plans to limit to 10% the risk of failing to detect misstatements in the account equal to the tolerable error assigned to the account. (b) John is testing the operating effectiveness of the loan approval procedure(a control activ- ity) related to granting loans. In 20×8,ABC Bank granted to 10 000 loans in total. John deter- mined that the acceptable risk of assessing control risk too low is 10%. He selected a sample made up of 60 sampling units and tested without any deviation found. Some Poisson Risk Factors(Relia- bility Factors) are reprinted as follows: (c) John is using the Ratio Estimation Variable Sampling method to test the long-term loan balance at December 31, 20×8. The total recorded balance is RMB¥300 billion , made up of 4 000 items. John designed a sample made up of 200 items . The book value of the sample is RMB¥16. 5 billion. However, the audited value is RMB¥15. 6 billion. (d) John is performing substantive procedures on interest income from short-term loan. The average annual market interest rate for short-term loan is 5 percent. The audited short-term loan balances of ABC Bank Co. at the end of each month in 20×8 are as follows: Required : (1) Based on (a) , calculate the acceptable detection risk. (2) Based on (b) , calculate the upper limit of population deviation rate. (3) Based on (c), make a point estimate of the misstatement in the population. Sampling error need not to be considered. (4) Based on (d) , develop the expected result of interest income from short-term loan. (5) Assume that after the tests mentioned in (d) , John found that the interest income from short-term loan was understated by RMB¥0. 05billion. Prepare the adjusting entry.

考题 资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs. Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date. Minimum Amount: Easy to Start The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000 Other Features: 1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000 2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts Additional Deposits: Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits. Early Withdrawal: Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal. The CD’s annual percentage yield is ( ) annual interest rate.A.more than B.less than C.the same as D.not comparable with

考题 资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs. Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date. Minimum Amount: Easy to Start The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000 Other Features: 1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000 2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts Additional Deposits: Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits. Early Withdrawal: Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal. For deposit running for more than 30 days, early withdrawal may be ( ), ( ) penalty or charge. A.allowed, without B.banned, with C.allowed, with D.banned, without

考题 资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors. Bank of India CDs are safe, FDIC insured therefore, annual percentage yield is same as annual interest rate. The interest is payable on the day of maturity of deposit. Interest paid during the year is reported to Internal Revenue Services. For today’s rates please refer to Current Rates of Interest on STAR CDs. Maturity Period: Flexible to your needs You may choose any maturity date with a minimum period of 7 days to a maximum period of 1 year to suit your needs. Your CD is automatically renewed for the same period in absence of any other instruction, at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal. There is no grace period for automatic renewal of deposits on maturity. For deposits issued for 1 year or more, we send maturity notices to the depositors 2 to 4 weeks before the due date. Minimum Amount: Easy to Start The minimum amount accepted is USD 2000 Other Features: 1.FDIC Insurance Up to $100,000 2.Facility to Open Joint & Corporate Accounts Additional Deposits: Additional amounts deposited into an account will be treated as fresh deposits & separate certificates of deposits will be issued for such deposits. Early Withdrawal: Withdrawal of deposit before its date of maturity may be allowed at bank’s discretion. In that event, interest will be paid at the rate applicable for the period for which the deposit remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower, as prevailing on the date of deposit, less one percent. However, no interest shall be paid on the deposit which runs for less than 30 days. There is no other penalty or charge on early withdrawal. Bank of India CDs are safe because ( )A.CD is a safe instrument. B.Bank of India is safe. C.CD is insured D.All of the above